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What are your thoughts about the incoming nerfs to the Longbow Auto?


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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > > Nice little nerf but not really going to fix what's really annoying about soulbeasts, IMO.

> > > >

> > > > I would rather the the range lowered and the damage modifiers reworked a bit.

> > > >

> > > > I would say raise the CD on sic em, and make the maul damage modifier require you to hit a target.

> > >

> > > What a joke! Have you ever played ranger? Or have you played since the last patch? May I know what class are you playing?

> > > All ranger's haters are coming on this section forum, to complain and cry about ranger, instead to learn their own class, or instead to give ideas how to improve their classes.

> > > All these ppl who don't have ranger as main character, and coming here to toxic every single thread of ranger's forum, are nothing but pathetic.

> >

> > Sorry if me sharing my opinion 'toxiced this thread.' Either way, I am not crying or complaining about anything.

> >


> Butt..you didn't answer the question..do you actually play a ranger?


I did answer this. The answer is yes.

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > > > > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > > > Nice little nerf but not really going to fix what's really annoying about soulbeasts, IMO.

> > > > >

> > > > > I would rather the the range lowered and the damage modifiers reworked a bit.

> > > > >

> > > > > I would say raise the CD on sic em, and make the maul damage modifier require you to hit a target.

> > > >

> > > > What a joke! Have you ever played ranger? Or have you played since the last patch? May I know what class are you playing?

> > > > All ranger's haters are coming on this section forum, to complain and cry about ranger, instead to learn their own class, or instead to give ideas how to improve their classes.

> > > > All these ppl who don't have ranger as main character, and coming here to toxic every single thread of ranger's forum, are nothing but pathetic.

> > >

> > > Sorry if me sharing my opinion 'toxiced this thread.' Either way, I am not crying or complaining about anything.

> > >

> >

> > Butt..you didn't answer the question..do you actually play a ranger?


> I did answer this. The answer is yes.


Very well then, let's put it this way : the main reason why people may disagree with you got nothing to do with the validity of your point but more to do with the grand scheme of things if talking about small scale, I don't know if you're NA or EU but let me tell you this : when you as ranger go against top players on other professions, you truly do get an understanding of all shortcomings of the class .


Pets left to be desired, low access to stability, average condi clear and some more, when you talk about small scale...I don't think you're talking about the same small scale I experience every week when going against clowns from [sA] or losers from [JP] , [REKT] and other roaming guilds , or when you face Challenger/veteran of the arena warriors.


With all that said, I don't disagree with you...I am asking to consider other professions too ( especially warrior, thief, engi and guardians)

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > > This. None of these skills really requires setting up, yet hit as hard as a full-on trap combo by DH. That's just silly design.

> >

> > The two hardest hitting ones (Maul and WI) require the target to stand almost still and watch two massively telegraphed attacks hit them.

> >

> > But ye, let's pretend all other hard hitting skills in this game require more setups.


> Yes, let's pretend they cannot be used from Stealth. Let's also pretend Maul doesn't have a measly 4-second CD. Anything else?


I guess my reply got deleted, so here is the short version: While Maul does, the stealth doesn't have a measily 4-second cooldown. Other classes can burst from stealth aswell, and in shorter intervals even. Reading ranger's stealth is easy, and one of them is avoidable by_ your_ actions (evade, block, reflect etc.), while the other may require a bit of a setup.


Don't stand still. And don't believe the baddies telling you soulbeast can do everything at once. It can't.

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A bit late to the discussion but the change is rather dumb. We have only been getting nerfs, Druid and core ranger are pretty much a waste of time in any kind of competitive mode. I would rather see Maul damage being reduced.


in my opinion ArenaNet should first address all the other issues the ranger has:

- Staff useless

- Druid useless

- Core ranger useless

- Many traits useless


It is pretty obvious that the devs are clueless about the ranger and only play firebrand and scourge.

If Anet wants to balance things out they should address the current META first!

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the nerf is completely unjustified after the last time lb was nerfed (indirectly because rangers unblockable was almost completely gutted). When you shoot into a zerg with a lb almost every hit gets reflected, it's only use is to kill leftover strugglers that are not able to keep up with the zerg and if the dmg is so low that you can't even do that anymore then there is really no point in using this weapon anymore.


ranger is gonna be in a sad state once the balance patch hits. at least in wvw.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> The amount of animosity coming from some of these ranger mains is ridiculous, as well as some of the doom and gloom statements. The best one had to be calling LB on ranger a bad weapon. You’re really naive if you believe that.


It is a bad weapon and is only useful when you're pew pewing an opponent who either can't reach you or is fighting someone else


This has been the case since launch and only ever stopped because SB stat boosts meant it finally did more than feather duster damage


You have to be a complete idiot to lose 1v1 to a ranger using LB

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > The amount of animosity coming from some of these ranger mains is ridiculous, as well as some of the doom and gloom statements. The best one had to be calling LB on ranger a bad weapon. You’re really naive if you believe that.


> It is a bad weapon and is only useful when you're pew pewing an opponent who either can't reach you or is fighting someone else


> This has been the case since launch and only ever stopped because SB stat boosts meant it finally did more than feather duster damage


> You have to be a complete idiot to lose 1v1 to a ranger using LB


If u read what u wrote u can easily see why lb should never out do or even match the dps of a melee weapon.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > The amount of animosity coming from some of these ranger mains is ridiculous, as well as some of the doom and gloom statements. The best one had to be calling LB on ranger a bad weapon. You’re really naive if you believe that.

> >

> > It is a bad weapon and is only useful when you're pew pewing an opponent who either can't reach you or is fighting someone else

> >

> > This has been the case since launch and only ever stopped because SB stat boosts meant it finally did more than feather duster damage

> >

> > You have to be a complete idiot to lose 1v1 to a ranger using LB


> If u read what u wrote u can easily see why lb should never out do or even match the dps of a melee weapon.


There's more to weapon balance than comparing raw damage numbers on a static dps target


If you don't understand that then I just don't know what to say other than lol

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > You have to be a complete idiot to lose 1v1 to a ranger using LB


> Wow, I didn't know that all ppl I killed in 1 vs 1 (in sPVP and WvW) with the LB was because they were idiots. Be aware, is not me I am saying this, it is you.


Lol this^

It is very effective weapon and borders on too effective for its range. If a ranger cant do some serious dps with a lb with how it is now than I donno I'd guess u need more practice.

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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > You have to be a complete idiot to lose 1v1 to a ranger using LB


> Wow, I didn't know that all ppl I killed in 1 vs 1 (in sPVP and WvW) with the LB was because they were idiots. Be aware, is not me I am saying this, it is you.


You learn something new everyday

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > The amount of animosity coming from some of these ranger mains is ridiculous, as well as some of the doom and gloom statements. The best one had to be calling LB on ranger a bad weapon. You’re really naive if you believe that.


> It is a bad weapon and is only useful when you're pew pewing an opponent who either can't reach you or is fighting someone else


> This has been the case since launch and only ever stopped because SB stat boosts meant it finally did more than feather duster damage


> You have to be a complete idiot to lose 1v1 to a ranger using LB


This is just delusional. Ranger Lb is one of the best made range weapons in the game. You have the best kiting capabilities, good damage that gets ridiculous with buffs, stealth, an AoE that ignores any LoS, and a super fast Knockback that gets better the closer people are. It has great synergy with other builds, especially Druid with Ancient Seeds. (Druid being bad has no bearing on how good LB is or how well it synergizes, before anyone cries about how bad Druid is)

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Still waiting on that large group utility and the un-kitten'ing of Druid, =)

> But sure, chisel another slice off of Ranger's niche (roaming) effectiveness in wvw -- (I really hope those sword changes make up for it).


> ~ Kovu


Well it is an auto attack and auto attacks across the board should be nerfed.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> The amount of animosity coming from some of these ranger mains is ridiculous, as well as some of the doom and gloom statements. The best one had to be calling LB on ranger a bad weapon. You’re really naive if you believe that.


I only use shortbow, longbow is useless and far too slow.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > The amount of animosity coming from some of these ranger mains is ridiculous, as well as some of the doom and gloom statements. The best one had to be calling LB on ranger a bad weapon. You’re really naive if you believe that.


> I only use shortbow, longbow is useless and far too slow.


I think I already mentioned that the weapon is not slow in any way shape or form. Rev hammer is slow, necro staff AA is slow. LB for ranger is not slow. Period.


Edit: that was another thread. Let’s look at the weapon then.


AA is faster than Necro and rev, slower than a sb but with nearly twice the range, boo hoo if you believe that slow. It does more than REVENANT AA levels of damage when stacked with buffs, which is ridiculous. Rev hammer AA is ridiculous but at least it’s dumb slow.


#2 skill needs no explanation. It’s always been good.


#3 skill gives you stealth, meaning you have potential disegage and the ability to reposition for bettter kiting.


#4 skill ignores LoS, so you can shoot it inside anything you see while covering a respectable area and slowing people down.


#5 skill is a super fast CC that gets stronger the closer you are to someone, giving you better potential to keep someone away from you and kite. It also pairs good with traits like Ancient Seeds and Rapid Fire to lock people down and pew pew to death.


If you really believe this weapon is bad, you’re either lying or just really ignorant.

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