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Suggestion - Chosen weapon


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I was just reading another thread about adding additional weapons to the game and, while I don't disagree, I think more complexity would be a better way to add weapon skills into the game. My suggestion is this. Every player gets to choose 1 favored weapon; any main hand or off hand weapon their character can use. Once they choose the weapon they take an offensive, defensive, or control weapon skill. When then that weapon is equipped an extra skill shows up in that spot were temporary skills appear.


Something like this could shake up rotations, add some variety, and surprise other players in both pve and pvp. Just a random thought; we should go deep not wide.

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Oh, this is awesome. This would really benefit playstyle variation as you could go for many options with just one weapon.


This could actually be better than getting a new weapon with E-Spec. I mean, E-Specs are unsustainable take on class mechanics, they can't do this forever and the system causes massive imbalance between classes.


I hope ANet changes their approach for the class progression, this suggestion is one of the top ones. Another one would be to allow Core class mixes instead of E-Specs, just like GW1 (again, Balance - but it's possible).

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