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Djinn’s Dominion has been added to ranked play.


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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > This is great ! Can we add Spirit Watch also ?


> Spirit Watch has been a WIP since it launched. I don't think it will ever be added to ranked. Even though I really don't see anything wrong with it.


I think it's primarily the layout. Most maps have mid between spawns, while SW has the main spawn gates practically adjacent. The secondary mechanic is also placed right outside the gates, so attempting to get it can go from a good move to a very bad one from a couple of respawns.


People also don't seem to like running the orb much.


Interestingly, Djinn has a similar layout, except without the verticality, a less important secondary mechanic, and the secondary mechanic is closer to mid than the spawns.


> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"Dhemize.8649" said:

> > When it's one of the options it's always the most selected. Somebody must like it


> That is because people still need the achievements, I only finished them for that map yesterday myself and I play daily.


Pretty much this - I still need a few more wins on it myself, and I've completed the achievements on the other maps except Spirit Watch, Stronghold, and Foefire (as noted previously, Lord kills are rare. I need four more, and I will probably get there sometime in 2021...).

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There's just a total lack of content. New maps are whatever cause it's the same gamemode. It plays exactly the same.


We're on what? Season 18 now and we have nothing different to do in PvP asides from custom games or PvE lord races in the form of stronghold. Zzz add 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 battle royale ques pls


Where is Swiss? How many years are we waiting for an improvement to an already existing AT system.... nothing new there either. No expansions for elite specs... it's just stale and boring but oh wait! we got new titles yaaaay /s

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> There's just a total lack of content. New maps are whatever cause it's the same gamemode. It plays exactly the same.


> We're on what? Season 18 now and we have nothing different to do in PvP asides from custom games or PvE lord races in the form of stronghold. Zzz add 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 battle royale ques pls


> Where is Swiss? How many years are we waiting for an improvement to an already existing AT system.... nothing new there either. No expansions for elite specs... it's just stale and boring but oh wait! we got new titles yaaaay /s


I'd like to see the deathmatch map back. Have an option to decide whether you want that to be a possible mode you can play.


Heck, throw in Raid on the Capricorn too, with its own opt-in/out mechanic.

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This is without the worst decision i have i seen Anet do in regards to pvp and i am entitled to my opinion here. For the life of me this map is not ready for ranked it needs to fixing in so many ways. People have already expressed there grievances about this map but Anet persists in introducing to what i feel is the worst designed pvp map in 8 years.


I feel like there pushing this map into pvp for achievment hunters and nothing else.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Put all the maps into rotation.


> No split between stronghold either.


> Toss in deathmatch and 2 v 2.


> If you are gods of pvp you can fight in any venue.


> One q for them all!


One valid criticism I've seen for having different modes crop up is that not every build is going to be suitable for every mode. A thief decapper build is going to be at a significant disadvantage in deathmatch, for instance, and it's not _always_ viable for someone to switch.


Once build templates come in, though...

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First of all.. it's a fine map for a conquest one.

Second of all it's one of the most popular maps in pvp right now. Always being voted on.

& third , for that reasonno wonder it was added to the roster.

So you all need to relax. It's not like it's gonna save or kill pvp in the state it is right now.

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