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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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I really think they should have put the "questions and answers" instead of the merchandise showcase, every day when we log-in we have those tabs with the merchandises to need to put it in a theater... just a blog post. Plus the trailer was diffused two times, at the start and the end, so more minutes lost. It would have been really interesting to answers the questions showing you care about the community. Also some cringe moments with all the cosplays and interventions between cinematics.

The lake creature shown doesn't even look like drakkar if it was it. I know they can't spoil the whole thing, but each time they are a Q&A it's answered with vague responses. I want to continue playing, but know nothing about the future.

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Playing the pity game wont save you and your game in a long run. You can cry all you want on twitter, it's obvious you don't understand your player at all. You don't even want to step back a bit and look at it from our perspective as the customer, instead you choose the me vs you game.

No I am not being entitled. And no, i don't want to play your me vs you game

Looking at what anet does to the game WE LOVE this past few years is like looking at your parents grow old and descend into madness at the same time. It's a sad thing to witness.

We are trying to help you, Yes the words that coming are harsh. But behind all that, the questions are simple. Where is the product you promised? Is this game going somewhere or we are done with that and you guys would rather focus on monetizing everything.


We want answers so we can decide what to do. Leave or stay.

18 MONTHS you guys. That's a whole lot of months of patience coming from your players. And you said we are the one who is being negative all this time? Look we are still here HOPING until the last minute. You are the one who make that grand countdown. We were there with you and yet you deliver nothing except some lore.


Was that it? Does the countdown is a kind of symbolic thing you are doing to tell the players that the fun mechanic aspect of the game is over? You will only focus on lore and gemstore now? Tell us. Say something.



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The thing is, I was utterly disappointed and said to my self time to move on to another game and less Guild Wars 2

Well for the past 2 days I have been searching and playing new MMO's and nothing quite cuts the cake for me.

Classic wow lasted 5 minutes for me as I could not stand the boring combat system, BDO was fun but the grind and visuals got too much for me, BnS ... lets not go there and ESO was just not my taste


In the end although I was huffing and puffing away that I didn't want to play GW2 anymore, no games out there filled my boots and I ended up playing GW2 today.

I guess im here through thick n thin with you guys now


All I wish from the devs is just some transparency , let us know what is going on more often

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We have to remember. This is our game. Not arena net's, not the fans. All of ours. Collectively. We influences the game and our hands might not be as direct in the process of constructing the world, but that doesn't mean it is any less ours.


Don't abuse our trust arena net. Which is exactly that this announcement was. An abuse of our trust. We wont be fooled for much longer. If you want it to be your game, it can be your game. But we wont be here if that's the decision you make.

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> @"Starbridge.7926" said:

> > @"attachi.1792" said:

> > Did you noticed A-net increased their gem-store production last mounths? Brand new stuff every week + sales for some of the old goods. Gold price for 400 gems rised to the 170+ gold and won't drop. Looks like another way to get more money plus sink ingame gold from the player's pockets.

> > Reminds me SWTOR and their Cartel market focus with short chapter content scheme.


> No one forces you to buy gems.


Yerar 2019, there is still the people who believe in this (or maybe - only maybe they are just "not too smart"). No one "forcing" you - good answer for a court session, but nothing with real state of affairs. Companies want you to buy it, because this is how they making money, in this case they have more subtle approach how to make you buy it. Limited inventory, bank, character slots, exclusive hair cuts, colors, faces, alot of other account upgrades. Weapon/armor skins which is mutch better than thouse we have in game. Usually gem store skins and outfits littlerally hase mutch more pixels and better textures - "coinsidence, that's all".

But yes, alot of hyporcitical fanboys will tell you this is 100% optional stuff, doesen't need in game, nobody forcing you (you know, korean pay to win games doesen't forcing you too, and thats true, if you insist on "forcing" term).

But I'm OK with it, I understand they need a money and I'm good with my ingame gold I can trade for games, BUT I telling you about gem store stuff increase in production and reduction of actual game stuff people talking so mutch about here. Only 3 new LS episodes called "saga", and thats all, no big expantion like features like mount system, glider, elite specs etc. I'm afraid this is their new policy and buisness model - SWTOR like.


PS: as for "auguast sales", don't be fools, there is nothing with it, this situation appeard exactly after N-softs's employee dismissal events. New goods and discounts every week. August sales only increased gems'es price for a little more.


But of course we should wait for a whole LS 5 season and their next announces. If they'll give us another LS 6 season with different name - "saga", "legend", "adventure", "rat's run" or any other stupin name in a feeble attempt to disguise old content, all will be clear about future of the game.

In current state there is still a little hope for a big expantion in the far future.

And sorry for my english, I'm shure everyone who want it understand me, others just hypocritical posers. Just reminds you there is 3 official languages and alot of "non official" because of people from the whole world playing this game.


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I have mixed feelings about the Announcement. Considering the long period of silence and the long wait for the announced announcement on August 30 I would have expected more to come out of it.

I'm still excited about the new Living World Saga and I incredibly happy that we're getting a new map that will change over time. That has been something very important to me and I'm glad to see that coming and I hope we'll see more of that instead of more dead maps. I'm curious to see how the story writing will change because I haven't enjoyed that too much lately although the latest chapter got a lot better already.


One thing that surprised me was the Strike missions or whatever they were called, I hope they turn out well and have some interesting rewards that also encourage replayability because those missions seem very exciting to me and I hope the community won't ruin that like they did with raids.


What I disliked the most was the complete lack of any information regarding WvW. They've posted information on the forum since but considering the fact that they made an announcement like that I would've loved to hear about an Update and current state of the Alliance Update (Still haven't heard anything about that since... 10 Months I think).


Overall I'm excited about the next part of the story and the build templates but if they don't start to invest more time and effort into WvW I'm afraid the excitement will burn down rather quickly once I'm done with the story and Achievements.


Hoping for better communication from the team in the future!

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> @"attachi.1792" said:

> > @"Starbridge.7926" said:

> > > @"attachi.1792" said:

> > > Did you noticed A-net increased their gem-store production last mounths? Brand new stuff every week + sales for some of the old goods. Gold price for 400 gems rised to the 170+ gold and won't drop. Looks like another way to get more money plus sink ingame gold from the player's pockets.

> > > Reminds me SWTOR and their Cartel market focus with short chapter content scheme.

> >

> > No one forces you to buy gems.


> Yerar 2019, there is still the people who believe in this (or maybe - only maybe they are just "not too smart"). No one "forcing" you - good answer for a court session, but nothing with real state of affairs. Companies want you to buy it, because this is how they making money, in this case they have more subtle approach how to make you buy it. Limited inventory, bank, character slots, exclusive hair cuts, colors, faces, alot of other account upgrades. Weapon/armor skins which is mutch better than thouse we have in game. Usually gem store skins and outfits littlerally hase mutch more pixels and better textures - "coinsidence, that's all".

> But yes, alot of hyporcitical fanboys will tell you this is 100% optional stuff, doesen't need in game, nobody forcing you (you know, korean pay to win games doesen't forcing you too, and thats true, if you insist on "forcing" term).

> But I'm OK with it, I understand they need a money and I'm good with my ingame gold I can trade for games, BUT I telling you about gem store stuff increase in production and reduction of actual game stuff people talking so mutch about here. Only 3 new LS episodes called "saga", and thats all, no big expantion like features like mount system, glider, elite specs etc. I'm afraid this is their new policy and buisness model - SWTOR like.


> PS: as for "auguast sales", don't be fools, there is nothing with it, this situation appeard exactly after N-softs's employee dismissal events. New goods and discounts every week. August sales only increased gems'es price for a little more.


> But of course we should wait for a whole LS 5 season and their next announces. If they'll give us another LS 6 season with different name - "saga", "legend", "adventure", "rat's run" or any other stupin name in a feeble attempt to disguise old content, all will be clear about future of the game.

> In current state there is still a little hope for a big expantion in the far future.

> And sorry for my english, I'm shure everyone who want it understand me, others just hypocritical posers. Just reminds you there is 3 official languages and alot of "non official" because of people from the whole world playing this game.


The end resut still comes down to the fact.. we, you, I control the opening of the purse strings, no one else.

GW2 is a B2P game it is not a P2W game, there is nothing in the gemstore that you have to have, need to have only that which we choose to have. So it matters not how subtle they may be in enticing players to part with money, it is ultimately the player who gets to make that decision.

However, we must remember GW2 is a product just like lego sets, etcha sketch and motor cars - all nice to have but not in any way something we all need, but ANET is a business and like all businesses it must make money to carry on being a business so there will always be carrots to dangle in our faces and there is nothing wrong with that no matter if it be constant new fluff, flash sales or anniversary offerings.

The troubling thing to me is that perhaps the game is now at the stage where it has become soley reliant on our good will each month to be able to release anything other than piece meal, small bite content going forward and in my experience there are just too many variables that can affect that kind of business plan to be able to forecast and budget accurately enough long term.


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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> Have you noticed all the random posts recently being put in to push topics like these down?


Actually there was an interesting topic raised a whiles ago about other infamous very active threads being seemingly pulled down the viewing strip.. I remember not agreeing that any kind of thread suppression was going on then it became a little more questionable when players including myself were still posting into the threads and seeing it get pushed down more and more when it should of being, at the least, staying relatively close to most active part of page 1.. so I do get a little suspicious nowadays when hot potato topics get raised and it sinks faster than the Hindenburg.

EDIT - OP if your referencing this particular thread I don't see that happening tbh and hopefully it wont.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

> > > >

> > > > I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

> > > >

> > > > I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

> > >

> > > I was expecting to watch an event about gw2, the future and its content, not about merch. What should ppl that flew or drove to watch that should feel when you sell them merch?

> >

> > I mean given the amount of red lights on what's going on with GW2 right now, you'd think people would be aware of what's happening with GW2 and ANet as of current.

> >

> > Honestly, I didn't even watch the livestream of the event because this was exactly what I expected from them. Either way, people expected way too much from a dev team that got a huge shafting very recently.

> >


> I think a lot of us were expecting them to hint at proposed solutions to the problems people voice. Especially when they stated they had a renewed focus on the game.


> I wasn't upset that they didn't reveal a bunch of new instanced party content but I am upset that they didn't mention it at all.


> They didn't have to showcase half a dozen new dungeons, but simply saying "we're bringing back dungeons with new locations and revamps to existing ones" would have blown people away. Even just saying "we have X amount of new fractals and new rewards in the works" would have been enough.


> I have a feeling the general idea was we thought getting more LW instead of another expansion meant we'd be instead getting a more diffused improvement of the game but all we know for sure is we're getting fake raids and more LW content.


> If you were someone who struggled to log in during season 4, that presentation was a giant sign that read "Maybe come back in 10 to 12 months".


> And that goes for pvp/wvw people as much as the pve folks.


I won't deny that people expecting a good number of things is definitely gonna happen and ANet made a **huge** mistake in announcing the next LWS via an event instead of something simple like a stream.


That said, I still think the red flags were pretty obvious from the get go with the recent things happening in GW2. I support this game wholeheartedly but when red flags show, I think it's better to simply lower the expectations for the moment. And them not mentioning other things despite the fact that they were mentioned in the past and were told that they were working on it is definitely a wrong move by ANet.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > > People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

> > > > >

> > > > > I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

> > > >

> > > > I was expecting to watch an event about gw2, the future and its content, not about merch. What should ppl that flew or drove to watch that should feel when you sell them merch?

> > >

> > > I mean given the amount of red lights on what's going on with GW2 right now, you'd think people would be aware of what's happening with GW2 and ANet as of current.

> > >

> > > Honestly, I didn't even watch the livestream of the event because this was exactly what I expected from them. Either way, people expected way too much from a dev team that got a huge shafting very recently.

> > >

> >

> > I think a lot of us were expecting them to hint at proposed solutions to the problems people voice. Especially when they stated they had a renewed focus on the game.

> >

> > I wasn't upset that they didn't reveal a bunch of new instanced party content but I am upset that they didn't mention it at all.

> >

> > They didn't have to showcase half a dozen new dungeons, but simply saying "we're bringing back dungeons with new locations and revamps to existing ones" would have blown people away. Even just saying "we have X amount of new fractals and new rewards in the works" would have been enough.

> >

> > I have a feeling the general idea was we thought getting more LW instead of another expansion meant we'd be instead getting a more diffused improvement of the game but all we know for sure is we're getting fake raids and more LW content.

> >

> > If you were someone who struggled to log in during season 4, that presentation was a giant sign that read "Maybe come back in 10 to 12 months".

> >

> > And that goes for pvp/wvw people as much as the pve folks.


> I won't deny that people expecting a good number of things is definitely gonna happen and ANet made a **huge** mistake in announcing the next LWS via an event instead of something simple like a stream.


> That said, I still think the red flags were pretty obvious from the get go with the recent things happening in GW2. I support this game wholeheartedly but when red flags show, I think it's better to simply lower the expectations for the moment. And them not mentioning other things despite the fact that they were mentioned in the past and were told that they were working on it is definitely a wrong move by ANet.


I think its a bad thing if theres a flag to go in not expecting some kind of reasurance.


Ofc some things wouldnt be mentioned like rqods or fractals but considering this event was supposed to be for new players mention of the expansion stuff in lw would be good enough. Ideally if you wanted to draw in players a mention of an expansion being worked one would too be great because then new ppl know theres a future.


Now if a new player sees the announcement and then decides to check reddit its more likely that they will lose interest in the game.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > > > People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was expecting to watch an event about gw2, the future and its content, not about merch. What should ppl that flew or drove to watch that should feel when you sell them merch?

> > > >

> > > > I mean given the amount of red lights on what's going on with GW2 right now, you'd think people would be aware of what's happening with GW2 and ANet as of current.

> > > >

> > > > Honestly, I didn't even watch the livestream of the event because this was exactly what I expected from them. Either way, people expected way too much from a dev team that got a huge shafting very recently.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I think a lot of us were expecting them to hint at proposed solutions to the problems people voice. Especially when they stated they had a renewed focus on the game.

> > >

> > > I wasn't upset that they didn't reveal a bunch of new instanced party content but I am upset that they didn't mention it at all.

> > >

> > > They didn't have to showcase half a dozen new dungeons, but simply saying "we're bringing back dungeons with new locations and revamps to existing ones" would have blown people away. Even just saying "we have X amount of new fractals and new rewards in the works" would have been enough.

> > >

> > > I have a feeling the general idea was we thought getting more LW instead of another expansion meant we'd be instead getting a more diffused improvement of the game but all we know for sure is we're getting fake raids and more LW content.

> > >

> > > If you were someone who struggled to log in during season 4, that presentation was a giant sign that read "Maybe come back in 10 to 12 months".

> > >

> > > And that goes for pvp/wvw people as much as the pve folks.

> >

> > I won't deny that people expecting a good number of things is definitely gonna happen and ANet made a **huge** mistake in announcing the next LWS via an event instead of something simple like a stream.

> >

> > That said, I still think the red flags were pretty obvious from the get go with the recent things happening in GW2. I support this game wholeheartedly but when red flags show, I think it's better to simply lower the expectations for the moment. And them not mentioning other things despite the fact that they were mentioned in the past and were told that they were working on it is definitely a wrong move by ANet.


> I think its a bad thing if theres a flag to go in not expecting some kind of reasurance.


> Ofc some things wouldnt be mentioned like rqods or fractals but considering this event was supposed to be for new players mention of the expansion stuff in lw would be good enough. Ideally if you wanted to draw in players a mention of an expansion being worked one would too be great because then new ppl know theres a future.


> Now if a new player sees the announcement and then decides to check reddit its more likely that they will lose interest in the game.


TBH Reddit is the last place on earth I would look to steer prospective new/returning players to in order to give them an informed opinion abut the game.


EDIT - or anything for that matter.

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I liked the announcement and the changes that are coming.

I don't know why so many people are whining around and gonna keep play and enjoy the game anyway.

The game community is big so its hard to satisfy everyone with every little caprice and concern its not possible and its not a kindergarden to do. I think when you like/love something deep inside you doesn't matter what exactly, you crave for more and you like it the way it is you don't want to change it or want it to be different if you like the game look it up that way cause being negative and criticizing doesn't make anything any better if you want a change start with your attitude and acceptance. And things like "another dragon fire, ice same things always same"?! Yes this is what guild wars is, and always has been and this is why most people like it for the story the dragons its all about it. And I wan't to include that in mostly any game I haven't seen the option for changing gold for gems and vice versa + now the people who recently bought HOT are getting eligable for refund their money and more so do we have to even discuss if ArenaNet care about their community well thats my opinion thank you ArenaNet love you!

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > > > > > People are expecting too much especially considering the shafting of things is pretty recent (especially since it hasn't even been a year since that shafting).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I cannot deny that perhaps in comparison to what they could have done previously, this felt a tad bit too small, but I can't deny the fact that, from a development standpoint, there's only so much they can do with the resource they have available to them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'm surprised they even got anything out at this stage.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I was expecting to watch an event about gw2, the future and its content, not about merch. What should ppl that flew or drove to watch that should feel when you sell them merch?

> > > > >

> > > > > I mean given the amount of red lights on what's going on with GW2 right now, you'd think people would be aware of what's happening with GW2 and ANet as of current.

> > > > >

> > > > > Honestly, I didn't even watch the livestream of the event because this was exactly what I expected from them. Either way, people expected way too much from a dev team that got a huge shafting very recently.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I think a lot of us were expecting them to hint at proposed solutions to the problems people voice. Especially when they stated they had a renewed focus on the game.

> > > >

> > > > I wasn't upset that they didn't reveal a bunch of new instanced party content but I am upset that they didn't mention it at all.

> > > >

> > > > They didn't have to showcase half a dozen new dungeons, but simply saying "we're bringing back dungeons with new locations and revamps to existing ones" would have blown people away. Even just saying "we have X amount of new fractals and new rewards in the works" would have been enough.

> > > >

> > > > I have a feeling the general idea was we thought getting more LW instead of another expansion meant we'd be instead getting a more diffused improvement of the game but all we know for sure is we're getting fake raids and more LW content.

> > > >

> > > > If you were someone who struggled to log in during season 4, that presentation was a giant sign that read "Maybe come back in 10 to 12 months".

> > > >

> > > > And that goes for pvp/wvw people as much as the pve folks.

> > >

> > > I won't deny that people expecting a good number of things is definitely gonna happen and ANet made a **huge** mistake in announcing the next LWS via an event instead of something simple like a stream.

> > >

> > > That said, I still think the red flags were pretty obvious from the get go with the recent things happening in GW2. I support this game wholeheartedly but when red flags show, I think it's better to simply lower the expectations for the moment. And them not mentioning other things despite the fact that they were mentioned in the past and were told that they were working on it is definitely a wrong move by ANet.

> >

> > I think its a bad thing if theres a flag to go in not expecting some kind of reasurance.

> >

> > Ofc some things wouldnt be mentioned like rqods or fractals but considering this event was supposed to be for new players mention of the expansion stuff in lw would be good enough. Ideally if you wanted to draw in players a mention of an expansion being worked one would too be great because then new ppl know theres a future.

> >

> > Now if a new player sees the announcement and then decides to check reddit its more likely that they will lose interest in the game.


> TBH Reddit is the last place on earth I would look to steer prospective new/returning players to in order to give them an informed opinion abut the game.


> EDIT - or anything for that matter.


Depends on the company running the game and the state of the game, if you go right now to PoE reddit you will see a msg from the ceo making abjustments to incomming changes based on feedback and being open about it.


Hell you will even see that on the gw2 reddit LUL. It gives confidense on the game and the devs behind it.

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> @"CherryWolf.2768" said:

> I saw it somewhere, and I'll repeat it.

> This is the biggest example of "I'm not mad, just disappointed" that I felt. I think most of the community did. Before I voice my opinion on it, I'll say how I felt about it before the actual thing happened and explain why... If that makes sense.

> When the announcement was made, I was doubtful but even then, as a fan of the game, even I couldn't contain that tiny part of me being excited. Then the circus started. I call it that now because the way it was concluded makes me think of a bad joke.

> We got mysterious massages, countdown with revealing pictures, we got new ingame ominous stuff. It all was amazing, next to the announcement? Holy kitten! Something amazing must be coming right?

> Now after all this, what was I thinking? Well, you see... I'm a bit starved with "toys" to play. We all want new stuff to play with. I mean new specs or new something. Meaning I thought they would mention something of that sort. Even a tease. I understood it was a living world announcement, but how big it all was? With the ingame content, the hype on the site and the counter AND the guild chat hype on the anniversary stream? Then the fact they made it a real-life event! Holy moly something had to be upright?

> So what did I get?

> Recap of past stuff and rehash of old information. I know it's silly to quote people like that, but as WP said, I hoped for at least a tease a promise that they are working on something ANYTHING in regards to that. Sadly, that's not the case. We literally got the same info with a tiny bit of new things here and there.

> Anet fell into its own hype trap. This could've been part of the anniversary guild chat. This could be an AMA on Reddit or whatever. This could be anything else but this.

> Am I unhappy that we'll get a new world SAGA or whatever? Of course not. It's always nice to move the story forward. But am I disappointed that I got baited into false hope? Yes. I am both disappointed by being baited into it and on the event and reveal itself.

> Like I stated before, I was doubtful but the amount of hype anet put out made me rekindle that flame of hope inside me, that maybe it'll be worth it. Only to assure me that it was a mistake and any future thing I will care even less from now on. I don't think anet wants to make more cynical players as it is, but sadly? I can't feel like anything but cynical towards all this.

> I'm also sad that the hard work that people put into this content release will be diminished by the flawed marketing decision that this announcement was. There's just so much small things piling up about this that make it such a pathetic thing to experience. For us, the players. For devs and for everyone else involved. Players got disappointed, devs work will not be fully appreciated by the community and speaking of community, another big ripple appeared that tore it's into two halves. People who will defend this and people who will attack this event.

> Even if you think this event, on its basic level, was not that bad, you have to understand how much "meta" dmg it did to the game, to anet, and to the community.

> The question is simple. Was it worth it? Personally I think not.


This X100. AT the end of the day, it just wasn't worth the live event/hype. I think people defending the event, deep down feel that way, unfortunately it's just pride in admitting being wrong heavily influences people's behavior on the internet.


sidenote - Also just a small speculation on the trailer, has Rytlock's flame sword always looked like a greatsword? Maybe just the animation used,, I'm hoping for that to be a nod to elite spec for Revs(wishful thinking).

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Since a lot of threads are popping up on the same topic, I'm going to consolidate all these threads here. Please give your feedback respectful, including not being aggressive to other players posting theirs. Thanks for your understanding!


Pvp / wvw community total disappointed, after days, weeks, month, years of fails we were w8ting for a big bomb, a way foward, somerthing in the right direction, as a "thank u" that we r still with u anet. But again, fail, ... and after all comments in social Media, in this Forums, ... maybe ur last fail. We luv gw... but somehow anet and the competitive lads have a diffrent understanding how the game should look like ?

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> @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> I don't care anymore. I got my frustration out. Now I'm just sitting here kinda wondering how tomorrow's going to be when everyone gets back from Labour Day weekend.


> Oh boy.


You think they will even acknowledge this?

I am concerned they will not.

Silence is NOT golden in these instances i am afraid. It seems hard to stick to the antiquated idea of 'we will talk when something is ready' when it clearly seems there is very little ready for the immediate future. If "expansion like features" were on the table.....how far off are they at this point? Drudging through ANOTHER living story with no new features AND THEN waiting another 6-9 months for something else? yikes...not good

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