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Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock - Disappointing 5th Anniversary Birthday Gift


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I was so excited to have a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock as a gift for my 5th anniversary. Only to open it and receive an Iris Blush uncommon dye! I guess I should have read the fine print there. I never made it a priority to buy all the dyes. But dang, a dye worth a whole 19 silver for my birthday? Wow.


Just wanted to express my frustrations. The cutoff on dyes should at the very least be Rares in the Wardrobe Unlock. Or remove dyes completely. What a letdown. Obviously, I went purchased all the cheap dyes I was missing.


Anyone else get disappointing wardrobe unlocks in the past?

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The guaranteed wardrobe unlocks include almost every skin, dye, outfit, glider etc. in the game. The exceptions are mostly ones from achievements and legendaries (for example it doesn't include luminescent armour).


Which means unless you've collected _a lot_ of stuff already there's a high chance you'll get something disappointing.


Or you can do what I did and go out of your way to get as many of the cheap/easy to obtain skins, dyes etc. as possible before using any wardrobe unlocks and then get cool/valuable skins you'll probably never use because they don't suit your characters or are weapon types you don't tend to use.


I'm not complaining - I got all of them for free so it's not like I'm owed anything, but it is disappointing when I know I could equally have got something I'll use all the time.


It's especially annoying that, at least for now, the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock is the **only** way to get the Mini Mushroom Stomper, and the way things are going I'm going to either need a lot of wardrobe unlocks or to spend a lot of gold on things I don't want in order to get it.

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Once the guaranteed wardrobe unlocks became available, I made a point to start buying up all the items that it can unlock which were below a certain value, or crafting the ones that are easy to make. This includes a lot weapon and armor skins, but also dyes and miniatures. At this point, if I use a guaranteed wardrobe unlock, it should at a minimum unlock either a skin that can't be unlocked any other way, or something that is worth at least 10g. The last two I've used have unlocked a dye and a skin which were worth 30g and 70g respectively. If you get one of these and want to maximize its value, you can try to do something similar.

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> @Beatnic.6475 said:

> Yeah, now that I know it includes almost everything, I'll be making a point of getting all the more easily accessible items. Though including minis, that's a long list.


Woah, that is a long list! Somehow even though I have most of them (and try to use all the ones I have at least occasionally) I sometimes forget just how many minis there are in this game.


Maybe if you're just trying to make sure you get good value from the Wardrobe Unlocks it could be a good idea to set a flat-rate for all items. So for example you buy all skins/dyes/minis/etc. that cost less than 5g but none that cost more. Then if you get something from the unlock you'll know it's worth something, but you don't have to unlock everything on the TP.

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> @Beatnic.6475 said:

> Anyone else get disappointing wardrobe unlocks in the past?


Yes, which is why I then went to unlock all the cheap skins from the Trading Post that I hadn't acquired before due to a lack of interest in them. You need to preview the possible unlocks and then see which low value items you can unlock from the Trading Post, so you won't waste the Wardrobe Unlock.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> Maybe if you're just trying to make sure you get good value from the Wardrobe Unlocks it could be a good idea to set a flat-rate for all items. So for example you buy all skins/dyes/minis/etc. that cost less than 5g but none that cost more. Then if you get something from the unlock you'll know it's worth something, but you don't have to unlock everything on the TP.


That's exactly what I did. My limit was 2G at first and then I keep adding to it when I think of it. A mini here, a dye there.


The only unlocks I am not looking forward to are the mini humans (beasts are ok), mail carriers and finishers. Don't want any of that, but at least it would be one more thing ticked off the list. Not that wardrobe unlocks drop much, but when they do it's exciting.

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I love the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock! I hardly ever can afford to buy gemstore stuff so it's a fun way for me to get some cool stuff.

That said, I do have all the droppable dyes unlocked so any dye I get is cash shop.

What I was disappointed with in the 5th birthday gift was the Experience Scroll (lvl 50). What would a five-year player need that for??

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I agree with the above poster about the level 50 experience scroll. As someone who has been playing for 5 years I have over 6 stacks of Tomes of knowledge, numerous level 20, 30 and 40 experience scrolls (I have over 20 characters so that's a lot of birthday presents). Why would a veteran player need a level 50 scroll??? I can't wait for next years level 60 scrolls .... NOT!!


Come on anet, I don't want to be ungrateful but leveling up scrolls are really unnecessary for veteran players.

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You can right-click the guaranteed wardrobe unlock to see a list of the unlocks available to you. Beware though, the list is long ;) .


I guess you can compare the unlock to the minis you get as birthday presents in GW1. There's always the chance for something cool, but at the same time also for something not-so-cool.


Personally I enjoy the birthday gifts very much. I think ANet is doing a pretty good job at giving something for everyone. Some people aren't keen on experience scrolls, while others love them. I know several players who have played since beta but are mostly into content that doesn't give tomes. They love those scrolls for they are regularly starting new characters.


Whether it's wardrobe unlock, dye kit or experience scroll, I'm sure you'll find people underwhelmed by each of these. But there's something for (almost) everyone in the mix, and if not, it's a gift. Be happy you get one (or five or however many characters you have).

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> @Kalendraf.9521 said:

> Once the guaranteed wardrobe unlocks became available, I made a point to start buying up all the items that it can unlock which were below a certain value, or crafting the ones that are easy to make.


I had most of the basic skins unlocked by the time they'd released the wardrobe unlocks, but when these came out I made sure to snap up the last few cheapo items. Being able to preview the unlock made it easier to get them all too!


I got a Chak Mace for the 5th bday unlock, but previously I received a Fused Greatsword through one, so I consider it a profit in any case xD


EDIT: I totally agree with the disappointment in the level 50 scrolls. I personally have 49 characters, and not all of them are level 80 yet, so I can get some use out of them. But there's a lot of people who don't want more characters than they have, and it's completely useless to them (unless you want to farm a key once a week). I hope they don't have a level 60 scroll next year. But who knows? Maybe on the 8th year bday we'll all get insta-80 boosts. Yay -.-

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> @Spiral.3724 said:

> I love the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock! I hardly ever can afford to buy gemstore stuff so it's a fun way for me to get some cool stuff.

> That said, I do have all the droppable dyes unlocked so any dye I get is cash shop.

> What I was disappointed with in the 5th birthday gift was the Experience Scroll (lvl 50). What would a five-year player need that for??


Am I the only one who loves all those scrolls? I use them to level my other classes that I don't play that much.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @Spiral.3724 said:

> > I love the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock! I hardly ever can afford to buy gemstore stuff so it's a fun way for me to get some cool stuff.

> > That said, I do have all the droppable dyes unlocked so any dye I get is cash shop.

> > What I was disappointed with in the 5th birthday gift was the Experience Scroll (lvl 50). What would a five-year player need that for??


> Am I the only one who loves all those scrolls? I use them to level my other classes that I don't play that much.


I like them too. I don't use them on my permanent characters because I want to actually play those fully, but I make a lot of temporary alts for different reasons and being able to skip ahead to a certain level is useful.


If nothing else you can use them for key runners (you can even get a 2nd key from the 1st level 40 storyline, it doesn't take that long to get through level 20 and 30 and you get some other useful stuff along the way - e.g. level up rewards are now one of the only places to get karma boosters).

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > > @Spiral.3724 said:

> > > I love the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock! I hardly ever can afford to buy gemstore stuff so it's a fun way for me to get some cool stuff.

> > > That said, I do have all the droppable dyes unlocked so any dye I get is cash shop.

> > > What I was disappointed with in the 5th birthday gift was the Experience Scroll (lvl 50). What would a five-year player need that for??

> >

> > Am I the only one who loves all those scrolls? I use them to level my other classes that I don't play that much.


> I like them too. I don't use them on my permanent characters because I want to actually play those fully, but I make a lot of temporary alts for different reasons and being able to skip ahead to a certain level is useful.


> If nothing else you can use them for key runners (you can even get a 2nd key from the 1st level 40 storyline, it doesn't take that long to get through level 20 and 30 and you get some other useful stuff along the way - e.g. level up rewards are now one of the only places to get karma boosters).


Obtain 52 characters.

Mooch birthday

Have enough level scrolls forevverrrrrr.

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[There are sites like this one that lets you see what items you can get cheaper.](http://immortius.net.au/guaranteed-wardrobe-unlock/#browse "There are sites like these that lets you see what items you can get cheaper.")


This way you can save the guaranteed wardrobe unlocks in the bank until you've gotten everything reasonably cheap from the list. Then use them to get something expensive.

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Regarding the instant level 50/40/30/20 scrolls, the best use I've found for those is keyfarming. With the level 40 versions from last year, it was easy to complete the story portions to obtain the 1st 2 black lion keys on each keyfarming toon. With the level 50's it might be easier to do the 3rd key as well, though that tends to be a lot more PS content to reach that one.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> [There are sites like this one that lets you see what items you can get cheaper.](http://immortius.net.au/guaranteed-wardrobe-unlock/#browse "There are sites like these that lets you see what items you can get cheaper.")


> This way you can save the guaranteed wardrobe unlocks in the bank until you've gotten everything reasonably cheap from the list. Then use them to get something expensive.


That's a nifty tool. Using it, I found a few more cheap skins I can unlock.

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The first wardrobe unlock i got several months ago and it only amounted to a dredge weapon. The one from the 5th birthday is still sitting in my bank until I can unlock more items to narrow down what I MIGHT receive. Fool me once AN shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Its a mediocre present but at least it was free.

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