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Suspicious Travellers - Let The Hype Begin

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Wasnt there one of these guys during this years dragon bash. He was saying the same things near the 4 dragon effigy, that seemed so out of place.


Yes, there was an Icebrood Claymore in the Sons of Svanir Veins of the Dragon that had much the same dialogue.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > I, for one, and very glad to be (apparently) going north to non-human areas.

> >

> > Thank goodness it's not Cantha.


> Oh so true. Hopefully and no offense intended the Asura take a backseat as well.


As someone with a multitude of asura characters, no offence taken! I'd be very happy to have asura be sidelined in favor of Norn and Charr lore development.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > I, for one, and very glad to be (apparently) going north to non-human areas.

> >

> > Thank goodness it's not Cantha.


> Oh so true. Hopefully and no offense intended the Asura take a backseat as well.


Yes, please, as a avid Asura fan I hope there's no Inquest involved this time. Let it be the Norn and the Spirits (I'm calling it, we're going to use the spirits to replace Jormag).

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I think this along with other things I've read confirms a Norn centered story or at least some of it. Recently there was a question asked to the devs why the Norns like Braham and Eir never shape shifted during the story. A Dev replied that this is something that is being talked about currently and is may be used in the future. I don't have the link on that discussion but I know I read it in these forums some place. It may have been the recent Q&A.


So we are heading north huh?..... So that is where Scarlet has been hiding :relieved:

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No Inquest, those asura are becoming blue when exposed to the cold just like the gate monitor in hoelbrak :lol:

Through, underground.... they are crazy but not at a point of dying, that's why there are 0 of them in mordremoth domain.

Long time we haven't seen the three other colleges or peacemakers.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> I'm starting to think that this spectulation video got it right:




This would by far be the best news that could possibly happen for GW2. I cannot image things going well should it just be the living story despite the promises of additional features as we have been through this already and walked away very disappointed. The other concern would be the lack of financial support, sure there could be money tied into the LS but I guarantee you won't bring back veteran players or entice new ones regardless of what's added because only expansion drives that kind of hype.

I truly hope your predictions are right my friend because it would be nothing but terrific news for the franchise!

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Okay so according to the wiki under current dragonrise they show primordius and jormag as dormant, but the sea dragon as AWAKE. This is all very confusing, on the one hand we have what looks like snow and def a pair of icy or water type eyes in there. We have these norn travelers speaking of jormag, and the whispers. OTOH we show that the only dragon awake is the sea dragon. I wonder if anet is pulling a blizzard and trying to throw us off the trail with fake clues lol

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Svanir too became Nornbear by hearing/obeying whispers _(by Jormags champion)_, perhaps it's a reference too that, in which case its true story is going North, or perhaps it's a teaser that Commander is going crazy. Would be quite cool having the story wrapped up as becoming a villain.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> Okay so according to the wiki under current dragonrise they show primordius and jormag as dormant, but the sea dragon as AWAKE. This is all very confusing, on the one hand we have what looks like snow and def a pair of icy or water type eyes in there. We have these norn travelers speaking of jormag, and the whispers. OTOH we show that the only dragon awake is the sea dragon. I wonder if anet is pulling a blizzard and trying to throw us off the trail with fake clues lol


All we have is a snow scene. The seeing of eyes are likely a form of pareidolia


The Sea Dragon is awake, but far, far away. I am unconvinced they will bring it into the plot ever, but if the do, it needs a good reason to come to us since it is probably quite happy in its domain, soaking up on ley lines.


Primordus and Jormag were put back to "pre-awakened state" in LS3 - they were both awake and active until quite recently. As we saw with Mordremoth, it is possible Jormag is trying to rise again by summoning a herald or his armies are pulling together before his fully reawakens. Being that both are situated close by compared to the DSD, it makes sense they or one of, are next to be brought into the story.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> And don't forget Kralk's call to "mother". More likely something we know versus not know but still as they said in the other thread on writing, everything has a purpose. Maybe not now but...


So Jormag is Kralk's mother, certainly fits considering the female whispers. I'd be thrilled to have a far shiverpeaks expansion i personally love the snowy areas and mountains.

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Well this is a big meh.. like.. we have deep see dragon that is active for years now, we have Cantha with it's political story line, we have Ascalonian Ghosts & Logan becoming the king of Ascalon arc, we have a possible war with Charr race since Blood Legion Imperator is a douche that hates humans and was displeased with the treaty, we could have something of new worlds and return of human gods thanks to all the mists portals, we could have some sort of "New Age" arc mix of technology and new type of magic thanks to Aurene.

But we go with Jormag..? The dragon that we've put to sleep? What? Like why? This better has some super good explanation, people are escaping to other MMO's almost nobody is doing boss blitz this year, we need something that will be a game changer. Unless ANet is trying to pull a Blizzard and play the nostalgia vibe with Eye of the North and stuff, but still I feel like Cantha would be bigger here. And why have some Suspicious Traveler instead of Sons of Svanir? I'm also curious why release this small hype stuff now instead of 27th which would be right before big announcement event. I guess they want to make sure that more people will hear about it.

Still I'm super confused now, I've been with this game(s) world for almost 14 years now, but I feel like that "brain trick" that makes you play no matter what because of nostalgia and all this time I invested is slowly running out. I need something big or new to keep me invested and I'm not sure Jormag&Primordus arc is gonna do it.

I'll wait and see what ANet is gonna show us on 30th, I am hopeful, this going Jormag arc is kinda meh but I'll admit that I like this whole whispering stuff, creepy and mysterious. I wonder if it is truly Jormag or someone is playing with Norns? Some powerful shaman? Lyssa could always be a thing if ANet wants it to be but then again why would Lyssa consider herself with Norns.. oh well, nothing left but to wait for the big event.

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Kralkattorik is dead and he released ley-line energy, it created a shockwave in the network awakening the others, just like with the breachmaker imho.

About the voices I think it's the gift of Aurene since she upgraded into ultra-necrozma: maybe we are able to hear dragons through her.

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> @"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > Some very creepy wind;


> This is giving off some pennywise vibes especially at the end the way it gets deeper


> What if we go North and find Jormag is dead and something else is calling to us.


There are at least 2 separate entities speaking, one female one male in voice. That final part they both speak together.. You are safe. Do you want to survive? Come closer.

Are they speaking to us or to each other over a vast distance. Or are they speaking to their own. Are they dragons like the DSD and Jormag talking to each other over a long distance on the wind, trying to join forces and ..We are stronger together? Or is it some other entity we have not seen before, something very powerful. Im not that familiar with the gw world, is there something in this world that has the power of dragons but isnt a dragon? Maybe an even older power than either dragon or god.


We know there is at least one female elder dragon, that is Aurene. I think the DSD is a female.

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