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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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The announcement was an inefficient waste of time and resources. For these features Anet could’ve just done a normal announcement post on the forums. There was no need to make such a big deal out of it and have a whole show as if it was going to be some major release. All that does is get people’s hopes up and disappoint them.

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English isn't my native language be indulgent pls.

**Good side**

- Your game is beautiful.

- With season 4 you have improved all the narative side.

- The cinematiques are beautiful, the animations,the facial expressions, the body language, maps everything is superb.

- You have improved your communication since 2019.

- The cinematics of Icebrood Saga is superb.

- The mount system is great and all the mmo envy you.

- The Strike mission system looks great.

- The Build template is coming.(but it should have been 7 years ago)

- The alliance system in MCM and suisse tournament PVP.(maybe someday)

- You learned gave gifts for the passage of HOt in "free" mode with Pof.


**But there is the other side of your game** , neglected.

You invest all your resources in a non-replayable content "History", 1h30 of News every 3 months with empty map 2 months after the release.

So next to that, **you have all your REPLAYABLE content that's the dungeons, the fractals, the Raids, the PVP and the McM** which is in the abbot or almost.

You can go everywhere in Tyria the community will follow you, but the community has demand on your game for 7 years!

I will give some examples :

- New spe Elite.

- An overhaul of the DEATH branch of Necro and Pets Necro

(because their only utility is for AFK Farm and Bot)

- Make every Spe at least 2 Build viable in each game mode.

(example : When are you seeing a Druid DPS in PVE? Why have 9 different traits if it is useful to do 1 thing Heal/buff power)

- A button to queue for a Map in PVE.

- When we join a map with our group or squad it would be nice if everyone was in the same instance of this map.

- A button to redo the same recipe we just made before at the mystic forge.

- A redesign of customized HUD and LFG interface.

- More recently a green ground zone that indicates where the "Blast" skill of Skyscale will strike.

- Overhaul of lifesteal with % of life stolen according to the damage inflicted during X seconds or X shots.

- Regular balancing patches fully dedicated to PVP and MCM.

(Because in PVP we are 1 and a half years with the same META, in MCM it's been 3 years that we have 0 contained)

- And most important of all, the contents of your communication !!


Raise the hype, invite people to move for a game, you invite people to let questions on the various forums, to wait for the player for 2 years, for just 1 cinematic!

0 answers to questions from players.

You make things that you announced 2 years ago for New, while they are still not ready!

1/3 of the time of the conference is merchandising!

Almost all MMO players play MMO because you want a long-term active game (minimum 2 years of vision for the game), a game that evolves with the times and expectations of the players.



The community reacts good or bad but she reacts is that, she loves your game!

We are just frustrated to see that we are talking in the void, that what you are promoting comes out with more than 2 years of waiting, that features are asked for 7 years and are unaware, that the future of the game is uncertain.

It just seems that there has been 0 taken into account the returns of the player for 6 years and you started barely but catch 6 years of ignorance is complicated.

**Don't lose hope.** @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258"

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I'm not a fan of instanced content that require limited teams like Raids that ANet seems to like to force on players who don't want to do that type of content. I was somewhat disappointed at them introducing "Strike Missions" as yet another of that type. Even though I'm not a fan of the form I have said for awhile that I think they could do many more raids if they allowed people to raid on new maps prior to their release as a PvE map by zoning off the map to just where the raid would occur and using environmental effects like fog to obscure non-raid areas. The Orr dream trip in the personal story is a good example of how it could be obscured.


They could have given it story wise as elite teams being sent to the map from a portal in LA to take out raid level bosses then establish the typical services players see on PvE maps such as camps, waypoints and merchants. When opened as a PvE map as part of the story the PvE only players wouldn't feel like they are missing much story wise as they could be given a recap by a scout NPC. Doing it this way they could reduce the resources they need to make raid maps as it would be upcoming PvE maps. Any new map that opens to an unexplored area could be a potential raid map.

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In my opinion the whole presentation was not an announcement, it just was a simple showcase about things we already deducted. This showcase was in such a rush, that even the trailer, announcing Icebrood Saga, contained a gaming mistake: the item [Fiery Dragon Sword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fiery_Dragon_Sword "Fiery Dragon Sword") is a _sword_, not a _greatsword_ as presented in the trailer.


![](https://i.imgur.com/LU97EsS.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/wWryqnF.png "")


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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> contained a gaming mistake: the item [Fiery Dragon Sword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fiery_Dragon_Sword "Fiery Dragon Sword") is a _sword_, not a _greatsword_ as presented in the trailer.


Wrong. Sohothin can be used as a greatsword, unlike the Fiery Dragon Sword skin, as seen in the final PoF story mission where we get to equip it for combat. It's called creative freedom. ;)

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First of all: I'm a casual player, I usualy play PvE open-fractal-dungeon-raid, and change in PvP and WvWvW as I feel like.

Personaly I'm looking forward this new step. Yes, at the stage they didn't say much about the new stuff, but before judge it I'll wait.

The difference between Saga and LS I still didn't get. What I hear (please correct me if I make a mistake) is that Devs will have more freedom to develope stuff. Ok, great! How? The lack of informations is frustating, but because I like the game,and I want to know more about the future.

For the strike mission I'd like to test them first, at first it sound like some sort try to make more people get closer to raid concept. It's not bad at all.


About PvP and WvWvW I'm not realy an expert, I leave this to others

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The POINT of the presentation wasn't to feed the gw2 veterans. They are trying to bring more people into the game and give us a fresh crop of players to party with.


It was a great job of teasers and info for magazines to post to bring more people to catch-up and/or buy PoF.


A Q&A doesn't bring new players, that would just feed the malcontents. I'm very happy with more new stuff and the 'possibility' of a longer story trek >Saga<.

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Here is my hope, that this season will include expansion features as we go along. Its a gamble but might just pay off if done right and with good timing. My last hope, and one that is least likely is at the end of this season they announce its led into an expansion.


I really hope they do one or the other here, because while story is important to the game, the amount of time spent doing it is low. It just dont have the content thats needed to hold onto many players. I hope they do expansion like content side by side with the lws releases or within a good time frame. There are many things that could be added, you could open a new zone then a new race or class, a new elite spec, new map types for wvw, new raid and fract to go along with the far shiverpeaks theme, hopefully more strikes. These are things that could walk alongside LS releases, maybe even questlines that lead to new areas.

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I thought there were some good things. The trailer was good. Developing Char and Norm background was on my wishlist. The LFG version of a raid boss is exactly what this game needs. I hope all Raid Bosses are retooled for a LFG alternative. The current class imbalance (which has gone on far to long for the top DPS) makes this new mode welcome. People can play what they want without feeling like they hold back the group.


I also think this is a great first step to allow everyone to experience what raids have to offer.


Here is my wishlist:

1.) Raid bosses for all (LFG)

2.) Make dungeons viable (Buff rewards to compete with other modes, add a LFG que system).

3.) Do the same que system for fractals.


WOW has a great approach to this. You get a bonus for everyone not in your party. So organized groups and disorganized groups have a closer playing field. I'm hopeful that this is the direction we are going. Content for all.

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> @"JpDelano.2580" said:

> Regarding the experience, i think it was good. I am a few months into the game, so no issues from me. The game is story driven so you why not tell a good story on stage.






I agree, they could of told us a good story to reinforce the promo exposé, but they didn't, how could they when they are never willing to put out any kind of detail especially around content that was clearly nowhere near having any detail to discuss... it was imo a poor waste of time and money, poorly structured, lacking any real excitement and emotion from the people like Mike Z and then to close the event with an awful 10minutes merchandising and cosplay finale - where was the big banger firework to leave us all speechless...nah I would be seriously peeved if I had paid to go to that event it just lacked so much when considering the level of hype they put out and allowed the community to get feverish over.

Simply put it was just a lost opportunity to showcase something really special, to go beyond all the hype and blow us away, putting ANET and GW2 front and centre to the MMO world, then they could throw out those baited hooks whilst banging the drums as loud as they could... as much as I don't have any issues with pushing HoT for free, I wonder just how much of a genuine impact on the game right now that will really have, but hopefully it will meet with expectorations.



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Overall, the event had the 'opportunity' to alleviate fears people had moving toward the future but unfortunately it only reinforced those fears.

People wanted:

expansion worthy content

mention of the 3 game modes with plans in the 'very near' future

something different to look forward to

What people got:

nothing expansion worthy

pvp "mini seasons' between seasons

wvw= we're working on it (same has been said for 18+ months)

same 'ol stuff that is usually referred to as a content drought...yes, we are getting more of it.

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Limited to the points that are main ones for me, I'm happy about:

- Snowy areas

- Build Templates

- Story about Kodans (have always wondered about them).


I'm not happy about:

- New elite: I would have preferred a brand new profession.

- New LS episode: I would have preferred a new expansion pack.

- Nothing new for WvW.... Aouch! :s


I'm a bit worried about:

- Underwater content: I know I'm a minority, but I don't like underwater.

- How far Anet will - once more - add twirling visual effects that are killers for players suffering motion sickness.

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So i havent played in 4 or 5 years, had mmorpg burn out but recently started playing some other games. Saw the GW2 on various sites, though it was mostly negative, and thought id pop back in. Looking at the announcement i feel Anet pulled a blizzard diablo immortal...you dont hype a community without something significant that they want...you just dont...it doesnt help. but whatever it happened.


I like the new areas, new areas in a game where going to areas and doing stuff works.


I wish GW2 would be creative in finding a way to give players more cool things to chase since theres no gear grind. If i recall i drifted away because well...what was a chasing?


Also Anet needs to be better with long term communication and plans, i forgot this game existed. The only thing that reminded me was negative press. Thats no bueno.


To be frank, theres some old and ageing issues with the games content that i feel are kinda ignored. GW2 was suppose to be the pvp mmorpg but all the pvp game modes seem to be sort of stale and unevolved...but again maybe that changed since ive been gone. If this game wants to compete with the big 3 mmorpgs that are left it needs to find a way to keep making money while keeping people chasing stuff in game....and have a claim to fame among the other mmorpgs...and pvp is the weakspot for all but one maybe...this game was suppose to fill that void. Focus on cool pvp modes the game already has, find a creative means to play and chase something people want. Also get your asses on steam, theres no sub, this game would be massive with steam.


Just some feedback from a returning player who does want this game to thive, despite having forgotten about it for a while.



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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> The POINT of the presentation wasn't to feed the gw2 veterans. They are trying to bring more people into the game and give us a fresh crop of players to party with.


> It was a great job of teasers and info for magazines to post to bring more people to catch-up and/or buy PoF.


> A Q&A doesn't bring new players, that would just feed the malcontents. I'm very happy with more new stuff and the 'possibility' of a longer story trek >Saga<.


Again tho, why would new players take lw over every other mmo that has had an expansion this year?

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What a disappointment. I even Made a post myself. The announcement was ... empty. No new legendaries, no new weapons, no new expac mention, no dates of release for build templates. Just nothing.


I feel they are wrapping up and just want to cash one last time. Two Dragons in one saga. Then the last one also in a saga. Thus no expac.


Wanted there month for now an epilogue with Some small nonsense content to past the next there months?


Pff i am still after a few days sad and mad.

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For the attention of Arenanet (in general) and the GW2 community,


Once again I see myself here writing to Arenanet staff and their community to discuss an issue that concerns us all, which unfortunately seems to be necessary to address.


I want, first of all, to make a point very clear, so that there is no confusion or misunderstanding later: this is not a "rabid" text, nor is it intended to create controversies for free, nor to feed the differences, but to clarify points of view and motives. I hope the moderators are aware of the difference between "criticizing" and "trolling", because what is going to be reflected here is a criticism, perhaps more crude than expected, but totally focused on being constructive in terms of form and background.


I also want to apologize because possibly the text will be long for some. I ask, then, that the participants in the thread refrain from replying, pointing out this circumstance, claiming that "all this could have been said with fewer words." If it's going to be long, it's because I want to adequately state both motives and suggestions.


The topic I want to talk about is the event (and its circumstances) that took place on August 30. Yes, I know that much and varied has been written about this, but after having read all kinds of arguments, I think it is necessary to delve a little deeper into it.


Recently, another user (Shadesbane) has presented on Reddit a summary of facts that fits quite well with what I had in mind to present here. Briefly, I want to give you the credit you deserve, because your opinion is in good agreement with mine. This summary points to a series of clear and concise data, which are relevant in this matter:


1. For the presentation of Heart of Thorns, Arenanet held an event at PAX South for almost an hour. In this event, we talked about a good part of the news that the expansion was going to include. Needless to say, the event was a resounding success.


2. For the presentation of Path of Fire, Arenanet made a live streaming of more than 25 minutes, where they talked about what the expansion would offer. Once again, the community received this event with joy.


3. The Living History has always been presented in videos posted on YouTube and announcements on the official site.


4. By August 30 of this year, a new event was announced at the PAX where the new chapters of Living History would be discussed that will come in mid-September ...


... and this is where Pandora's Box opened.


Go ahead that here is not intended to give lessons to Arenanet about marketing, BUT it does make us understand why the GW2 community has reacted as it has.


As I have stated, every time there has been a live streaming or an event has been to present an expansion. As much as the August 30 event was announced as a presentation of the Living History, the background and hype created with the countdown added to the announcement clearly implied that there would be more announcements in that event. Obviously, the players immediately thought of two words: habemus expansion, and expectations soared.


Of course ... when the day of the event arrives and the players see that they talk about Living History (which was already expected) for about 25 minutes, of the "strike missions" (which were spoken only in general lines) and that they spent almost 15 minutes in merchandising ... well, the Pandora Box opened completely and exploded into a thousand pieces.


Careful, this does not mean that what was said was not good and interesting, but the players expected much more than that. They expected, for example, news about a future third expansion, new elite specializations, news about raids, something about a dungeon rework (after years of being abandoned), but especially about WvW and PvP.


Well, true, about PvP it was said that Swiss-format tournaments would be introduced "soon."


Oh yes, and we will finally have the build templates. Wow.


It was therefore inevitable that there would be an immediate cascade of criticism and memes. The community in general felt disappointed because Arenanet carried out a format to announce two things mainly that in the past they had not needed a video and a couple of articles on the official site.


A good part of the players were desolate and resigned. Only part of the game was receiving the deserved attention, and that had filled the glass of patience. There were rivers of ink where the players showed their discontent. Twitter, Reddit, official forums and YouTube literally burned with activity.


And this is where the second point of conflict took place. As always, a very small part of individuals decided to take advantage of the flood of complaints to launch threats, veiled and unveiled, and insults against Arenanet employees. As part of the GW2 community, I want Arenanet to be aware that this little group does NOT represent the community (possibly, they don't even play GW2!). Not only is this small group not supported by the players, but it has our most absolute repulsion.


However, it is not acceptable that, either because of the nervousness or the surprise at the reaction of the players to the event, an attempt was made to use the lack of ethics of that group of trolls and stalkers to minimize the impact of the criticisms of a broad number of players.


The complaints presented by these players are fully legitimized. The Alliances, to expose one of the most bleeding examples, has been no less than twenty months "in process", and the explanations given about its operation there by the beginning of 2018 left no more than doubts. The Dungeons, in the PvE section, is another bleeding case, abandoned for more than four years.


When you offer a whole series of game modalities, it is your obligation to make one of these decisions: either keep them updated and expanded (and if possible, improved), or finalize them with due explanations. What can not, however, is to keep players in the limbo of ignorance, waiting for them to remain silent, while launching new game modes that run the risk of being forgotten within a few months (and this is one of the fears about the strike missions, let's be honest).


The players, who really spend our time in GW2, want to see it grow. We want the servers to be filled with new blood, that the content encourages us to continue enjoying the game, and also wants to see that their suggestions are heard, but really heard.


We are NOT the enemy, Arenanet, we are your customers. And as customers, we hope that the product you offer meets the expectations you set for yourself. Stop, please, to see us as if we wanted to sink the game, because it is the opposite.


WvW needs much more love than it receives. PvP too. And PvE needs to recover content that has been neglected.


Give GvG lovers a place where they can enjoy without having to read constant fights for this or that reason. Either making changes in the clan rooms, such as a new PvP game mode or with separate maps from the current WvW. It gives me so much, but give them something that makes them see that they are also part of the game.


Give new reasons and incentives to play the Dungeons, to enjoy them and to attract the interest of old and new players.


Give the players content and improvements that have been asking for years, such as Housing, such as the optimization of WvW maps (sometimes unplayable with the lag), more focused on guilds so that they really are much more than a mere tag and a few buffs.


The suggestions are there, in forums and Reddit. They have been presented for years, suggestions that are really worth considering.


You are people, yes, Rubi is right about that. But we, the players, are people too. You can ask us all the patience in the world to develop these improvements and contents, but at the same time, you have to give us reasons to be. If in the last 3 years you had given the community a quarter of what was requested, surely many of those who left, would continue to play GW2 and enjoy it. But instead, you have given these players reasons to look for new horizons where they feel really valued and loved.


Seriously, meditate on this. Exercise self-criticism, but do it for real. You can still make GW2 the game we all want, for those forgotten parts of it. But the most important part is in your hands.




Note: I know there are some posts after-event talking about some changes and stuff that wasn't mentioned in the event itself. Still then, I consider my points and plea are valid into a general view of the game state.

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Detail - it keeps getting repeated that they spent 15 minutes on merchandise.


According to the transcript in the wiki ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Icebrood_Saga_announcement#Merchandise_.5B1:31:25.5D ) the section begins at 1:31:25. The next section, the Cutscene Preview, begins at 1:35:15.

That is ten seconds shy of **4 minutes**.

*Less than a third of what keeps being repeated!*

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Twice we've had announcements and this is the third. That means we have a data set of three. But this one we were told what they'd be talking about, regardless of what was said before. They said they'd be talking about Season 5. They didn't say they were announcing an expansion and I didn't expect an announcement of an expansion. I expected them to talk about Season 5.


I also said, on reddit, that I believe this announcement really wasn't for us, but for others who wasn't playing to get more people into the game. I was shouted down then, but I don't know. If I figured it out beforehand it can't be that hard to figure out. I read what Anet said was going to be discussed, saw it was at the beginning of the Pax Weekend and did the math. I didn't expect much more than they said. I went in with those expectations.


People built up something based on a data set of 2. And I get why that happened. And Anet could have managed expectations better. That's on them. But let's not pretend that Anet didn't give us a clue beforehand on what was going to be discussed, because they did.

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