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Potential Future Balance Changes

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> @"Fengzhou.9853" said:

> I am sad to see the possible change to ranger longbow because already as it is, nobody wants rangers for anything unless they're healing on druid in wvw.


Nobody really wants that either, they keep butchering druid in all their balance patches, and we're at the point where it's pretty much a PvE only spec.



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> @"DrClutchMcSwagDaddy.9072" said:

> > **Ranger**

> > * Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.65-0.75 in WvW only.


> I solo roam quite a lot. Taking 2v1 fights is a very fun challenge. Ranger, even after its nerfs, is still outrageously strong. You don’t have to play reactively as ranger. Just mash long range shot and rapid fire with one wolf pack and sick em (even after nerfs) melt minstrel firebrands, warriors, holosmiths, and scrappers. There is little to no response for a 14,000 damage long range shot. You cannot out range it on any class, or even put up a fight against it. It has become a degenerate meta, where zergs of rangers press 3 buttons and score massive amounts of damage.

> I’d like to see this change across ALL longbow skills. It is currently too easy to do incomparable amounts of damage at 1200 - 1900 range.


Just a bunch of nonsense. If you can't fight that gimmicky glass build, you're flat out bad. But something tells me your problem is being ganked by it (why else talk about how much you enjoy 1v2s), which is ridiculous.


And as per usual, completey ignoring what can be done to ranger to make it party focused for WvW. No no no no. Nerfs are all that is needed for the class that has pretty much been left out of WvW squads since the launch of the game.

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> @"Bazooka.3590" said:

> We appreciate your effort to balance the game and it's a nice thing to ask the community.

> My suggestions for nerfs in order of importance:


> Holosmith

> Activate/deactivate photonforge recharge from 6 to 9 (pvp/wvw only)

> Holographic Shockwave recharge from 15 to 25 (pvp/wvw only)

> Corona Burst recharge from 6 to 9 (pvp/wvw only)

> (if you don't want to increase recharge that much you can add additional Heat gain + some (a bit less) recharge time)


Finally one guy with clue

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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> Why do we keep adding more and more benefits to single skills? It's why everything feels so unbalanced. Example: Guardian meditation, heals, gives fury, clears a condition, and does an PBAoE dmg.


> Please stop this madness, make the skills do what they do and do it well, stop adding more and more buffs.


> The nuke from orbit approach is how you kill (and have already killed) games.


That's where the problem lie, ANet just keep piling effects on skills, you just need to look at scourge's shade skills to understand that there is a huge problem. for example:

_Nefarious favor:_

Tooltype say: convert a condition on up to 3 allies.

Reality: convert a condition on up to 3 allies, proc _manifest sand shade_ (damage, torment, cripple and shroud#1 traits proc) and shroud#2 trait proc.


Which mean that from the "convert a condition on up to 3 allies", the skill always add damage, torment and cripple and potentially add might, burn, vulnerability, boon converstion. If you happen to have a lucky crit you can even add bleed or weakness... etc.


It's stupid but using this seemingly harmless skill easily allow you to deal damage and load 6-7 different conditions on up to 3 foe per shade. How ANet and players manage to think that this number of proc on a single skill is "OK" is a mistery for me. How ANet choose to nerf the amount of barrier given and players point out at _sand savant_ saying it's OP while that proc of _manifest sand shade_ is totally totally ignored just baffle me.


_Nefarious favor_, _garish pilar_, _sand cascade_, none of them are OP. Add the _manifest sand shade_ proc and, yes sure, now they are totally OP.

How should ANet address such OPness logically? By putting a delay and orange circle where the shades are? By adding traits exception? By nerfing repeatedly the shade skills effects and CD?

What will come in the next round of nerf when they will see that nerfing the barrier output of _sand cascade_ did absolutely nothing? Will they nerf it's CD? Will they lower even more the barrier? Will they nerf the trait _desert empowerment? Will they nerf _sand savant_? Will they just continue to nerf things pointlessly for years when there is this huge elephant that the _manifest sand shade_ proc is in front of their eyes?

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Taking aegis from 2 sources is huge. Not just for the blocking aspect but for the healing aspect. Pure of Heart adds up to a lot of healing from a support FB. So you are hugely reducing the support FB's ability to both protect and heal their allies by taking it from both Undaring Challenge and Unbroken Lines as there will be less aegis blocking attacks and less aegis proc'ing Pure of Heart and healing. This is too much. Most of the changes I read are to sustain, a few are to dps. I see nothing that would allow "new options [can] be brought to the table". But, I do appreciate the attention and the dialogue between community and staff.


As long as I have played this game, there has remained one constant: To be part of the meta your class must bring something else to the group other than just dps (with the exception being ele's LOL, j/k .. sorta). That is a mindset that has not changed in the nearly 5 years I have played this game. If you want to make it possible to widen the meta, to open it up to classes that are currently excluded from it, then you must adjust those banished classes, those builds, so that they bring something else to to the party. It's that simple.



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I've returned after a few months off, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. But could the confusion damage and application of the mesmer be looked at? While I feel overall mesmer is in a good place with regards to its desirability in pvp, I do wish more of its value came from its signature status effect. Given the wide amounts of counterplay to confusion builds, such as resistance and cleanse skills, I think this could be tuned up a bit more without breaking things.


On another note, I think the cooldown reducing passives were much more fun when they weren't static, but based on your ability to enact some gameplay state. Such as the Pledge being conditioned on invisibility, and the current pistol cooldown reducing skill being conditioned on interrupts. The first is super boring now that it's a flat 20%, but the second is still really fun play with.


But I am 100% biased and , so again, take it with a grain of salt.


EDIT: I should specify for PvP modes, such as sPvP and WvW.

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Please take into consideration that not all Rangers play Soulbeast and the only thing that makes core ranger playable is the Longbow. You would basically nerf the core ranger away and take away one of the things that make them unique. Much like the era of condi damage, longbows would be inefficient and never be used, ergo its soul beast or a new class.

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Why is ANets intention with ranger is to nerf it? Don't they ever think about doing anything to improve it in a zerg? Maybe like buff druid or stance sharing?


> @"Remythe.4516" said:

> Please take into consideration that not all Rangers play Soulbeast and the only thing that makes core ranger playable is the Longbow. You would basically nerf the core ranger away and take away one of the things that make them unique. Much like the era of condi damage, longbows would be inefficient and never be used, ergo its soul beast or a new class.


That's logic right there! Soulbeast = OP, so lets gut ALL rangers

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I would like to suggest a huge and revolutionary change - total rework of invulnerability skills. Invuln in WvW is the most OP defense, regardless if it is full invuln, warrior's endure pain style 0 dmg or mesmer's/thief's evade spam. The biggest issue with being invuln is that it scales infinitely, you can tank 1 or 100 people without any difference, because you simply cannot die for the duration of the skill. Another is there is basically no counterplay, blocking another defensive skill can be worked around with unblockable skills, but there is no way to go through invulns.

The suggestion would be to replace all the skills that grant invulnerability with ones that grant barrier, it would still make you survive a lot of pressure but you couldn't just walk into danger without any thought and ignore all pressure.

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> @"Lhiash.4910" said:

> I would like to suggest a huge and revolutionary change - total rework of invulnerability skills. Invuln in WvW is the most OP defense, regardless if it is full invuln, warrior's endure pain style 0 dmg or mesmer's/thief's evade spam. The biggest issue with being invuln is that it scales infinitely, you can tank 1 or 100 people without any difference, because you simply cannot die for the duration of the skill. Another is there is basically no counterplay, blocking another defensive skill can be worked around with unblockable skills, but there is no way to go through invulns.

> The suggestion would be to replace all the skills that grant invulnerability with ones that grant barrier, it would still make you survive a lot of pressure but you couldn't just walk into danger without any thought and ignore all pressure.


Endure Pain is hard countered by condition damage, which it does not negate, unlike some other invulns where they protect versus condi as well. Endure Pain is also the only real way for a warrior to get into the opposing zerg the deal damage or WoD. If you want to nerf EP, then please make Rifle a viable range dps weapon, and give it and Longbow 1500 range so that a warrior can actually contribute to a zerg fight. kthnxbai.

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> @"Lhiash.4910" said:

> I would like to suggest a huge and revolutionary change - total rework of invulnerability skills. Invuln in WvW is the most OP defense, regardless if it is full invuln, warrior's endure pain style 0 dmg or mesmer's/thief's evade spam. The biggest issue with being invuln is that it scales infinitely, you can tank 1 or 100 people without any difference, because you simply cannot die for the duration of the skill. Another is there is basically no counterplay, blocking another defensive skill can be worked around with unblockable skills, but there is no way to go through invulns.

> The suggestion would be to replace all the skills that grant invulnerability with ones that grant barrier, it would still make you survive a lot of pressure but you couldn't just walk into danger without any thought and ignore all pressure.


While that suggestion may make sense from your point of view, imagine the time to kill of large groups dropping fairly dramatically without invulnerability and evades. Maybe making it counters or by changing invulnerability to resistance and stability stacks... and barrier. Of course then you have interactions with boon durations, and creating situations where an enemy is effectively invulnerable even longer... perhaps they are better off just leaving it as invulnerability or evade. Time should be a resource, one should not be trying to encourage time to kill to be shorter, it makes the game less interesting.

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> **Engineer**


> * Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro.

> * Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW.

> * Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to 75 seconds in WvW.



Chemical field : Poison is more useful than detection pulse. Can't give us both ?


Purge Gyro : No way until scourges are getting nerfed on WvW / PvP


Sneak Gyro : Do you really want to destroy every single ability from this profession ?


You should also reduce the hammer speed by 400% and adding a -800 vitality on another trait line. Seems fair.



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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > @"DrClutchMcSwagDaddy.9072" said:

> > > **Ranger**

> > > * Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.65-0.75 in WvW only.

> >

> > I solo roam quite a lot. Taking 2v1 fights is a very fun challenge. Ranger, even after its nerfs, is still outrageously strong. You don’t have to play reactively as ranger. Just mash long range shot and rapid fire with one wolf pack and sick em (even after nerfs) melt minstrel firebrands, warriors, holosmiths, and scrappers. There is little to no response for a 14,000 damage long range shot. You cannot out range it on any class, or even put up a fight against it. It has become a degenerate meta, where zergs of rangers press 3 buttons and score massive amounts of damage.

> > I’d like to see this change across ALL longbow skills. It is currently too easy to do incomparable amounts of damage at 1200 - 1900 range.


> Just a bunch of nonsense. If you can't fight that gimmicky glass build, you're flat out bad. But something tells me your problem is being ganked by it (why else talk about how much you enjoy 1v2s), which is ridiculous.


> And as per usual, completey ignoring what can be done to ranger to make it party focused for WvW. No no no no. Nerfs are all that is needed for the class that has pretty much been left out of WvW squads since the launch of the game.


Thanks for your valuable feedback. Can I practice against your ranger in some duels to get better? Please add my account :)

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When is the balance patch though on the 17th? Now watch how when it releases they dont listen to any of the suggestions the players mentioned on the forums. Go right back to perma stealth Thief , 1500 range Boon duration Soulbeast and losing target Condition mesmer builds. And then some random nerf to a build no one even mentioned Condition Engineer. These devs are clueless.

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Give Engineer Weapon Swap. Engineers don't need to keep being given crippling sacrifices for class balance (lack of weapon swap for the privilege of having to waste utility skill slots for kits)... it just limits class versatility and creative build choices.. Lack of weapon swap was too much for Revenant... give Engineer and maybe Elementalist the same consideration. Heck even give them both Spear as an underwater weapon in the process... adding Trident worked for Revenant.

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Hi Irenio. This will be my first post since beta-test weekend. I wanted to pop in to say that: After the initial launch of GW2, I was enjoying playing Guardian to support my team in WvW. I loved reflecting ALL projectiles, including canons, arrow carts, trebs, and catapults. I enjoyed the feeling of supporting the entire group -- I felt like I was contributing and made a difference on the battlefield. After many skills were changed to ignore WvW siege and 5-man limits were instated, I lost that feeling and reclined back to PvE.


With the recent builds for scrappers in WvW, I once again feel that level of support contribution. A nerf to this build takes away my new-found love for WvW.


My suggestion would be to leave condi-cleanse gyro alone at 5, keep the changes to the F5 you suggest, but leave the cooldown for the sneak Gyro as-is. The F5 changes give the build a game of cat and mouse for stealth in large zerg fights without removing the ability to support small groups of players with stealth for a much-needed advantage against siege. The same applies for the condi-cleanse gyro.


Thanks for your consideration -- means a lot!


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thief: give fire venom , poison is so low and useless ... maybe have the choice to share the venom or increase is damage must be useful

ranger: reduce the range of long bow 4000 is unfair , or change ranger long bow name to "sniper" , and thief sniper to "free kill"


war: he need a up damage, he oneshot you every 8s with the shotgun, , 2 shot with espadon , is invu all time or block everything , really give him the god mode immediatly and delete all classes

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> @"lpgfou.5327" said:

> thief: give fire venom , poison is so low and useless ... maybe have the choice to share the venom or increase is damage must be useful

> ranger: reduce the range of long bow 4000 is unfair , or change ranger long bow name to "sniper" , and thief sniper to "free kill"


> war: he need a up damage, he oneshot you every 8s with the shotgun, , 2 shot with espadon , is invu all time or block everything , really give him the god mode immediatly and delete all classes


Poison is amazing, far from useless when it can be stacked effectively

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> @"DrClutchMcSwagDaddy.9072" said:

> > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > > @"DrClutchMcSwagDaddy.9072" said:

> > > > **Ranger**

> > > > * Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.65-0.75 in WvW only.

> > >

> > > I solo roam quite a lot. Taking 2v1 fights is a very fun challenge. Ranger, even after its nerfs, is still outrageously strong. You don’t have to play reactively as ranger. Just mash long range shot and rapid fire with one wolf pack and sick em (even after nerfs) melt minstrel firebrands, warriors, holosmiths, and scrappers. There is little to no response for a 14,000 damage long range shot. You cannot out range it on any class, or even put up a fight against it. It has become a degenerate meta, where zergs of rangers press 3 buttons and score massive amounts of damage.

> > > I’d like to see this change across ALL longbow skills. It is currently too easy to do incomparable amounts of damage at 1200 - 1900 range.

> >

> > Just a bunch of nonsense. If you can't fight that gimmicky glass build, you're flat out bad. But something tells me your problem is being ganked by it (why else talk about how much you enjoy 1v2s), which is ridiculous.

> >

> > And as per usual, completey ignoring what can be done to ranger to make it party focused for WvW. No no no no. Nerfs are all that is needed for the class that has pretty much been left out of WvW squads since the launch of the game.


> Thanks for your valuable feedback. Can I practice against your ranger in some duels to get better? Please add my account :)


Degenerate humor.


Here is what you, Swaggyswag: Get in their face and poke its full zerk armor into instant death. Running Sic'em and One Wolf Pack means two less slots for utility.

If it got you off guard while busy with something else, shit happens. If it starts shooting at you at full range, move. Literally move until you're at a favorable position.

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