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where does the charr captain rank fall?


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It can be a bit difficult figuring out where the captain rank in the charr military should be located. My guess would be that the captain rank is located below the legionnaire rank. The reason for this is because legionnaires are leaders of warbands. They're the ones who organize the warbands, so when a legionnaire is not fit to lead a warband due to combat injuries or any type of injury that prevents them from performing their duties, they can select a key member of the warband to be a temporal legionnaire or just a captain of a squad.


Keep in mind, this is just my take on the whole charr military ranking and where the captain rank is located. I could be wrong, very wrong, but it's just my opinion on the topic and how I look at it. Charr captains are, from my perspective squad leaders that legionnaires have created from their warbands usually because the warband is too large which can happen in warbands.

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My guess is that these NPCs were mistakenly named by a dev who doesn't know the lore given that the rankings were fairly clearcut in the charr blog post to be Soldier -> Lieutenant -> Legionnaire -> Centurion -> Primus Centurion -> Tribune -> Imperator (aka Primus Tribune). Unless captain is a "special rank" in charr society like quaestor and primus.


That said, given that they're reporting directly to the Imperator, and of multiple legions at that, it'd be a high ranking position if it weren't a mistake. I wouldn't be surprised if they're just under the Tribunes (so roughly on par to Primus Centurions), since there's only 2 Blood and 2 Ash Tribunes on duty in the Black Citadel.


EDIT: Added Lieutenant to rank order per below. Which aren't mentioned in the blog post, so it's obviously not complete after all.


> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> It can be a bit difficult figuring out where the captain rank in the charr military should be located. My guess would be that the captain rank is located below the legionnaire rank. The reason for this is because legionnaires are leaders of warbands. They're the ones who organize the warbands, so when a legionnaire is not fit to lead a warband due to combat injuries or any type of injury that prevents them from performing their duties, they can select a key member of the warband to be a temporal legionnaire or just a captain of a squad.


They do have second-in-command of warbands, given the rank of lieutenant. Howl the Brazen is the second-in-command / lieutenant for Blood and Iron Legion charr PCs, for example.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> My guess is that these NPCs were mistakenly named by a dev who doesn't know the lore given that the rankings were fairly clearcut in the charr blog post to be Soldier -> Lieutenant -> Legionnaire -> Centurion -> Primus Centurion -> Tribune -> Imperator (aka Primus Tribune). Unless captain is a "special rank" in charr society like quaestor and primus.


sure, the charr is heavy inspired in roman empire, and rome army dont have "captain" in their ranks. although "captain" is a word of latin origin meaning "leader".



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Is it possible that Captains are officers for Gladiums or mercenaries?

I understand that's what captains in the Roman miltary were, officers of unspecified ranking that commanded auxiliary units not formally part of the military. Such as mercenary companies, early period cavalry or skirmisher units etc.

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