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Where is my dismount button

Raiden The Beast.3016

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > > > > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > > > > > > > It was never meant for WvW and never balanced for it...

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > And?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I mean if this was an actual RvR game where the classes, mechanics, etc were all designed and balanced around WvW, then sure you'd have a point.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Problem is WvW was a side project tacked on by some devs looking through their rose tinted spectacles at DAoC. The classes, mechanics, etc were designed around sPvP, then nearly entirely balanced around sPvP until HoT, when they also started to design/balance for PvE raids.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > WvW meanwhile has been nothing but a distant third in this regard the entire game and basically just gets the odd crumb, which even then is normally only aimed at large scale. Hence in WvW the classes/builds/mechanics have always been an imbalanced farce that were designed and balanced for the needs of other game modes. The notion that imbalance is suddenly an issue because of that pattern repeating itself with mounts is laughable, WvW has always been an imbalanced, low skilled, cheesefest where core concepts like risk vs reward have always been a joke.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > And?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > That's the whole point and why people are mad, balance has been left behind and more and more ridiculous things have and are being added.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No, a handful of people are mad, because some of the imbalances they were fine with got changed to a different type of imbalance with mounts that they didn't like. Basically crocodile tears from people who don't genuinely give a toss about balance, risk vs reward, etc. ;)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yep, this is pretty much as good a summary as I've seen of the entire mount kerfuffle, it all comes back to that inability to adapt . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > post a video of you using crusader gear and celestial gear on a DD Tempest dismounting a player thats running away on a mount.

> > > > >

> > > > > show me how you adapted. Show me that you can put your money where your mouth is and you'll have my credibility and silence on the subject.

> > > > > Ive asked about 8 users to do this for me, will you be the first?

> > > > >

> > > > > until then, I believe immunity to soft and hard CC, 3 evades and 10k extra health is too much and severely imbalanced.

> > > >

> > > > This exhibits some confusion about what adaptation is. When the rules everyone plays by change, adaptation is the ability to change with them, not the ability to obviate them. You don't need someone to show you how to use a DD Tempest with crusader and celestial gear to dismount a player, you need to adapt your perspective to accept that the game is not designed to allow a DD Tempest with crusader and celestial gear to dismount another player . . .

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > So by your own words... Tempest is not meant to dismount players... the heavily time gated gear thats essential to WvW is also useless in WvW because of the mount....

> > >

> > > The mount which is a new addition that was added to the game that had no prior balancing for mounted combat over the course of 7 years....

> > >

> > > And you're still going to say its balanced? Just "adapt" by not playing my favourite build and class in one of my favourite game modes.... Ya know, judging from server statuses lately and the recent drastic drop, I'd say most took that advice.

> > >

> > > Do you understand why its not balanced or? do you understand the effects this has across the game mode?

> > >

> > > eg:

> > > do you like to be one shot? because thats the only viable build for the most part due to the imbalance.

> > > the other option is balance, something that allows people to play bruiser builds and battle it out for a min or 2, not a second or 2.

> > >

> > > need to look past face value and understand that balance is like an eco system or food chain, if you remove the flies the spiders will die, then the birds and so on.

> >

> > WvW was never balanced around small encounters and never will be. How you choose to play the mode is entirely on you.


> There is and has been lots of balance around small scale fighting in WvW, most if not all of the DPS builds people cry about are not viable in zerg play, including many of the Thief and mes builds that have been nerfed due to how over tuned they were (or cheese) in small scale. Sadly thief over all suffered hard due to the DE cheese and marked debuffs.



The marked/reveal mechanic is the most laziest, most stupid, most xyz implementation in game since release, second one the wvw mount ...

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> When build templates come out (haha, I know right?), I wonder what the excuse will be for being killed by a roamer on a 1vs1 build, when at that point, all they would have had to do was click a button to load their 1vs1 build and then click it again once they get to their zerg to swap back. I am willing to bet it's going to expose even more of the skill gap between the two camps.


"But sir, it's too difficult to fight under the conditions of constantly swapping with the build template"

Next update: "We have provided players with npc followers that will fight for them"

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > When build templates come out (haha, I know right?), I wonder what the excuse will be for being killed by a roamer on a 1vs1 build, when at that point, all they would have had to do was click a button to load their 1vs1 build and then click it again once they get to their zerg to swap back. I am willing to bet it's going to expose even more of the skill gap between the two camps.


> "But sir, it's too difficult to fight under the conditions of constantly swapping with the build template"

> Next update: "We have provided players with npc followers that will fight for them"


Next update after that: "We have a new gem store NPC with exclusive buffs!"

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:



> So by your own words... Tempest is not meant to dismount players... the heavily time gated gear thats essential to WvW is also useless in WvW because of the mount....

It's not essential. Wvw allows for a wide variety of builds and playstyles. It's also not useless, it has the same use it had before. It's only useless vs. the mount. With the introduction of the mount you must adapt. You can adapt your build, playstyle or goals. It's all up to you, just as it is to each individual player . . .

> The mount which is a new addition that was added to the game that had no prior balancing for mounted combat over the course of 7 years....

Anything that is available equally to everyone is inherently balanced. The only ppl who could possibly argue about it are ppl who are new to the game mode and don't have the mount yet. But it's so easy to get I would ignore that complaint as well . . .

> And you're still going to say its balanced? Just "adapt" by not playing my favourite build and class in one of my favourite game modes.... Ya know, judging from server statuses lately and the recent drastic drop, I'd say most took that advice.

Yes, dynamic changes that force players to adapt their builds, goals and playstyles prevent stale gameplay. No one likes having change forced upon them, but it is healthy for the game and if you are flexible enough to adapt it's actually quite fun . . .

> Do you understand why its not balanced or? do you understand the effects this has across the game mode?

No. Yes . . .

> eg:

> do you like to be one shot? because thats the only viable build for the most part due to the imbalance.

My builds are viable. I can't one shot anyone. But I have been one shot. Less often these days, oddly enough . . .

> the other option is balance, something that allows people to play bruiser builds and battle it out for a min or 2, not a second or 2.

Those are the builds I play mostly. Still viable . . .

> need to look past face value and understand that balance is like an eco system or food chain, if you remove the flies the spiders will die, then the birds and so on.

Not to mention all those poor kitties :)




> @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> It was never balanced around mounts either and I agree completely, just waiting on that dismount skill.



Using the dismount skill will will dismount one enemy player but will dismount you as well. How will you adapt in a 1vX situation . . ?

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> >

> >

> > So by your own words... Tempest is not meant to dismount players... the heavily time gated gear thats essential to WvW is also useless in WvW because of the mount....

> It's not essential. Wvw allows for a wide variety of builds and playstyles. It's also not useless, it has the same use it had before. It's only useless vs. the mount. With the introduction of the mount you must adapt. You can adapt your build, playstyle or goals. It's all up to you, just as it is to each individual player . . .

> > The mount which is a new addition that was added to the game that had no prior balancing for mounted combat over the course of 7 years....

> Anything that is available equally to everyone is inherently balanced. The only ppl who could possibly argue about it are ppl who are new to the game mode and don't have the mount yet. But it's so easy to get I would ignore that complaint as well . . .

> > And you're still going to say its balanced? Just "adapt" by not playing my favourite build and class in one of my favourite game modes.... Ya know, judging from server statuses lately and the recent drastic drop, I'd say most took that advice.

> Yes, dynamic changes that force players to adapt their builds, goals and playstyles prevent stale gameplay. No one likes having change forced upon them, but it is healthy for the game and if you are flexible enough to adapt it's actually quite fun . . .

> > Do you understand why its not balanced or? do you understand the effects this has across the game mode?

> No. Yes . . .

> > eg:

> > do you like to be one shot? because thats the only viable build for the most part due to the imbalance.

> My builds are viable. I can't one shot anyone. But I have been one shot. Less often these days, oddly enough . . .

> > the other option is balance, something that allows people to play bruiser builds and battle it out for a min or 2, not a second or 2.

> Those are the builds I play mostly. Still viable . . .

> > need to look past face value and understand that balance is like an eco system or food chain, if you remove the flies the spiders will die, then the birds and so on.

> Not to mention all those poor kitties :)




> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> >

> > It was never balanced around mounts either and I agree completely, just waiting on that dismount skill.

> >

> >

> Using the dismount skill will will dismount one enemy player but will dismount you as well. How will you adapt in a 1vX situation . . ?


Following that logic: I would expect the same to be applied to:


- one shot builds

- Perma stealth thief’s

- Perma stealth thief’s with portal

- Chain cc builds that lock players down

- AOE damage being ‘too much’


Well.. I won’t go on. Because you stated it well:


aDaPT oR dOn’T

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > So by your own words... Tempest is not meant to dismount players... the heavily time gated gear thats essential to WvW is also useless in WvW because of the mount....

> > It's not essential. Wvw allows for a wide variety of builds and playstyles. It's also not useless, it has the same use it had before. It's only useless vs. the mount. With the introduction of the mount you must adapt. You can adapt your build, playstyle or goals. It's all up to you, just as it is to each individual player . . .

> > > The mount which is a new addition that was added to the game that had no prior balancing for mounted combat over the course of 7 years....

> > Anything that is available equally to everyone is inherently balanced. The only ppl who could possibly argue about it are ppl who are new to the game mode and don't have the mount yet. But it's so easy to get I would ignore that complaint as well . . .

> > > And you're still going to say its balanced? Just "adapt" by not playing my favourite build and class in one of my favourite game modes.... Ya know, judging from server statuses lately and the recent drastic drop, I'd say most took that advice.

> > Yes, dynamic changes that force players to adapt their builds, goals and playstyles prevent stale gameplay. No one likes having change forced upon them, but it is healthy for the game and if you are flexible enough to adapt it's actually quite fun . . .

> > > Do you understand why its not balanced or? do you understand the effects this has across the game mode?

> > No. Yes . . .

> > > eg:

> > > do you like to be one shot? because thats the only viable build for the most part due to the imbalance.

> > My builds are viable. I can't one shot anyone. But I have been one shot. Less often these days, oddly enough . . .

> > > the other option is balance, something that allows people to play bruiser builds and battle it out for a min or 2, not a second or 2.

> > Those are the builds I play mostly. Still viable . . .

> > > need to look past face value and understand that balance is like an eco system or food chain, if you remove the flies the spiders will die, then the birds and so on.

> > Not to mention all those poor kitties :)

> >

> >

> >

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > >

> > > It was never balanced around mounts either and I agree completely, just waiting on that dismount skill.

> > >

> > >

> > Using the dismount skill will will dismount one enemy player but will dismount you as well. How will you adapt in a 1vX situation . . ?


> Following that logic: I would expect the same to be applied to:


> - one shot builds

> - Perma stealth thief’s

> - Perma stealth thief’s with portal

> - Chain cc builds that lock players down

> - AOE damage being ‘too much’


> Well.. I won’t go on. Because you stated it well:


> aDaPT oR dOn’T


Slightly different in that you're talking about specific builds and the mount represents a change in the ruleset that affects everyone equally, but I yes, I agree with you. I've never been a fan of ppl complaining about a build that they could just play themselves if they wanted to . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> The mount which is a new addition that was added to the game that had no prior balancing for mounted combat over the course of 7 years....

> Anything that is available equally to everyone is inherently balanced.


Not true, the mount does not effect everybody equally. Low mobility classes have a benefit from the mount. High mobility class changed nothing. This effects the balance in a high Level. Same is for the stupid marked mechanic which destroys a complete class.


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They said a dismount skill where coming, continued to play as I where thinking this unbalanced s.... where going away.

only play a bit sPvP now.

Only care about solo roaming in WvW and I know it is not the main point of the mode, but many people liked it liked it and now it is gone due to one change they refuse to balance.

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> @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > The mount which is a new addition that was added to the game that had no prior balancing for mounted combat over the course of 7 years....

> > Anything that is available equally to everyone is inherently balanced.


> Not true, the mount does not effect everybody equally. Low mobility classes have a benefit from the mount. High mobility class changed nothing. This effects the balance in a high Level. Same is for the stupid marked mechanic which destroys a complete class.


Well if they're unaffected it's hard to see why they would complain :)

> @"Sansar.1302" said:

> They said a dismount skill where coming, continued to play as I where thinking this unbalanced s.... where going away.

> only play a bit sPvP now.

> Only care about solo roaming in WvW and I know it is not the main point of the mode, but many people liked it liked it and now it is gone due to one change they refuse to balance.

Ppl keep saying this. All I do is solo roam, so it is not in fact gone. Nor is it broken, nerfed, spoiled, ruined or even made more difficult tbh. The biggest problem solo roamers face is the lack of other roamers to fight, a problem which is player-created and long predates the advent of the mount . . .

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I don't really see your issue. Many "roamers" over the years have chosen to play the most cheesy builds possible and stomped people that played classes which had zero chances of survive such an encounter. Yes, that's a huge balance issue (like stealth in this game still is or the power creep or "tankiness isn't tanky").

The thing is most people adapted and told themselves either "WOW! I must be the best player on my ghost condi thief, because I killed 6 people in row and managed to escape" or they are saying "Ok, the balancing is shit, let's try to avoid fighting stupid cheese builds and go back to the fun part (ie. capping camps, duelling, zerging, etc)

Now we have mounts and it feels good for most of the population because you can more easily avoid those category 1 people and enjoy the fun part of wvw (whatever that is for them)


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Everyone: X is overpowered and needs to be toned down.

People who benefit from X: Just "AdApT"

As it has always been.


Ill repeat this sentiment as well. Any person who's contribution to a discussion is telling people to "aDaPt" have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion. Save yourselves some time and don't reply to them.

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> Everyone: X is overpowered and needs to be toned down.

> People who benefit from X: Just "AdApT"

> As it has always been.


> Ill repeat this sentiment as well. Any person who's contribution to a discussion is telling people to "aDaPt" have absolutely nothing to add to the discussion. Save yourselves some time and don't reply to them.


You've proceeded from a couple of false premises . . .


First off, 'Everyone' never agrees on anything. Take this topic for example . . .


Second, you adapt to adversity. If you benefit from something, you don't need to adapt to it. So someone could only learn how effective and powerful the ability to adapt is if they were adversely affected by a change, not if they benefited from it. And once they have learned how effective and powerful that skill is, they naturally want to share it with other ppl. Unless they aren't nice. But I'm nice, so I encourage ppl to learn to adapt :)


Refusing to take advantage of your ability to adapt is like intentionally hamstringing yourself . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> You've proceeded from a couple of false premises . . .


> First off, 'Everyone' never agrees on anything. Take this topic for example . . .

I mean it was sort of a joke based on truth as ill explain.


> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Second, you adapt to adversity. If you benefit from something, you don't need to adapt to it.

Agree completely, and its been my experience that people spouting aDaPt nonsense are usually the ones that don't need to adapt, and are simply telling everyone else to play around the new play style that benefits them and hamstrings others. Such as people spouting aDaPt when any criticism is voiced against mounts are typically people who only zerg on pin have have purely benefited from the fact that they can no longer be ambushed on their way back to zerg. When people point out that mounts grant these players a beautiful danger free ride back to their zerg with extremely minimal risk these aforementioned players spout aDaPt. Despite the fact that they need not aDaPt to anything at all, and are simply telling other players who are disadvantaged by the change that purely benefits them to aDaPt.


> @"Gop.8713" said:

>So someone could only learn how effective and powerful the ability to adapt is if they were adversely affected by a change, not if they benefited from it. And once they have learned how effective and powerful that skill is, they naturally want to share it with other ppl. Unless they aren't nice. But I'm nice, so I encourage ppl to learn to adapt


As I've stated above this does not happen. Thief mains weren't the ones going around spouting aDaPt to other thieves to "encourage" them to lean to adapt to the new marked changes. Roamers weren't going around telling other roamers to aDaPt to the mount additions. Chronomancers didn't spam fellow chronos with aDaPt to the nerfs. Scrappers didn't scream aDaPt from the mountains when the reveal function was removed from their kit. And so on. I promise you that 99% of the players who say aDaPt are not players who have learnt to cope with the adversity of the changes, and seek to help others. They are players who have been given a bone, or a crutch that gives them an advantage over other players whether its the form of game balance, WvW mechanic, or a giant furry cat, and their insistence with screaming aDaPt is to ensure that their crutch is not reverted or taken away.


> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Refusing to take advantage of your ability to adapt is like intentionally hamstringing yourself . . .


Players tendency to hide terrible game design changes behind the phrase aDaPt, has contributed to the dismissal of very valid and very relevant criticism for far too long.

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > You've proceeded from a couple of false premises . . .

> >

> > First off, 'Everyone' never agrees on anything. Take this topic for example . . .

> I mean it was sort of a joke based on truth as ill explain.


> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > Second, you adapt to adversity. If you benefit from something, you don't need to adapt to it.

> Agree completely, and its been my experience that people spouting aDaPt nonsense are usually the ones that don't need to adapt, and are simply telling everyone else to play around the new play style that benefits them and hamstrings others. Such as people spouting aDaPt when any criticism is voiced against mounts are typically people who only zerg on pin have have purely benefited from the fact that they can no longer be ambushed on their way back to zerg. When people point out that mounts grant these players a beautiful danger free ride back to their zerg with extremely minimal risk these aforementioned players spout aDaPt. Despite the fact that they need not aDaPt to anything at all, and are simply telling other players who are disadvantaged by the change that purely benefits them to aDaPt.

That's my mistake then. When you referred to players who encourage others to adapt I figured I would be included in that group, since I'm a player who encourages others to adapt . . .

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> >So someone could only learn how effective and powerful the ability to adapt is if they were adversely affected by a change, not if they benefited from it. And once they have learned how effective and powerful that skill is, they naturally want to share it with other ppl. Unless they aren't nice. But I'm nice, so I encourage ppl to learn to adapt


> As I've stated above this does not happen.

Except it does happen. It is literally happening right now. Like as I'm typing this . . .

>Roamers weren't going around telling other roamers to aDaPt to the mount additions.

This is actually me lol. I am this person, I've been spouting adapt at ppl since the mount was first announced :lol:

>Chronomancers didn't spam fellow chronos with aDaPt to the nerfs. Scrappers didn't scream aDaPt from the mountains when the reveal function was removed from their kit. And so on. I promise you that 99% of the players who say aDaPt are not players who have learnt to cope with the adversity of the changes, and seek to help others. They are players who have been given a bone, or a crutch that gives them an advantage over other players whether its the form of game balance, WvW mechanic, or a giant furry cat, and their insistence with screaming aDaPt is to ensure that their crutch is not reverted or taken away.


> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > Refusing to take advantage of your ability to adapt is like intentionally hamstringing yourself . . .


> Players tendency to hide terrible game design changes behind the phrase aDaPt, has contributed to the dismissal of very valid and very relevant criticism for far too long.

And the inability to adapt costs players countless hours of enjoyment . . .


Note also that the ability for players to adapt doesn't mean anet shouldn't continue to work to improve the game. But even if anet 'fixes' whatever current issue is causing a particular player distress, the game is going to keep changing moving forward, and there will absolutely be some other change to come in the future which will adversely affect that player's playstyle. But if they have learned to adapt, they'll be fine while they wait on anet to 'fix' it . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:


> That's my mistake then. When you referred to players who encourage others to adapt I figured I would be included in that group, since I'm a player who encourages others to adapt . . .


>@"Gop.8713" said:


> Except it does happen. It is literally happening right now. Like as I'm typing this . . .


"I promise you that 99% of the players who say aDaPt are not players who have learnt to cope with the adversity of the changes, and seek to help others."


Congratulations welcome to the 1% of players in which I was referring :) (unless lying idk)


> @"Gop.8713" said:

> And the inability to adapt costs players countless hours of enjoyment . . .


> Note also that the ability for players to adapt doesn't mean anet shouldn't continue to work to improve the game. But even if anet 'fixes' whatever current issue is causing a particular player distress, the game is going to keep changing moving forward, and there will absolutely be some other change to come in the future which will adversely affect that player's playstyle. But if they have learned to adapt, they'll be fine while they wait on anet to 'fix' it . . .


But this simply isn't the case. The games population is dwindling despite what people say. Part of that reason is that these terrible changes are simply a bridge too far. Adapting to these changes is simply not enjoyable anymore. Everybody has their line in the sand. If anet deleted all classes and towers and gave everyone a plank instead, would you aDaPt to the changes? Or would you quit as so many have done before you? I'd say quit. Seems like an extreme example but many players have already reached their tolerance or their "Plank" change if you will. Where the new style of play that they would be forced to aDaPt to is simply intolerable. The people spouting aDaPt in my view simply make the chances of these player exiling changes being reversed even more unlikely.


The amount of roamer friends who just noped right out of this game when they saw how the mount functioned was depressing.


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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:


> > That's my mistake then. When you referred to players who encourage others to adapt I figured I would be included in that group, since I'm a player who encourages others to adapt . . .


> >@"Gop.8713" said:


> > Except it does happen. It is literally happening right now. Like as I'm typing this . . .


> "I promise you that 99% of the players who say aDaPt are not players who have learnt to cope with the adversity of the changes, and seek to help others."


> Congratulations welcome to the 1% of players in which I was referring :) (unless lying idk)

Thx :)


Another helpful thing to keep in mind is that good advice is good advice regardless of motive. If a smoker tells you not to start smoking you shouldn't ignore them just bc they're a smoker . . .

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > And the inability to adapt costs players countless hours of enjoyment . . .

> >

> > Note also that the ability for players to adapt doesn't mean anet shouldn't continue to work to improve the game. But even if anet 'fixes' whatever current issue is causing a particular player distress, the game is going to keep changing moving forward, and there will absolutely be some other change to come in the future which will adversely affect that player's playstyle. But if they have learned to adapt, they'll be fine while they wait on anet to 'fix' it . . .


> But this simply isn't the case. The games population is dwindling despite what people say. Part of that reason is that these terrible changes are simply a bridge too far. Adapting to these changes is simply not enjoyable anymore. Everybody has their line in the sand. If anet deleted all classes and towers and gave everyone a plank instead, would you aDaPt to the changes?

I would actually. I played the hell out of that LA game with the motes back in the day . . .

> Or would you quit as so many have done before you? I'd say quit. Seems like an extreme example but many players have already reached their tolerance or their "Plank" change if you will. Where the new style of play that they would be forced to aDaPt to is simply intolerable. The people spouting aDaPt in my view simply make the chances of these player exiling changes being reversed even more unlikely.

You're kind of talking about two different things now. If someone decides the game isn't worth adapting to anymore, I'd say that's fine, as it seems far more likely to me that someone who would quit over a new mechanic was burnt out already and just needed an excuse. The players who would benefit from adapting are those who say things like 'change X broke the game' or 'I quit until X', bc they clearly do not feel the game is no longer worth adapting to or they wouldn't be around to complain . . .


In this way the players who are able to adapt are far more likely to motivate change since they can say 'The game would be more fun if . . ' while those who fail to adapt are no longer around to have their opinions considered . . .

> The amount of roamer friends who just noped right out of this game when they saw how the mount functioned was depressing.


I agree it's always sad to see ppl who refuse to adapt. But on the upside they'll have to learn eventually, since whatever they move on to will also change one day . . .

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"If anet deleted all classes and towers and gave everyone a plank instead, would you aDaPt to the changes?"


> @"Gop.8713" said:

> I would actually. I played the hell out of that LA game with the motes back in the day . . .


![](https://i.imgur.com/QxEuLWA.png "")


> You're kind of talking about two different things now. If someone decides the game isn't worth adapting to anymore, I'd say that's fine, as it seems far more likely to me that someone who would quit over a new mechanic was burnt out already and just needed an excuse. The players who would benefit from adapting are those who say things like 'change X broke the game' or 'I quit until X', bc they clearly do not feel the game is no longer worth adapting to or they wouldn't be around to complain . . .


I disagree, like I said its usually a bridge too far.

HoT xpac had broken classes for months= aDaPt


Very few updates adding new content=aDaPt

New desert borderland focusing far too much on pve=aDaPt

Infrequent balance patches leaves broken classes broken=aDaPt

Marked focusing stealth classes=aDaPt

Path of fire xpac more broken classes that stay broken=aDaPt



The list is endless and each individual can only take so much. I applaud you for your tolerance.


> In this way the players who are able to adapt are far more likely to motivate change since they can say 'The game would be more fun if . . ' while those who fail to adapt are no longer around to have their opinions considered . . .


But the 99% of players who are spouting aDaPt are not the ones who say 'The game would be more fun if . . '. They are the ones saying "the game is more fun after this change", because the change benefited them.


> > The amount of roamer friends who just noped right out of this game when they saw how the mount functioned was depressing.

> >

> I agree it's always sad to see ppl who refuse to adapt. But on the upside they'll have to learn eventually, since whatever they move on to will also change one day . . .


You've perfectly explained why games/people/tv shows/empires etc rise and fall. Because eventually the cure is worse than the disease. Eventually the new way in which the entity is forcing people to change is like i said intolerable. So people move on to new things. That is exactly what is happening with this game. The 99% of players of which you are not included are driving players away by refusing to acknowledge the glaring problems of the game. And simply refuting any criticism with aDaPt.


EDIT: But perhaps we should agree to disagree I feel like we've hijacked this thread hahahaha

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> "If anet deleted all classes and towers and gave everyone a plank instead, would you aDaPt to the changes?"


> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > I would actually. I played the hell out of that LA game with the motes back in the day . . .


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/QxEuLWA.png "")

Well you didn't believe me when I told you I adapted to adverse changes in the past either ;)


> > You're kind of talking about two different things now. If someone decides the game isn't worth adapting to anymore, I'd say that's fine, as it seems far more likely to me that someone who would quit over a new mechanic was burnt out already and just needed an excuse. The players who would benefit from adapting are those who say things like 'change X broke the game' or 'I quit until X', bc they clearly do not feel the game is no longer worth adapting to or they wouldn't be around to complain . . .


> I disagree, like I said its usually a bridge too far.

> HoT xpac had broken classes for months= aDaPt

> gliding=aDaPt

> Very few updates adding new content=aDaPt

> New desert borderland focusing far too much on pve=aDaPt

> Infrequent balance patches leaves broken classes broken=aDaPt

> Marked focusing stealth classes=aDaPt

> Path of fire xpac more broken classes that stay broken=aDaPt

> Mounts=aDaPt


> The list is endless and each individual can only take so much. I applaud you for your tolerance.

That's actually a great illustration of my point. There will always be changes, and those changes will always be viewed adversely by some. When it's your turn to face an adverse change, you're better served if you are able to adapt . . .

> > In this way the players who are able to adapt are far more likely to motivate change since they can say 'The game would be more fun if . . ' while those who fail to adapt are no longer around to have their opinions considered . . .


> But the 99% of players who are spouting aDaPt are not the ones who say 'The game would be more fun if . . '. They are the ones saying "the game is more fun after this change", because the change benefited them.

I think it's fair to say that ppl who are skilled at adaptation are less likely to view a change adversely and are therefore more likely to tolerate deficiencies in design. But for the same reason they are also unlikely to stand in the way of progress and be willing to play through a change to see how it works out . . .

> > > The amount of roamer friends who just noped right out of this game when they saw how the mount functioned was depressing.

> > >

> > I agree it's always sad to see ppl who refuse to adapt. But on the upside they'll have to learn eventually, since whatever they move on to will also change one day . . .


> You've perfectly explained why games/people/tv shows/empires etc rise and fall. Because eventually the cure is worse than the disease. Eventually the new way in which the entity is forcing people to change is like i said intolerable. So people move on to new things. That is exactly what is happening with this game. The 99% of players of which you are not included are driving players away by refusing to acknowledge the glaring problems of the game. And simply refuting any criticism with aDaPt.


> EDIT: But perhaps we should agree to disagree I feel like we've hijacked this thread hahahaha

Ppl who can't adapt move on, bc they want an experience that no longer exists. My point was that the thing they move on to will also change over time and if they cannot adapt to the change they will be forced to move on from that as well. To see that as the 'natural' human state is bleaker than my view . . .


To steer things back to the topic at hand for example, I have adapted to the mount but that doesn't mean that I won't be able to adapt to the dismount skill if it ever arrives. I'm actually looking forward to it. Not to the skill necessarily, but to the change, the newness, the freshness, the opportunity to adapt . . .

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