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(Feedback) Noble Courtier Outfit

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Why? Look at my example link above. Imperial dress code of the late 19th century doesn't really fit into the original design of GW2 (yes, they have gone crazy in that regard with futuristic stuff, wild west outfits and what not, so it might not matter to many, but I still find it unpleasant when they break the immersion with random eras' designs).


GW2 doesn't really have a defined era to start with, so that expectation is more self-imposed. Coming from a lay perspective of history and fashion, I'll gladly take 19C inspired clothing over *more Asura blocky glowy stuff*. Period crossover is just going to be a thing, especially when Industrial-Roman CatBulls are a major force in the world.


Though, now I have to agree with folks who wanted a jaunty hat to go with the outfit. ;-; I don't *mind* the mask, but spiffier headwear would've been spiffier.

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> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> Why no female version for Charr, although they bothered doing one for female Asura???


I'm on the side of female charr a) not having a cultural interest in dimorphic garments, b) not wanting their legs tangled up (I've walked up stairs in a full length skirt, it needs at least one hand to gather up the material or one steps on the hem and trips, so imagine running on all fours with something like that on; yes I also have issues with robes on charr), and c) not having breasts to fill out the top part. I feel the female version of this would just look silly on them.


I also feel it looks silly on female asura, but it's not absolutely ridiculous for them to traipse about in long skirts in their safely-controlled flat paved city -- heck, my male asura likes a robe, he thinks it adds to his gravitas -- and many players really do want to dress their female asura in frills and lace. So while my female asura will balk at it, I'm only mildly sad that they can't get the male version. They have lots of good clothes.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> That is awful. As a person that plays Asura, this would ruin it for me if I played female characters..

yeah feel ya. Neither did i buy it duo to that very reason. (That picture is just a preview)


> @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> Why no female version for Charr, although they bothered doing one for female Asura???


> @"Rizzo.4012" said:

> ^^^this, what the hell....CAN A FEMALE CHARR GET A DRESS THAT LOOKS NICE



Have you not seen my earlier post? Like do you really want to run around with a deformed dress? Honesly be glad fem charr gets the male version. The dress looks nicer sure, but i'd prefer the other over a stretched out dress.

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My female asura is one of the main characters I'm thinking of buying this for. She's a guardian and certainly not a girly girl but having the option for a nice dress at times might be appreciated. She has the wedding dress, but that's quite plain on asura. (Although I suspect she might be like me in this case - she'd like the _idea_ of wearing a pretty dress, but never actually want to wear it because she wants something more practical instead.) The stretching doesn't bother me, I don't think I'd notice it when playing her.


I don't know how much of it is my perception of the race/gender vs the character specifically but I can't imagine my female charr ever wanting to wear that dress, or anything more 'dressy' than the charr wedding dress which is more like strips of cloth than an actual skirt. I also agree that the top on the dress version would look weird on charr, even more so than on asura.


Personally I think the ideal would be for all races and genders to be able to use both the 'male' and 'female' versions of each outfit, so players can choose what works best for their character. But I have no idea how practical that would be.


> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

> > Why no female version for Charr, although they bothered doing one for female Asura???


> I'm on the side of female charr a) not having a cultural interest in dimorphic garments, b) not wanting their legs tangled up (I've walked up stairs in a full length skirt, it needs at least one hand to gather up the material or one steps on the hem and trips, so imagine running on all fours with something like that on; yes I also have issues with robes on charr), and c) not having breasts to fill out the top part. I feel the female version of this would just look silly on them.


> I also feel it looks silly on female asura, but it's not absolutely ridiculous for them to traipse about in long skirts in their safely-controlled flat paved city -- heck, my male asura likes a robe, he thinks it adds to his gravitas -- and many players really do want to dress their female asura in frills and lace. So while my female asura will balk at it, I'm only mildly sad that they can't get the male version. They have lots of good clothes.


Ah, but not having to worry about the practicalities is part of the fun of doing things in a game instead of real life. Like how my main character can swim through a river with her waist length hair loose, a bow and gods-only-know-what else on her back and emerge with it all perfectly in place and never tangled up, when I can't go swimming in a pool with my hair in a plait without spending 1/2 an hour untangling it afterwards.


My first thought when I saw this outfit is that the top looks really uncomfortable (it appears to be a corset top, with at least some parts made from metal) and the skirt must have hoops or boning or something similar underneath...then I remembered that doesn't matter.

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