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My list of raid quality of life features


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I've been in a raid static for a few years now. Every week, me and my guild are frustrated by the same things. After today's announcement about strike missions, I wanted to make a list of the frustrating things, so maybe the strike missions team can learn from the raid team's mistakes. Maybe the raid team could even fix some of these (is there still a raid team?...).


1.) Unskippable role play in repeatable end game content is bad. Samarog door cutscene use to be unskippable, but thankfully the team heard us, and gave us a skip button (same for deimos cutscene). Unfortunately the team forgot what they learned and put several minutes of unskippable dialogue in wing 7. Its fine and even fun the first play through, by the 10th play through its time to alt-tab or do something on a second monitor.


2.) Pre-events are often boring and pointless. Sometimes they introduce mechanics, and you only have to do them once, such as the pre-clear for vale guardian. That one isn't too bad. But then you have the dhuum pre-phase. Which is 2 minutes of unskippable pre-event you have to do every time you fight dhuum, even after wiping. This made dhuum cm pretty grueling. Don't get me wrong, dhuum cm was great. But my guild progressed to a point where the pre-event was just a boring slog to get to the real fight, but still had a lot of progression left to get the kill. I think role play/game design it would make sense for dhuum to stand up when the first green circle is spawns.


But then you have the absolute worst offender. The abomination that is the gate pre-event in wing 7. It doesn't even give rewards, and it’s a slow boring time waster. Honestly, I think you missed a huge opporunity by not making that event some sort of raid based mount race to catch the key or something. This brings us to point three:


3.) Good game play should give faster results, and there should always be the option to play well. Situations where you stand still and do nothing and just wait are not fun or engaging. So for example, a capture the point event is bad (wing 1 event after vg before spirit woods and wing 7 gate event). These events could be greatly improved by making the death of mobs speed up the events, or have the capture point be captured immediately when mobs die.


Another example of this philosophy is the broken king in wing 5. Higher dps makes this fight harder. And if the dps is too high, it would literally be impossible. So I often end up telling my players to only auto attack (or chrono not to give boons) because our initial burst was too high.


4.) It should be possible to select raid bosses after you have killed them x times. I’ve killed every boss in this game so many times, I shouldn’t have to pay 10 gold every week to skip spirit woods and the the wing 7 gate event. I’m not sure what x should be. Maybe 10? Or 20? I should just be able to open directly to kc or cardina without going through that boring stuff every week.


At the very least, I shouldn’t have to pay someone to open a boss I already killed this week, just so my team can practice the challenge mote version of it.


5.) Build templates. Yeah I know, you just told us your working on them. But you gave no specifics at all. So I am still going to mention it. Build templates need to be more than just a build swapping tool, which is what arcpds does now. Inventory management needs to be improved. My personal suggestion: all ascended items of the same type should be able to be combined into a single item of that type with stat selection of the items you combined in. So for example, you combine a berserker ring and a vipers ring and now you have a sort of, ‘mini-legendary’ ring that only has vipers and berserkers stats available on it. You could combine the ring again with a harriers ring to have 3 stats, etc. This would then easily integrate into their new item customization UI. Maybe this is already what they are planning, but again, they gave us no specifics.


6.) raid trophies should go in material storage. They are a crafting material, their only purpose is to be used by scribes. So they should be stored in material storage like all the other scribe crafting materials already in storage. We have 21 trophies now I believe. Many of my players have more than a stack of several of them.


edit: Oh and of course, how could I forget number 7:


7.) Class balance. Necro is occasionally good. But frequently bad. Better balancing would be great.

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Good points. There has never been anything as bad as Wing 7 roleplay. And I wish we'd finally get rid of the need to bank LI and even worse non-material KPs. There could be something as simple as new titles "Conqueror of X" to show you have killed any specifc boss X amount of times or something more complex like a "raid experience sheet" similar to gear checking or build linking features.

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> @"wefal.8426" said:

> Newbie raider here; what do you mean in wing 5 boss (which one?) higher dps harder fight?


Dhuum can be some kind of tight in time for groups with suboptimal dps. He also has a final phase where you don't have infinite attempts to be successful. It's no big deal for experienced groups but can be a problem especially if you just have 7 players alive or rather impossible with less than 7 (1-2 double spots could be covered by healers but you will most likely lack dps anyway).

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This is a good post. Im sure the dev have a lot in their checklist to do but those points suggested probably not as bad if they have not considered. It will be nice if they do.

As for my wish list:

- group event that all can enjoy without having one or two person being pick on.. everyone can easily help to do mechanics and mechanics are more forgiving.

- group event that is easy to pug at any time. bcos i play in australia and my playtime in EU is EU daytime morning to lunch (which is my night time).. i go to bed and work on server prime/peak hour.

- cross server where NA and EU players can play the instance together.

- skipable cut scene.


Im not too fuss with anything anet provide afterall its free to play.

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> @"wefal.8426" said:

> Suboptimal dps? OP said if dps is too high = harder fight. How/why?


It is part of mechanic for that particular boss if you burst the boss too fast.. the entire team can wipe due to many more mechanic spawn faster than the team can handle.

Check out broken king in wiki or something ?

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Broken king event is fine, it's a different style and is sort of engaging. Similar to MO CM where you need to find a good dps check.

Yes the RP and events are really garbage, especially on wing 7. I love adina and sabir and Qadim isn't so bad, but the event at the start and role play takes more time than the actual bosses, seriously stupid.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> Another example of this philosophy is the broken king in wing 5. Higher dps makes this fight harder. And if the dps is too high, it would literally be impossible. So I often end up telling my players to only auto attack (or chrono not to give boons) because our initial burst was too high.


Generally agree with your points, but broken king is in my opinion actually a pretty cool fight (way to easy but besides that). If your group have to high dps, np just overheal. When you take the 4'th green and "die" you can actually outheal it. This is likely the reason why the groups in the ERP used heal temp on this fight. As "Rebound" is amasing for this. Not only can you outheal it, but when you do all stacks disapeer and the person can safely take another 3 stacks again.



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> @"wefal.8426" said:

> Newbie raider here; what do you mean in wing 5 boss (which one?) higher dps harder fight?

Broken king (one of the three midbosses of the "statues" event, the third fight of the wing 5), has a mechanic where he spawns circles around that need a player to stand in in order to prevent strong raidwide damage. A player that prevents such an explosion gets a stacking debuff, that disappears after a while. 4th stack of that debuff kills you, so each player can prevent only a certain number of explosions per timeframe. Circles get spawned at set percentages of damage caused to the Broken King - so, if your group has higher damage, you get circles faster. Above certain dps, circles spawn fast enough that it is impossible for the players to cover them all without someone dying.

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