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Ha ha ... regarding the Defender of Ascalon: I guess it would be a waste not to do the last level ... now that I'm level 19 and about 9.8k experienc only left to level 20 - and having green (charr) bags and equipment pack for 50 iris flowers. Will probably take me less than 10 days since I get still a bit experience from killing in the quests besides the 1k per daily. :D I'll think about pets and stuff much later. Once level 20 first going slowly (without worrying too much about HoM/titles) through the campaign trying to exerience the lore/story a bit.


But thanks for the offer on pets and the advice about Kamadan and trading.


Edit: I also was a bit stupid ... using monk as main class. Ele as secondary which was not too bad - for more damage as monk. But survivability (I guess because of weak armor as monk) is bad in pre-searing ... especially as a player not experienced to the different combat (no fighting, gets boring I get tired and less concentration). I guess with henchman and adding some other classes to the party monk might be more enjoyable then.

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I was on my 3rd God walking, got my Hall maxed, waited till GW2.

Still consider it to be a better achievement than anything I did in GW2 and my main proudly displays that fact.

I was lucky enough to have an insane Guild that cheered me on.

Loved the fact it came up you had the title in game and people would congratulate you.

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> @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> Please don't do the Defender of Ascalon if you just got GW1. It's the stupidest (sorry) title in whole GW1 and probably only something for someone who plays GW1 as his only game, did all in GW1 that exists and is really, really totally bored. Honestly, I made 50 points in the HOM and 46 titles on display in the Hall of Monuments where only 40 are required for full points, but I never bothered to even start that title. It's in no way a requirement for anything. On the other hand, party animal is much more easy to obtain. There is still something like trading in Kamadan. Why don't you just start out of the tutorial and play GW1 as it is meant to play? It's really fun this way. You always have the choice to create a new character some time in the future and do the title later.


> By the way, in case you or anyone else needs or wants some minipets for the Hall of Monuments, just ask - so many of them accumulated in the past years, I would be glad to give them away (for free of course).


Defender of Ascalon is very easy to get by just doing the dailies or simply grinding it. Unfortunately the only way to get it is to have the character you’re playing start in Prophecies and then get it before you leave.

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Going as monk is not the worst choice for GW1 in general, since monk is one of the essential classes. This depends on the company, though. Playing a healing monk in a group of fellow human friends is terrific. Playing solo with henchmen or heroes, monk is not the best choice, since as healing monk you generally don't attack and will not call enemies, while your henchmen are not the best in choosing their enemies on their own. And as smiting monk you attack and call enemies, but smiting monk isn't the best damage output.

For solo play, an offensive class is more fun - in my humble opinion only, of course. My personal favorites are necromancer (best AoE damage dealer of all classes with curses - mass destruction), ritualist (carries his own blocking walls and army as spirit spammer) and mesmer (interrupting and shutting down enemies is real fun in GW1 and not rivaled by GW2).

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> I have been noticing quite alot of players with this epic title walking around town recently (compared to 5-6 years ago when I played gw2 and quit barely anyone had it) and it has got me wondering did anet lower the requirements for this title? Or is it just people have gone back and finished it off?


> If nothing has changed then... hats off to y'all who have achieved it. But If it has changed or lowered I am quite interested to go back and do this


The closest things to changes would be Mercenary Heroes and 7 Hero teams that happened in... 2011 was it? After GW2 launched GW1 went into true maintenance mode with no changes until last year, but that was just graphics and then inventory improvements and minor bug fixes. There was some bug fixes on a few skills for hero behavior of using them, but some consider that a nerf more than a buff.


So overall, nothing changed except people have had 5-6 years to get them done.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> - titles aren’t particularly great 7 years on. Gwamn is an achievement and there isn’t much comparable in gw2, so seeing it is no surprise when people want to show off in a game which has very little to show an achievement for.


Technically GW2 does have a comparable title set. You get a title for every 5k achievement points you get; each one ends with "Achiever". So showing off the 30k or 35k AP title (Wondrous Achiever and Exalted Achiever) is at the moment the closest obtainable equivalent to God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.


Sadly, it doesn't have the same oomph as GWAMM does. Not even the 10k one (Acclaimed Achiever) feels comparable to Kind of a Big Deal or People Know Me.


Part of the lackluster feeling to titles in GW2 kind of feels like there's just _so many_ achievements compared to GW1, thus there's such a heavily bloated amount of titles that just leave a lot of people going "what's that from?" People loved titles in GW1, and loved title hunting, and I think that's why ArenaNet added so many from Season 1 onward (there weren't many at launch, most came from connecting accounts to GW1 or PvP), but it just got so bloated that no one recognizes or cares nearly as much.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Technically GW2 does have a comparable title set. You get a title for every 5k achievement points you get; each one ends with "Achiever". So showing off the 30k or 35k AP title (Wondrous Achiever and Exalted Achiever) is at the moment the closest obtainable equivalent to God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.


> Sadly, it doesn't have the same oomph as GWAMM does. Not even the 10k one (Acclaimed Achiever) feels comparable to Kind of a Big Deal or People Know Me.


> Part of the lackluster feeling to titles in GW2 kind of feels like there's just _so many_ achievements compared to GW1, thus there's such a heavily bloated amount of titles that just leave a lot of people going "what's that from?" People loved titles in GW1, and loved title hunting, and I think that's why ArenaNet added so many from Season 1 onward (there weren't many at launch, most came from connecting accounts to GW1 or PvP), but it just got so bloated that no one recognizes or cares nearly as much.


I feel like Wondrous Achiever is on par for the amount of work put into GWAMM, but since it's just another "Achiever" title hardly anyone knows what it is. I have the thing and even I forget which one is my highest one from time to time. Since titles are largely unrecognizable, I opted to wear full hellfire armor since you get that at the same time and most players have some idea of it. That's one nice thing with titles in this game, a lot of the high tier ones come with something else: Envoy's Herald has 3 sets of raid armor, PvP titles have their corresponding finisher, etc.

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