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Lets presume Anet reworks the staff abilities from the necromancer


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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Remove Marks from the game.


> Make Staff melee.


> Has Scythe aesthetic when wielded.


> Make every single Scythe hippie happy.


> Staff should have loads of AoE cleave, cooldowns ranging from 5s to 20s and lots of Bleed effects.


You are cloning greatsword right there, which is our 'scythe', especially with Exordium.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"Yasai.3549" said:


> > You are cloning greatsword right there, which is our 'scythe', especially with Exordium.


> Yea :D


> I want it to be core.



A greatsword clone will never happen, alas. Revenants and Daredevils already toys with melee staves.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Rico.6873" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > wrong forum.

> > > And scourges already have scepter+torch. They dont need another condi weapon.

> > > If anything staff should be a perfect weapon to support minion builds.

> >

> > Mesmers have a stronger condi set up with their weapons than the necromancer

> > Where the necromancer has more power options then condi option build in their weapons


> To take your example: Necromancer have absolutely no minion support on their weapon sets, while Mesmers almost always have (at least one?) Phantasm or Clone skill.


> My support goes to Minion Staff rework.


The issue here is gw2 does not make minions a staple mechanic of the necormancer. They are a utility only and they are pretty bad. Save minion shuggestions for when anet actually wants to make them decent.


A staple mechanic would be Boon Corruption and Marks


If you want staff to be a good weapon remove some marks from it and spread them to other weapons much like guardians symbols and mesmer clone and phantom skills


Give staff proper auto attach chain giving them a modest but not overly strong 1200 ranged power attack.


Any marks that remain should by default have at least 2 charges with a lowered cooldown nothing over 25s assuming their effectiveness remains as they are now (which is quite low)


Note anyone saying that staff is fine needs a reality check staff skills have not been updated since 2015 with the exception of chillbains which got a nerf with the condi culling meta patch.

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> Utility is half decent just speed up the AA. Then if you feel like knocking our face off speed up focus 4 projectile to match.


??? adding more charges to marks 3,4,5

??? lowering the cds on on marks 3,4,5


spreading marks to other weapons making the trait soul marks usable all around instead of smashing them all on staff???

staff is living 2015 its now 2019???


Even if you like the current kit of staff there is nothing wrong with making it more effective i dont consider it an effective utility weapon for the meta of 2019

Unless maybe you play wvw which in that case its just smashing thoughtless marks on the ground (cause people in zergs are bound to hit them.) for open world and pvp though its hardly good imo. I stopped using staff ages ago. You can practically ignore almost everything it can provide most classes wont care to run through staff marks these days cause the marks are no real threat even more so against classes that already counter necro with heavy condi cleanse or resistance.


Its not like a mesmer staff where it becomes utility defense with good condi damage and kite potential (even more so when combined with mirage) you swap to staff and its just asking to be killed.


My biggest hang up with staff is the effectiveness of the skills vs the cooldowns + the need of soul marks ontop its alot of investment for not alot of reward. It may not be bad but it most certainly could be BETTER.


ITs a core necro weapon that got no love with the addition of elite specs and it shows very bluntly.

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