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Season 5 - Rise of Aurene (No direct contact with any Elder Dragon yet, they will fool us)


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* Aurene's weakness will be the commander and Caithe

* Dragons will team up against Aurene's champions to destroy her

* Deep Sea Dragon and Jormag try to persuade Aurene, we will betray her, and she can only be powerful with them

* Glint tries to comfort her (_You are safe_)

* Mother is in fact Tyria (like obviously)

* No Gods

* Taimi will survive, taking the technological powers of Holosmith (withdraw my "she is a villain" theory, cos you are right)

* Caithe will die

* Harbinger of Woe makes his step, becomes the first villain

* Kas&Jory breaks up, so we will be able to reach to them individually, and then mend their relationship or something

* Gorrik reaches to Blish's consciousness, and give some words of wisdom to Taimi, before she becomes something more

* More Norn story, Far Shiverpeaks

* A chapter with Caithe and the Pale Tree (some kind of a big event with Aurene+the Pale Tree)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I’m hoping for an Aurene free season. I’m was also hoping she’s gone for good but sadly the writers have now stated officially that GW2s story is about her so that’s blown my hope entirely


I'm hoping she becomes more of a background influence rather than being the front and center of the story like before.

So that you can hear her voice and feel her influence over events but maybe she isn't directly involved or present, other than maybe some key turning point of the story.

Fingers crossed she doesn't become a McGuffin.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I’m hoping for an Aurene free season. I’m was also hoping she’s gone for good but sadly the writers have now stated officially that GW2s story is about her so that’s blown my hope entirely


> I'm hoping she becomes more of a background influence rather than being the front and center of the story like before.

> So that you can hear her voice and feel her influence over events but maybe she isn't directly involved or present, other than maybe some key turning point of the story.

> Fingers crossed she doesn't become a McGuffin.


I could live with that, but they did say GW2 was "her journey" so I'm pretty certain she will be full focus again sooner rather than later sadly

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I'm in agreement of hoping that Aurene takes a back seat and doesn't show up in Season 5. It's too early for her to be returning to the plot after just ascending into an Elder Dragon. She should require time to become used to her new powers. If she interacts with us in Season 5, it should be as voice only and minimally (like late into the season).


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> * Aurene's weakness will be the commander and Caithe

The Elder Dragons' weaknesses are always tied to their power. It's a running theme of "exploiting their strength". The Commander is mortal and will die naturally over time, Caithe may or may not due to being branded. But they're very unlikely to be her weakness.


> * Deep Sea Dragon and Jormag try to persuade Aurene, we will betray her, and she can only be powerful with them

Why would we betray Aurene. That makes zero sense. Even with Randulf's and a few select others' constant hate on her.


> * Glint tries to comfort her (_You are safe_)

Why would she be whispering this to norn preaching to Jormag, if it's a message for Aurene? Why would those same whispers be talking about promising or asking about strength and power (aka Jormag's M.O.). 99.999999% chance those whispers are Jormag to the norn.


> * Taimi will survive, taking the technological powers of Holosmith

While I doubt Taimi will die (sans for _draaamaaaa_), how would holographic tech based off of Glint's sun magic save her, exactly?


> * Caithe will die

Meh, doubtful.


> * Harbinger of Woe makes his step, becomes the first villain

Meh, doubtful. HoW should remain in the fractals. I can see him becoming the "final fractal boss" (aka a level 101 boss fractal after 25 unique fractals are made), but beyond that, nah.


> * Kas&Jory breaks up, so we will be able to reach to them individually, and then mend their relationship or something

Sadly, I can see this bad plothook happening because _draaamaaaa._


> * A chapter with Caithe and the Pale Tree (some kind of a big event with Aurene+the Pale Tree)

Sadly, I can see this not happening at this point. I fear the Pale Tree got put on the bus permanently despite the huge bombshell hint that she and Ogden had known some important shit about the Elder Dragons and didn't tell anyone back in Season 2 (stuff that's _still important and unknown_ at that).


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> they did say GW2 was "her journey"


This is ~~My~~ Aurene's story.

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I'm thinking next season will focus less on the dragon stuff at least initially, just going off the pattern they've been following. I think it'd be interesting to see some restoration happening in branded areas now that the storms should be gone, there's a lot of potential for interesting scenery, maybe even architecture made from brand crystals etc.

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