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So are you going to nerf rev burst damage or not


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People still complaining about Rev after the nerfs need to understand just how susceptible meta Rev is to CC. Devestation/Invo/Herald Power Shiro is basically a faster bursting holosmith but with **zero** stability, meaning everything in their combo can be easily interrupted. As long as you don't have grandma reflexes, any class can win the matchup with a well placed disruption skill.


I play a meme core rev build and have very little problems dealing with people playing meta rev because I just save my CC for when they try to burst me. If a Rev using PT get's immediately CCed it means they now just wasted 35 energy and have very little left over for any kind of decent combo for the next 5 seconds. That's plenty of time to dumpster on them.


Also Mallyx is absolute garbage. People complaining about Mallyx in any capacity need to reflect on their choices in life.



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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Also Mallyx is absolute garbage. People complaining about Mallyx in any capacity need to reflect on their choices in life.


I must be the one responsible for people to even consider complaining, but I also disagree with the first statement, it has pretty high reward with moderately-high skill ceiling against it's weaknesses.




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