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Could there be other races like humans that came from other worlds/mists?

Torn Fierceslash.6375

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I was reading different Anet Q&A's and other people's lore posts past few weeks and it got me thinking when they said the last Murssaat was gone on Tyria and made me think they might have a different home world like humans. Same with Seers and other elder races maybe they came through the mists also. Wonder how many races are natural to Tyria.

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Forgotten, humans, and potentially harpies are the only races known to not originate on Tyria.


The reason for the wording of "last mursaat on Tyria" was because during the last dragonrise, the mursaat escaped into the Mists and returned. Though the writers had originally kept it to Lazarus being "the last mursaat" it seems they're backtracking (probably because of the poor reception to Lazarus' plot) and keeping the door open to remnants remaining in the Mists from that time as refugees. It isn't because they're not native to Tyria (though there is always that possibility, it seems unlikely to me).

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You could add demons to that list, which is a pretty broad category encompassing several forms that might be regarded as "races", albeit near-universally hostile ones (imps, fleshreavers, probably dryders when considering GW1) although it's not always entirely clear if some of these are permanent residents or simply visiting.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> Any enemy in the Dragonfall map that appears elsewhere in Tyria is a candidate for "originally from the mists."


> Aatxe are also from the mists.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nightmare


To clarify the list:

* [Fungi](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fungi)

* [Treants](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Treant)

* [Drakes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Drake)

* [Hydras](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hydra)


Those are the only living things that are in those chunks of Mists. The rest are souls (yes, even the Nightmares), demons, or elementals, so them appearing in Tyria's afterlives is not surprising at all and doesn't imply non-Tyrian origins.


Thing is though, since these were part of the Mists, they could be created by the Mists copying Tyria and its wildlife, just like the Fractals (referring to the dungeon, the sPvP maps, and WvW maps). So their presence may be because the gods took them from Tyria to their realm, from another world to Tyria and their realm, or because the Mists copied them from Tyria.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> Any enemy in the Dragonfall map that appears elsewhere in Tyria is a candidate for "originally from the mists."


> Aatxe are also from the mists.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nightmare


I lumped nightmares in the "demon" category, which may or may not be technically accurate. Main reason I didn't mention them in my previous post is that those we see in GW2 are pretty much always "just visiting", only seen in the presence (or aftermath) of a portal.


GW1 had nightmares and vaettir that did seem to be sticking around, but those were generally presented as being hostile nature spirits rather than being something from the Mists.

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