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Buy Skyscale Mount Skin Shimmerwing / Locked Skyscale

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It was my favorite 'quest', so far, in the game. And totally, totally, worth it. The Skyscale is invaluable, to me, in completing other 'quests/collections/content'. I started with no map currencies other than Trade Contracts; it took me 3 weeks to complete the entire collection for the Skyscale.


I hope ArenaNet institutes more content like this in the future.


Good luck.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> To OP. The skyscale is worth the work involved. It's a long quest, took me 3-4 weeks to get it. But I almsot only use the skyscale.

> Just work on it bit by bit, you'll get there and when you're done, you'll forget how much you didn't enjoy the journey as you have fun flying to those hard to reach places.


Agreeing with this particular comment.


I was one of the rushers, got my skyscale with the first or second wave of rushing players who got it a day or two after all the achievements cane out/got it as the achievements came out. It was WILD. Had to wait everyday for wikia to update/Gorrik's male/praying that slightly faster completionists had put up nice collection guides already. And yes, it was tedious and a lot of work. But I see no reason to complain.


As many people in this thread have stated (and in other threads), players have enjoyed this collection, and I agree. Yes, some parts were tedious but other parts are wonderful if you slow down a little. And if you're rushing, no one's forcing you to rush but yourself. That is your own decision.


Also, Skyscale was absplutely worth the work. I've been using Skyscale the most since I got my hands on the mount and all the exploration, flying, and curiosity about the maps has made me conpletely forget about the agony I felt from rushing the collections.



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The whole quest was a pain in the ass..."oh first search for skyscales...now, for their scales...now the eggs..." we did 3 times the same thing with a diferent name...and 250 cost of every map currency, Jesus, thank God for Dragon Bash....scavanges hunts are okay, but this was just overkill, they need to look at Caladbolg quest and try to use that as example for the next quests...took me 2 months to complete it, cause I got so bored and tired from it that I just couldnt play the game anymore lol

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> it would be worth it if there were actual quests involved and a story behind it, the skyscale stuff makes unlocking a race in WoW a beautiful experience and that's from someone who completely and utterly hates pointless grind.


It did have a story behind it, but that could be easily missed rushing around simply following guides. The skyscales are a new creature, pulled from the mists, and created as adults already. This apparently made them sick, so Gorrik, who was researching them, tried to make medicine to treat them. Then he found out they weren't sick, but aging rapidly and were going to die off, so we collected eggs and had to find a way to hatch them. Little squirt was a typical young creature and ran off, so we had to find it. Really, the only part I really disliked was the saddle part. We helped save the world, aside from helping all these people before, and they want to ream us for some cloth, leather, SANDPAPER for crying out loud. Bunch of jerks. lol

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > it would be worth it if there were actual quests involved and a story behind it, the skyscale stuff makes unlocking a race in WoW a beautiful experience and that's from someone who completely and utterly hates pointless grind.

> at

> It did have a story behind it, but that could be easily missed rushing around simply following guides. The skyscales are a new creature, pulled from the mists, and created as adults already. This apparently made them sick, so Gorrik, who was researching them, tried to make medicine to treat them. Then he found out they weren't sick, but aging rapidly and were going to die off, so we collected eggs and had to find a way to hatch them. Little squirt was a typical young creature and ran off, so we had to find it. Really, the only part I really disliked was the saddle part. We helped save the world, aside from helping all these people before, and they want to ream us for some cloth, leather, SANDPAPER for crying out loud. Bunch of jerks. lol


and how is anyone gonna know this from a bunch of boring achievements?

also, i didn't even start doing this because, as i said, i absolutely hate pointless grind which this skyscale stuff is

if it had a story behind it like WoW race unlocks and no huge grind behind it i would love to do it, as it is there isn't a single hair on my body that even thinks of doing this chore.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > it would be worth it if there were actual quests involved and a story behind it, the skyscale stuff makes unlocking a race in WoW a beautiful experience and that's from someone who completely and utterly hates pointless grind.

> > at

> > It did have a story behind it, but that could be easily missed rushing around simply following guides. The skyscales are a new creature, pulled from the mists, and created as adults already. This apparently made them sick, so Gorrik, who was researching them, tried to make medicine to treat them. Then he found out they weren't sick, but aging rapidly and were going to die off, so we collected eggs and had to find a way to hatch them. Little squirt was a typical young creature and ran off, so we had to find it. Really, the only part I really disliked was the saddle part. We helped save the world, aside from helping all these people before, and they want to ream us for some cloth, leather, SANDPAPER for crying out loud. Bunch of jerks. lol


> and how is anyone gonna know this from a bunch of boring achievements?

> also, i didn't even start doing this because, as i said, i absolutely hate pointless grind which this skyscale stuff is

> if it had a story behind it like WoW race unlocks and no huge grind behind it i would love to do it, as it is there isn't a single hair on my body that even thinks of doing this chore.


The _start_ of the process of unlocking the skyscale is completing the War Eternal story and receiving mail from Gorrik which says "Commander! Please return to Dragonfall with all possible haste. Something strange is going on with the skyscales and I need your assistance. The necessary measures will involve getting close to the beasts, and...well, my attempts to do so have resulted in rather painful wounds. You forged a rapport with them, so you are uniquely qualified for the endevor. Please hurry back to Dragonfall." The first collection doesn't unlock until you speak to Gorrik, and click through all the dialogue explaining what's wrong with them and what he wants you to do to investigate it.


Meaning you get introduced to the story aspect of the skyscale collections _before_ you even unlock the first collection.


Of course if you've decided it's going to be boring and you don't want to do it before even reading the mail there's no way to find that out, but I imagine players who are interested in the story will at least speak to Gorrik and unlock the first collection before deciding whether or not they want to proceed with it.

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Busy work at his best, if more mounts came on a future expansion in the same way as a skyscale, I won't bother, it's just terrible game design, farming 250 for each map currency, find 20+ things scattered all around the world for the stupidest reason, no thanks.


after all that none sense I have no motivation or interest in unlocking griffon or any other future mount.


is not fun, not entertaining, is tedious and boring, period.


Im very into the lore of the game, I cry several times throughout the story, but screw this skyscale mount, the lore explanation is weak at best, at the end of LWS4 I ended liking Gorrik a lot, at the end of this nonsense mount, I just want to kill Gorrik, just awful.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > it would be worth it if there were actual quests involved and a story behind it, the skyscale stuff makes unlocking a race in WoW a beautiful experience and that's from someone who completely and utterly hates pointless grind.

> > at

> > It did have a story behind it, but that could be easily missed rushing around simply following guides. The skyscales are a new creature, pulled from the mists, and created as adults already. This apparently made them sick, so Gorrik, who was researching them, tried to make medicine to treat them. Then he found out they weren't sick, but aging rapidly and were going to die off, so we collected eggs and had to find a way to hatch them. Little squirt was a typical young creature and ran off, so we had to find it. Really, the only part I really disliked was the saddle part. We helped save the world, aside from helping all these people before, and they want to ream us for some cloth, leather, SANDPAPER for crying out loud. Bunch of jerks. lol


> and how is anyone gonna know this from a bunch of boring achievements?

> also, i didn't even start doing this because, as i said, i absolutely hate pointless grind which this skyscale stuff is

> if it had a story behind it like WoW race unlocks and no huge grind behind it i would love to do it, as it is there isn't a single hair on my body that even thinks of doing this chore.


Seriously? You are complaining how horrible the grind is and how there is no story involved and you haven't even started it? Every bit of that story is told while actually doing collections and such. You are not only being told the story, you are participating in it.

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