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Why are the lesser organizations (like Flame Legion or Ascalonian Ghosts) aggressive to everyone?


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Charr - Flame Legion, Ascalonian Ghosts and Separatists.

Sylvari - Nighmare Court.

Asura - Inquest.

Norn - Sons of Svarnir.

Humans - Outlaws.


I don't know why e.g. Ascalonian Ghosts are aggressive to other humans. I think they should be neutral to other races. I know Ascalonian Ghosts are "stuck in the history"; they think they're still in a war, so they keep fighting the charr... but why are they attacking humans?

Sons of Svarnir are corrupted/maybe out of their minds/they're fanatics, so I understand they can see others as enemies.

Bandits are aggressive to everyone because they're bandits, they just want your money and stuff. It's normal.

I don't know why Inquest members hate everyone. They would kill you everywhere just because you saw them collecting mushrooms for their experiments. They can be spotted mostly around their labs, but not always.

Nighmare Court... I think they're just evil.

Flame Legion... I have no clue why would they fight everyone exept charr and humans (because of history).

As I know, e.g. Humans did nothing to Ascalonians, Sons of Svarnir, Inquest or Nightmare Court.

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Lorewise, the Foefire twisted the minds of the humans it killed to view all living things as charr. So when they come across a human from Ebonhawke, they're not seeing a human from Ebonhawke, they're seeing a charr.


Not all Sons of Svanir and Inquest attack on sight, though most do, because they're not exactly good people. The Sons are out to prove their strength and aren't afraid to kill others to do so, especially when it's a renowned adventurer known for slaying icebrood; the Inquest kill intruders on sight regardless of race, and prefer a "no witnesses" approach to things.


The bandits are more than just "out for money", as they're backed by the White Mantle to cause problems to the Krytan government (specifically Jennah's faction) so Caudecus looks better. Killing non-Krytans who are traveling through Krytan patrolled lands would certainly help in harming Jennah's credibility, but adventurers are also known to attack criminals. So it's a mix of profit, subliminal goals, and self-defense.


Flame Legion are oppressors and see all others beneath them, and would kill or dominate any who they view to be in their path - like adventurers allied with their enemies.


In general, though, the reason is "design choice". ArenaNet didn't want the races to have any difference in gameplay, just story and aesthetics. This is why there's no race bound professions available to players, and why racial skills suck ass. Having some areas of the game be dangerous to some, and non-dangerous to others, would create an imbalance making one race better than another for certain content.

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Dredge are Xenophobes. Grawl, Harpies, and Hylek are tribalistic and territorial. Elemental are effectively beasts. Krait are straight up jerks with a superiority complex. Centaurs are trying to win that title from the Krait. Largos are trophy hunters; and adventurers make grand prey. Ettins are Ettins. Trolls are Trolls. Skritt are kind of hit and miss, largely due to how their IQ works.


But Chickens..... pure evil. Burrowing Chickens are apex predators.

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Varying ideology and goals.


There are the Renegades and Sepratists which oppose the peace between Charr and Human and have splinttered off becoming an enemy of both sides.


The Ghosts as Konig said are twisted by the foefire and see all non ghosts as Charr.


Flame Legion are a radical cult trying to reclaim their former glory as an authoritarian oppressor.


Sons of Svanir believe that Jormag (Dragon) is the ultimate spirit of the wild and have devoted themselves to serving it, often willingly being corrupted by it's magic.


Inquest are basically science without morals or ethics.. they're willing to do anything and everything in the name, including experimenting on sentient beings.


Nightmare court believe Ventari's teachings are a lie and that Nightmare is the true state of Sylvari although this faction has largely disappeared after Heart of Thorns, probably due to many submitting to Mordremoth.


White Mantle are religious zealots much like Flame Legion and aim to reclaim their glory days as oppressors over Kryta in the name of their false gods.


Bandits are just that although they've been hired and organized by the White Mantle to be a bigger problem for the Queen.


Dredge are largely xenophobic although they spend a lot of their time destroying Dwarven ruins as revenge for the slavery they were put under by the long dead Stone Summit faction from Gw1.


Krait are xenophobic racial supremacists who believe that they are the most superior race on Tyria, they enslave other races and take what they want without any empathy.


Centaurs had multiple factions/tribes although the Elonan centaur tribes were purged by Palawa Joko who has an intense hatred for Centaurs.

The Magumma tribe still exists and is peace loving but the other tribes are united in an alliance against the Human kingdom.

The Centaurs of Tyria have been constantly forced out of their lands either by other races and Elder Dragons which has resulted in them becoming aggressive, authoritarian and forcing other tribes into their alliance.

They're not evil exactly, but they have largely been driven to a cruel dark place which could see their race fall into ruin or extinction.

Sad thing is they could make peace and share the land with Humans and Norn etc but due to the hierarchy of the alliance leaders/warlords that's unlilkely to happen.


Hylek have many different tribes and some varying beliefs but for the most part their hostility stems more from biology.

Their colours indicate the potency of their poison, blue being the most passive of the species and red being the most aggressive.


There's plenty of other factions in gw2 too.

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The main hostile factions are often depicted as direct enemies of the relevant region's player-race or player-aligned faction. While you can debate quality of writing for each individual group depending on your viewpoint, most have an actual reason to be hostile to all the players/the main culture of a region.


As noted by Konig, typically the story beats are along the lines of each major hostile groups wishes to take over the region from the player-aligned, "good" group. exact reasoning, methods, and beliefs vary though.

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> I don't know why e.g. Ascalonian Ghosts are aggressive to other humans. I think they should be neutral to other races. I know Ascalonian Ghosts are "stuck in the history"; they think they're still in a war, so they keep fighting the charr... but why are they attacking humans?


They see everyone who is not a ghost as Charr. If I remember correctly, they would sometime address you as a Charr even though you are not Charr.


> I don't know why Inquest members hate everyone. They would kill you everywhere just because you saw them collecting mushrooms for their experiments. They can be spotted mostly around their labs, but not always.


They don't trust anyone who is not part of their club.


> Flame Legion... I have no clue why would they fight everyone exept charr and humans (because of history).


I believe they have the same reasoning as the Inquest. If you are not a club member, you're an enemy.


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