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I've noticed the Devs start to reach out, but this isn't how it should be.


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> >

> > That's not proof.

> >

> > I could replace the text of a real ANet post with words that said anything I wanted using any number of readily available programs. A lot of others could, too. Maybe that poster found this elsewhere and took it at face value, but it doesn't add up to what I've seen in 7 years on the GW2 boards.

> >

> > I've posted many negative comments about Ascended gear for years. So did a lot of other people. None of mine, and most of the ones I read were ever removed, no matter how critical they were of the _game feature_. That's been true in so many forum discussions there is no way I could begin to summarize them.

> >

> > BTW, I am not an ardent ANet supporter who defends them come drought or high water. I _am_ someone capable of recognizing when something is drastically different than what I've experienced.


> Yeah, it was false, photoshopped and we are all a bunch of conspiracy theorists.

> Mods on this forum are competent and don't give infractions out of thin air.

> Fun fact: the guy that posted the screen got banned.


A ban wouldn't surprise me. Discussing a moderation case is against forum rules. It seems odd, though, that the post would have gotten the poster banned but the post was left up.


I've had one infraction I disagreed with over several thousand posts (a lot more posts were on the old boards than are here). I've had some more over my failure to realize that calling out someone else's rudeness in a post was against the rules. I never got told to keep my dislike for a game feature to myself, and I've posted dislike for features too many times to count in 7 years.


I don't know about conspiracy theories about GW2. I do know, though, that there is a disinformation pandemic on the internet. If I don't check what is posted as facts on the internet these days, _I'm doing it wrong_. Of course, it is undoubtedly easier to accept other peoples statements when they fit one's own narrative.


The only fact checking I _can_ do in this case is to compare claims that ANet disallows criticism on the forums with my experience. My experience tells me they do allow it. It also tells me they don't when it's couched as personal attacks or in other ways that they've told people (at least those who bothered to read the forum rules) are not allowed.

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> @"Madja.1369" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > OP is referring to this statement:

> >

> > It's a recent trend in game development. It involves 1) doing something unpopular, 2) cherry-picking the 1% toxic comments while ignoring the 99% of feedback that is simply harsh/negative but untoxic, 3) using social media to bring attention to those 1% toxic comments.

> >

> > This deflects attention away from the legitimate feedback and garners positive sympathy for the company that did the unpopular thing. Frequently, gaming news sites of a particular flavor (Kotaku, Polygon) will then publish an article or two about the incident (again focusing on the 1% toxic comments) to cement the victim narrative.

> >

> > Make of it what you will.


> I was kind of disgusted when I read the replies in that thread. Twitter has become such an echo chamber. Her tweet makes the team seem completely out of touch with the community. They choose to deflect any real criticism or suggestions by calling out the vast, vast minority that resorts to personal attacks. I also feel like they're unable to differentiate between criticism of the team and criticism of them as individuals. It's entirely reasonable to be negative about them as a team, but no one should of course resort to calling out the individuals.


> I would say that the event was a completely failure and it's almost shameful to make people go there if they had nothing to show. Don't get me wrong, the content sounds great and I'm looking forward to playing it, but if you're going to announce and hype an event for a month, invite people to physically be there, hire a MC, have a long countdown and giveaways to create even more hype and then all you have to show for it is less than 30 minutes of talk, no Q&A, no real content to show and half of the talk is about lore then something really went wrong during planning. The big event made as believe that this would be something out of the ordinary, that the next season would be more than just a regular season, that Arenanet had finally decided to open up and talk about their plans with us, were trying to create a bigger community. Instead we get something that would have be better in a blog post.

> I don't think anyone was disappointed with the content that was shown - it was what we all expected after all - rather how little was shown.


Except that... *that's exactly what you two are doing*. Hypocritical, much?

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People think I hate the game because I have an issue with 3 things and that is:


1. Warclaw, it should have been mostly about mobility and not giving immunity to heavily time gated PvE gear.

2. Removal of semi competitive and rewarding team queue in pvp with friends and guildies at my own discretion.

3. The way devs treat those game modes and the players for being upset at the 2 year content tease.


So I go on "Holidays" from time to time.


- Sparkles and Rainbows.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> OP is referring to this statement:


> It's a recent trend in game development. It involves 1) doing something unpopular, 2) cherry-picking the 1% toxic comments while ignoring the 99% of feedback that is simply harsh/negative but untoxic, 3) using social media to bring attention to those 1% toxic comments.


Or she just wanted to express that she felt hurt. The devs have feelings, too. It's her private account, she is entitled to express herself there.


Anyway, it is a shame that some people feel the need to attack strangers personally on the web "because they can." Also, it is a shame that some people on these forums felt the need to throw a tantrum instead of staying focused on communicating what they think should have been done differently. Those people tend to incite each other, and then things excalate.


I, for once, can't wait for everyone to calm down again. This is no atmosphere that will lead to positive changes or to the devs to understand where all our dissatisfaction about Friday's presentation derives from.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Madja.1369" said:

> > > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > OP is referring to this statement:

> > >

> > > It's a recent trend in game development. It involves 1) doing something unpopular, 2) cherry-picking the 1% toxic comments while ignoring the 99% of feedback that is simply harsh/negative but untoxic, 3) using social media to bring attention to those 1% toxic comments.

> > >

> > > This deflects attention away from the legitimate feedback and garners positive sympathy for the company that did the unpopular thing. Frequently, gaming news sites of a particular flavor (Kotaku, Polygon) will then publish an article or two about the incident (again focusing on the 1% toxic comments) to cement the victim narrative.

> > >

> > > Make of it what you will.

> >

> > I was kind of disgusted when I read the replies in that thread. Twitter has become such an echo chamber. Her tweet makes the team seem completely out of touch with the community. They choose to deflect any real criticism or suggestions by calling out the vast, vast minority that resorts to personal attacks. I also feel like they're unable to differentiate between criticism of the team and criticism of them as individuals. It's entirely reasonable to be negative about them as a team, but no one should of course resort to calling out the individuals.

> >

> > I would say that the event was a completely failure and it's almost shameful to make people go there if they had nothing to show. Don't get me wrong, the content sounds great and I'm looking forward to playing it, but if you're going to announce and hype an event for a month, invite people to physically be there, hire a MC, have a long countdown and giveaways to create even more hype and then all you have to show for it is less than 30 minutes of talk, no Q&A, no real content to show and half of the talk is about lore then something really went wrong during planning. The big event made as believe that this would be something out of the ordinary, that the next season would be more than just a regular season, that Arenanet had finally decided to open up and talk about their plans with us, were trying to create a bigger community. Instead we get something that would have be better in a blog post.

> > I don't think anyone was disappointed with the content that was shown - it was what we all expected after all - rather how little was shown.


> Except that... *that's exactly what you two are doing*. Hypocritical, much?


What's exactly what we are doing?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > OP is referring to this statement:

> >

> > It's a recent trend in game development. It involves 1) doing something unpopular, 2) cherry-picking the 1% toxic comments while ignoring the 99% of feedback that is simply harsh/negative but untoxic, 3) using social media to bring attention to those 1% toxic comments.


> Or she just wanted to express that she felt hurt. The devs have feelings, too. It's her private account, she is entitled to express herself there.


> Anyway, it is a shame that some people feel the need to attack strangers personally on the web "because they can." Also, it is a shame that some people on these forums felt the need to throw a tantrum instead of staying focused on communicating what they think should have been done differently. Those people tend to incite each other, and then things excalate.


> I, for once, can't wait for everyone to calm down again. This is no atmosphere that will lead to positive changes or to the devs to understand where all our dissatisfaction about Friday's presentation derives from.

I'm starting to believe it won't ever die down, at least while a certain toxic subreddit for this game exists...don't go there if you value your sanity, you'll see anything positive downvoted massively, and anything negative upvoted.

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I think the issue comes from negligence rather than malice, first of all, and that is a point that should be made and remembered. Devs arent "the other side". Devs are devs. They create. They were not responsible for Any of what happened and Didn't happen. Executives, who frequently are never in touch with their Community is where the negligence come from :


They probably thought like this : "We need to find a way to galvanize players and create interest, we need Something big, Something announced, publicly, and we need many people to see it". Hence the hype, because yes, it was a hype they created : Announcements in advance to a reveal is a hype. Renting a theater was done with the same mindset. In their mind, this was big. I wager, the current executive in charge of the marketing was not in charge of previous public events. The way it was announced was Similar to how game companies make a big, game-changing reveal, and this is where stuff starts to hit the fan really fast. Because in players mind, "big game changing reveals" are and Always have been : New game modes, Expansions, New Specs. Living story episodes, and I'll continue calling them until I have reasons to differentiate it from past living story content, were crucially Not "big game changing" in players mind. This is a faillure of communication, through and through. Because players have vocally expressed that they wanted an expansion, or expansion content. What was shown to them during that event was almost irrelevant to them.


Now here is where it gets rather sad. What they presented was only the prologue. Namely, the game changing features were obviously absent, with good reasons. If they actually were to implement them, which I think they really want, they'll actually implement them during the planned episodes, not during the introduction, or transition period of it. Similar to how there was a prologue to Heart of Thorns, with very little changes compared to usual gameplay. In short : the prologue itself is perfectly fine, as is the idea they're going for in general (provided they stick to it). The very problem is, they mismatched the scale of the announcement for what they had to present. A prologue with nothing new does not a Big Reveal make. I bet if they actually had waited for the First actual episode to do that very event, with proper gameplay change, and their new designs for it, nobody would have minded. It missed the mark. I personally just hope the person responsible learns from it rather than be otherwise negatively impacted. I also greatly encourage that person to properly look at what the Community talk about, to find out how to present it to them better in the future. What a certain game company pulled does not apply All the time. Learn what kind of Community you lead, before you apply foreign trends to it. Make sure it fits, and see if the Community responded well to past announcements, and how were those announcements made. What was used, how much was shown.


Now onto the actual response : I have yet to see any toxicity displayed by the Community so far regarding that event. I'm hearing talks about it, and it's supposed to be generalized, so you'd think it wouldn't be very hard to find. I'm just not finding it anywhere. What I see is : Negativity from players who feel let down by an executive mishap, Cynicism from players who feel completely ignored, and indignation about the first two being construed as toxicity. I would actually very much like to be pointed toward that so called toxicity to rein it in, or atleast purposefully aim at the Right place.

Furthermore : I Believe it is blatantly untrue for any party to say they are Personal attacks, that is -specific individuals- being called out for that mishap, when the enormous majority blames a corporation. That is not the same thing. If a business messes up, it messes up. The business is hit as a consequence, that is a normal thing. That the business incurs a loss of face because of poor decision making, is a normal thing. It should not be interpreted as individual people being blamed. Again : Devs are devs, they create. They have no say in how their creation is then presented to us. They are blameless. There should not be any offense given nor taken.

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I have a few examples when I could argued that being 'toxic' is a two way street, and what I could see as 'offensive' other people would shrug at. Now, I think i have gone too far with my above comments, I won't go into detail.

Offensive is a bit of a strong word, I might add. It wouldn't be that. Uncomfortable maybe.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > I'm starting to believe it won't ever die down


> Of course it will. At some point, they will get bored. There is only so much toxicity you can spread before you start boring yourself with repetitive comments. ;)


Whats it gonna take for your crowd to settle down.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"RyuDragnier.9476" said:

> > > I'm starting to believe it won't ever die down

> >

> > Of course it will. At some point, they will get bored. There is only so much toxicity you can spread before you start boring yourself with repetitive comments. ;)


> Whats it gonna take for your crowd to settle down.


An official statement would probably help, most of the flak directed at Anet is for not properly putting forward what they're trying to achieve. Many who saw the announcement stated that what they saw was essentially "Just another Living World Episode" which means the objective of the company wasn't properly conveyed, more so from previous iterations of what they wanted to achieve

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > For every "toxic" post, there have been a hundred offering constructive criticism about the presentation.

> Exactly. Only that those toxic posts make it nearly impossible to find the constructive ones amidst them, and that's a real shame.


Uhu. And how would the small minority of toxic posts "make it nearly impossible to find the constructive ones"? That would only happen under the assumption that all negative criticism is toxic, and so nothing would be constructive there.


Which fits nicely with...


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Of course it will. At some point, they will get bored. There is only so much toxicity you can spread before you start boring yourself with repetitive comments. ;)


...Yeah. If you think all criticism that is not praising the game is toxic, don't expect toxic comments to die down any time soon ;)



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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> ...Yeah. If you think all criticism that is not praising the game is toxic, don't expect toxic comments to die down any time soon ;)


Really? _Really??_ After I wrote the following response previously?


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> [...]


> Anyway, it is a shame that some people feel the need to attack strangers personally on the web "because they can." Also, it is a shame that some people on these forums felt the need to throw a tantrum instead of staying focused on communicating what they think should have been done differently. Those people tend to incite each other, and then things excalate.


> I, for once, can't wait for everyone to calm down again. This is no atmosphere that will lead to positive changes or to the devs to understand where all our dissatisfaction about Friday's presentation derives from.


I posted a lot of criticism myself, but I believe I refrained from being toxic or throwing a tantrum.

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i personally dont think its the devs fault at all. they actually do a really good job doing what they do creating a wonderful game. im excited to be going north. i personally like fashion wars and genstore i know not everyone does. i feel the lack of hinting whats coming after ls hurt them the most. if i were to place blame it would be someone higher not sure how high id go. i want a direction i feel as im rudderless not sure where game is going atm. i was disappointed they just sort of stuck cooking 500 and jewerly 500( that there suprised me and loved that announcement) to follow that up with the same old message we keep getting. i know strike and changing name os season to saga with no really announce how they are going to be different as if they will be so i except same thing. so yes lack of future direction hurt them most in my heart

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> @"ricky markham.8173" said:

> i personally dont think its the devs fault at all. they actually do a really good job doing what they do creating a wonderful game. im excited to be going north. i personally like fashion wars and genstore i know not everyone does. i feel the lack of hinting whats coming after ls hurt them the most. if i were to place blame it would be someone higher not sure how high id go. i want a direction i feel as im rudderless not sure where game is going atm. i was disappointed they just sort of stuck cooking 500 and jewerly 500( that there suprised me and loved that announcement) to follow that up with the same old message we keep getting. i know strike and changing name os season to saga with no really announce how they are going to be different as if they will be so i except same thing. so yes lack of future direction hurt them most in my heart


Not only is it a lack a future direction ....it is currently going in a direction that is 'same ol same ol' stuff that FURTHER puts off any good direction they could go.


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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> Not only is it a lack a future direction ....it is currently going in a direction that is 'same ol same ol' stuff that FURTHER puts off any good direction they could go.


You don't know that until we have gotten to experience the new content for ourselves. I believe the new stuff ahead of us could blow our minds (or at least be a huge step forward in PvE). Unless you are referring to the "Soon" and "We are working on it" announcements on PvP and WvW. ;)


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > Not only is it a lack a future direction ....it is currently going in a direction that is 'same ol same ol' stuff that FURTHER puts off any good direction they could go.


> You don't know that until we have gotten to experience the new content for ourselves. I believe the new stuff ahead of us could blow our minds (or at least be a huge step forward in PvE). Unless you are referring to the "Soon" and "We are working on it" announcements on PvP and WvW. ;)



Lol, i hope you are right...but, Yeah!

<---- wvw guy

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > Not only is it a lack a future direction ....it is currently going in a direction that is 'same ol same ol' stuff that FURTHER puts off any good direction they could go.


> You don't know that until we have gotten to experience the new content for ourselves. I believe the new stuff ahead of us could blow our minds (or at least be a huge step forward in PvE). Unless you are referring to the "Soon" and "We are working on it" announcements on PvP and WvW. ;)



your right but i don't want to over hype my thoughts like this and just get what we have been getting. id rather be skeptical then get a good feeling when they exceeded my expectations

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > Not only is it a lack a future direction ....it is currently going in a direction that is 'same ol same ol' stuff that FURTHER puts off any good direction they could go.

> >

> > You don't know that until we have gotten to experience the new content for ourselves. I believe the new stuff ahead of us could blow our minds (or at least be a huge step forward in PvE). Unless you are referring to the "Soon" and "We are working on it" announcements on PvP and WvW. ;)

> >


> Lol, i hope you are right...but, Yeah!

> <---- wvw guy


Heh heh, I can feel you. Keeping my fingers crossed for WvW, too.

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> Why are they focusing on the "toxicity" and not addressing the actual fair criticism or praise for the event by answering the questions

Because people are acting up. It's basically turned into poo flinging on both ends at this point. But lets be real for a second, we're coming off a huge layoff people thought we were getting an xpac? It's not an excuse for the way this was all handled however... A little bit of communication beforehand to nip things in the bud and let people know "Hey, it's JUST going to be LS5 like we said. No xpac." Would have quelled all this before it even turned into a zoo.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go act like an ape in pvp. Monkey see, monkey fling poo. Ook ook.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > > For every "toxic" post, there have been a hundred offering constructive criticism about the presentation.

> > Exactly. Only that those toxic posts make it nearly impossible to find the constructive ones amidst them, and that's a real shame.


> Uhu. And how would the small minority of toxic posts "make it nearly impossible to find the constructive ones"?

Have you looked at the GW2 Reddit? If you have any differing opinion, you get downvoted into the negative. If you point out a flaw in an idea, you'll get downvoted into the negatives. From the last few days alone, if you push out any kind of positivity, you'll get downvoted into the negative. It's very easy on that subreddit for constructive commentary, or any that doesn't fit the Anet hating circlejerk they have going currently, to be downvoted heavily, while the negative commentary gets heavily upvoted. It's a very toxic place, and the one place you'll find it nearly impossible to find constructive commentary, simply because it doesn't fit the negativity echo chamber they have going there.

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> @"GreyFox.8046" said:

> Alright I've been lurking on Reddit and the forums and I've noticed current and former developers talk about the aftermath of this event. I have but 1 question:

> **Why are they focusing on the "toxicity"** and not addressing the actual fair criticism or praise for the event by answering the questions, which if answered even vaguely, would start to repair this damage. Like I keep advocating for the team needing better communication, we have successful free to play games out there who always nail the communication and marketing, please it's not wrong to take note of them, no one will bat an eye. I say all this as someone who is passionate. The fixes to all of this backlash which would've been EASILY avoided if you just took a step back and actually saw the bigger picture to this community.

> We are players in a world YOU made, we are forever grateful, and we are not out here in a secret cult out to get the developers, we want to hear from you, get to know you better, show us the passion you have outside of the game.

> So basically my point is, we need to hear more from the developers. I understand theirs "broken promises" that can occur if you started announcing stuff left and right, but sometimes simple milestones, little maps of whats to come or hope to achieve will sit better with the players because as we continue to play, we will have in the back of our minds the thought that "New content is coming" constantly, instead of "I wonder if we will get something soon other than a gemstore item".


> Thank you for the world you provide us with, and I hope to see more of it in the coming months, and years of course,



I seen people mention this on the Subreddit regarding some toxic stuff. Anybody have a link to Anet statement regarding this? I didn't know this topic originated from an Anet statement.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > > @"GreyFox.8046" said:

> > > > **Why are they focusing on the "toxicity"**

> > >

> > > In their eyes, every form of criticism is "spreading toxicity".

> > >

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/p9QCNoe.png "")

> >


> This is taken out of context. We don't know (and will never know, now) what was posted that required moderation. Also, Gaile's comments like these were typically targeting the entire thread and not just one particular post or poster. Again, without knowing what came before this example is out of context.


That's not an excuse. You don't tell consumers to keep their thoughts to themselves when they dislike something.

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