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Could this game work as a 2.5D game?

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Just wondered and thought it might be a fun idea to see a fixed camera perspective as a 2D game in GW2 I think all of the mechanics are here like jump etc and maybe they could use the big maps to set a fixed perspective destination or an instance I'm kinda surprised it has not been attempted before what do you guys think?

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GW2 gameplay is inheritly 3D.

Jumping Puzzles. Climbing. Attacking from up high. Mounts that move faster going downhill


And now we have mounts that make vertical travel "easy". Given how smoothly those work in the original core Tyria zones that really speaks to how complete the 3D world is.


Camera control separate from moving takes getting used to, but once you're used to it. Awesome.

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How many such games have you played?


What benefit would it provide bring to GW2? No it does not provide a new perspective since a fully 3D game already allows people to experience the game from literally every perspective. See all the complaints about visual effects clutter? How about sticking an entire wall in your face? Some games have solved that by automatically culling the wall or showing character outlines behind the wall but that would require game engine updates. If they are going to be making game engine updates is this really the best use of resources?

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2.5D can mean a whole lot of different things: 2D with 3D graphics, 2D with parallax, isometric (or other similar types of projection), 3D with 2D sprites, 3D game world with player movement restricted to 2D, and probably some other things as well. Which one are we talking about here?


Obviously there are things currently in the game that require 3 dimensions and wouldn't work in 2.5D, but if I'm understanding correctly, the OP is proposing a new game within the game. I don't think that's likely to happen, given how marmitey SAB is - especially if that game is wildly different from GW2 (which it would have to be if it's 2.5D).


If it helps, [Rytlock's Critter Rampage](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/rytlocks-critter-rampage/ "Rytlock's Critter Rampage") has a very basic implementation of 2.5D (i.e. it's 2D with a parallaxing background). Also, I came across this indie game, Rocketboat, which is 2.5D and looks [almost](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/702160/ss_fad6e225cf6c72caac4dc24454e787554388d83a.1920x1080.jpg?t=1524692161 "almost") [identical](http://www.rocketboatgame.com/img/og-rocketboat-the-game.png "identical") to SAB!

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