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NA WvW is in freefall


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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> I can't understand why we have to fight weaker servers like tier 1 while we have been winning in NA prime time. That could one big reason we lost lots of NA players from wvw. ArenaNet should focus more NA time balance especially depends on K/D ratio instead of PPT.


That conversation has been had. You don’t think people would avoid fights more in this scenario?

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > It has never been about the Warclaw Please don't lie. WvWers love the Warclaw. But, gankers on the other hand, have been trying very hard to kill it since it's launch in Feb. Warclaws took away their only fun of jumping on unsuspecting players, forcing fights on support build players.


> Im sorry what ???


> Wvw'ers do not like warclaw as it currently is. We talked about this since it was announced...


The 2-3 dozen of you that live on this forum do not represent the majority of the WvW playerbase, as much as that might be utterly rustling for you to accept


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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Vova.2640" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > It has never been about the Warclaw Please don't lie. WvWers love the Warclaw. But, gankers on the other hand, have been trying very hard to kill it since it's launch in Feb. Warclaws took away their only fun of jumping on unsuspecting players, forcing fights on support build players.

> >

> > Im sorry what ???

> >

> > Wvw'ers do not like warclaw as it currently is. We talked about this since it was announced...


> The 2-3 dozen of you that live on this forum do not represent the majority of the WvW playerbase, as much as that might be utterly rustling for you to accept



How is 2-3 dozen NOT the majority of wvw?


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NA is not in freefall it is just transfers to lower servers to avoid T1 at any cost , spread the load ,apparently majority of servers would much rather bully red borders in lower tiers as it is easier for them to PPT empty zones and the reward being they would not have to actually compete in T1 ,much easier to go to forums and complain ,I mean everything has been made easier to take structures and literally T3 are indefensible these days , a spoon of concrete and a glass of water and harden up is the option.

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This mode isn't as forgiving as it used to be. The time was when you could wander around and run away from a group for a time. I remember that with effective use of skills, I could run away from a zerg while being hit for a good... 10-15 seconds. That's unthinkable now. Not only is damage is extremely high across the board, but mounts make running away almost impossible - especially with the new "Ben's Annoying Harpoon" ability.


Instant death makes the game less fun. The mode would benefit from some forgiveness.

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> @"random.9803" said:

> NA is not in freefall it is just transfers to lower servers to avoid T1 at any cost , spread the load ,apparently majority of servers would much rather bully red borders in lower tiers as it is easier for them to PPT empty zones and the reward being they would not have to actually compete in T1 ,much easier to go to forums and complain ,I mean everything has been made easier to take structures and literally T3 are indefensible these days , a spoon of concrete and a glass of water and harden up is the option.


BG player ^


Yeah players haven't left, they just spread out so that we went from 7 to 16 medium servers, a lot more even servers now.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > A lot of dedicated players moved away from the format/game with the release of mounts.

> > > >

> > > > People can kick and scream about how much they want to ride their cats and the huge surge of people who came into the mode when it launched (due to the free mount skin, not anything relevant to the mode itself), but one of the primary reasons why WvW populations have been in decline has been broken combat dynamics such as the elite specs, and mounts just dialed it to 11.

> > >

> > > I see a lot of fake informations now that many players who like the mounts have already stopped playing or left WvW and go back to PvE. Only a handful who are still clinging onto WvW cared to defend it.

> > >

> > > If you guys check through the history of the forum, you can see that it's always the same few forum veterans posting toxic comments and giving fake infos on how the mount killed WvW.

> > >

> > > If you are a regular WvW players, playing WvW for hours every day over the past years, and constantly in T1 or T2 where all the actions are, Zerg fights and PPT, you will agree that powercreep and dead metas that lead to low populations every where are the only reasons why more and more players, guilds are giving up.

> > >

> > > It has never been about the Warclaw Please don't lie. WvWers love the Warclaw. But, gankers on the other hand, have been trying very hard to kill it since it's launch in Feb. Warclaws took away their only fun of jumping on unsuspecting players, forcing fights on support build players.

> > >

> > > These players mostly mained non meta classes, they are not welcomed in zergs or organised group fights and hence they make the most noise in the forum, asking for nerfs and more.

> > >

> > > Please stop spreading fake informatons to new players or players who want to try this mode. Your Gankers Mode is back. Go enjoy.

> >

> > Warclaw destroyed small-scale and havoc, not ganking.

> >


> Weird. My guildies and I small scale frequently and its only made it easier due to the speed of the transport. One of us used to main nec and has gone back to it now they can keep up. Def didnt destroy it.




Anecdotally, nobody in my guild even cares about GW2/Alliances now because of it, despite most of them being willing to really try hard again when they were announced.


And apparently a lot more people agree.

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Good news guys, after two and a half months of constant decline for the entire NA section of servers, it seems it's back to an upswing as two servers, Borlis pass and JQ, have moved back up from medium to high!

While in EU it's seems Desolation and Whiteside ridge moved from full to very high, Augury rock moved from very high to high.


![](https://i.imgur.com/s1hy17f.jpg "")





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Thank you for helping to provide the WvW Community with this reference.


We might not want to break out the Champagne yet.


Here's my interpretation of what we're observing with the population screen captures, but I could be wrong.




We may be looking at what I term the "Tooth Paste Squeeze effect".


Without fully comprehending what "Medium" measures...we're basically guessing what any population increases to the top ranked servers really mean.


If "Medium" means that there are 100 players residing on these Medium Servers &:


Suddenly Higher ranked Servers increase while the 100 players on these "Medium" servers Remain in Place - Population increased.

Suddenly Higher ranked Servers increase while the 100 players on these "Medium" servers Move Up to a Higher ranked Server - Population got "Squeezed" upward.


If we had more references measuring population...that would help.


*i.e. - Very-Medium / Medium / Not-Low / Low / Very-Low / Not-Dead / Dead / Very-Dead*




Our fundamental Match-Up Model & Game Mode mechanics hasn't changed.


Server & now Language Linking are being used to try and "Fix" our unbalanced Match-Ups.


This kind of Linking only benefits the Sharks that get fed the "Baby Fish" in an effort to create a zerg-based feeding frenzy. In the end...the immature commanders/players get eaten alive & the natural ecosystem that took years to find a niche... continues to collapse.


This kind of Match-Up Model only encourages the 800 pound Gorilla in the room scenario.


We keep feeding sharks & the 800 pound Gorilla in the room & keep thinking it's going to get better.


The reality based on my observation is that...We're stuck with fish tanks full of selfish veteran sharks feeding off each other & an 800 pound Gorilla in the room that continually begs to be opened in the Long-Term...if we DO NOT change the Match-Up Model.


We're stuck with a Vicious & Un-Healthy cycle for the game mode until we change the Match-Up Model.


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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Putting in more labels is not going to do anything beneficial, it'll just be another source for players to complain about wvw dying and anet linking the wrong servers, while anet have the hard numbers behind the scenes anyways. Are we all going to suddenly move to a dead server? no, so there's no real point to show anything below medium.


But hey if you guys really want to get depressed about wvw being dead, think of it this way, without having two levels of high, medium is low, high is medium, very high is high, full is full. So 15 low servers, 7 medium servers, 1 high 1 full server.

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Good or Bad. My intent is to ensure that we're interpreting the data correctly & not deluding ourselves into wishful thinking.


Actually, I believe the larger WvW Community is already shifting away because of the lack of a solid Long-Term Road Map & Vision for WvW.


ANet probably does have the numbers & they're Supposed to use it to carefully choose a Road Map guided by a Vision to make our WvW game mode into a better one...where Players get to enjoy Healthy Competitive Match-Ups & ANet financially benefits from their patronage.




There are no winners here & yet this WvW Forum Community continues to focus on topics that are frivolous, shallow, convoluted & misguided.


ANet is not held accountable for this forum to guide the discourse here ...which makes their job easy, but troubling for their Long-Term financial survival.


I still believe that WvW can evolve into something incredible...that's why I still return to try & convince ANet & this Forum Community that it's possible.


I also believe that many on this Forum still have a passion for this WvW game mode & can envision it "Reaching the Potential" of something incredible within the gaming industry.


What's depressing is...this opportunity to create something incredible within the gaming industry...is dying because of poor decisions.



Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > Don't worry, alliances are coming. They will fix all of this. We just have to be patient.



> 2017 : Don't worry, alliances are coming. They will fix all of this. We just have to be patient.

> 2018 : Don't worry, alliances are coming. They will fix all of this. We just have to be patient.

> August 2019: Don't worry, alliances are coming. They will fix all of this. We just have to be patient.


Alliances is a lie that most of us are just not buying anymore.

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