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How LW 5 Can Be Really Good


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If LW 5 begins and closes the Jormag - Norn/Charr story within its saga like how they finished the Kralkatorrik story in LW 4, that will cover an integral part of the overall GW 2 story and make this LW season both rich in content and exciting. It would actually be worth the investment and their choice to go in this direction would be brilliant.


LW 5 lays ground for the 3rd expansion and after this saga is complete, everything should be built up for an expansion that takes place in a new type of area, setting, and story. Whether that's with the Deep Sea Dragon, Primordus, or something entirely different.


LW 2 built up Maguuma and HoT. LW 3 was scattered around a lot but it laid ground for Pof. LW 4 closed out what Pof started. There isn't an exact pattern for what these LW seasons accomplish or how they are designed. LW 5 could go in any direction. I hope it's to satisfy a significant part of the story while preparing us for an even greater part.



If LW 5 leads into a 3rd expansion that just continues more of the Norn/Charr/Jormag material, then we have another few years or more until we finally explore something new in GW 2.


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If I think a bit on how the Icebrood Saga is presented, I kind of dont think "Living world episodes" can be used as a benchmark. If it were, it'd mean they failed to deliver Expansion like content. I Believe what they're planning is more in the line of a miniature content drop, with a story in the background when applicable. It'll be less in scope, and more railroaded. But it might mean it's released more frequently.


I would Love for it to lead to an expansion, but I think it'll be far longer than the typical Living World Season usually last.

Mostly because as far as I can see it : They didn't want to make an expansion, they then realised people REALLY want an expansion but having had no plan for it means no work went into it -at all- which incidentally means they're currently caught off guard, and need time to start brainstorming and designing the project. Expansions take a lot of time to create. I think that Path of Fire probably got started shortly after Heart of Thorns was, the issue is that after Path of Fire, there was no similar development. I Feel that the company has understood that is not what the Community want, but are too embarassed to state that they've not been working on it early enough to have any to show for it. Hence they'll first try to put in "Expansion features" into smaller patches, to see if it hold waters, while another team starts the creation of an expansion.


That's all complete conjecture, as befit a situation where only one side is engaging. As usual, if the company was upfront about their plans, conjecture wouldn't be needed.


We still dont know what they mean by "Expansion-like features" for Iron's sake.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> People need to quite assuming there is going to be another expansion.


I honestly think there is too much clamor for it to be completely thrown out of the window. They essentially have two solutions open to them in order to retain players a this point :


-Manage to properly implement "Expansion content" into non expansion releases. Still possible, but greatly diminished by the fact they have yet to define "Expansion content"

-Stall for time until they can develop and release an expansion

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I just want E-specs themed around the norn,charr, jormag and this eldritch horror vibe they have going. I WANT DARKER SPECS that are super cool thematically and capable of being stuff we haven't seen and a breath of fresh air for the game.


The story sounds like my bread and butter and its about time ~ I look forward to it.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> If I think a bit on how the Icebrood Saga is presented, I kind of dont think "Living world episodes" can be used as a benchmark.


This. I am very excited about the upcoming story, map and mission designs. I believe it could be a beautiful experience in GW2, hopefully the best.


We'll see soon and then can discuss everything in detail. :)

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ls 5 would be better if it gave us more than ls4 did ls4 wasn't bad but it didn't bring expansion like content and that's what i thought i heard that ls was supposed to be able to deliver that type of content. especs would be a joy or something a long that line. i see speculation we will get several maps but im not sure about that. might be rumor only. a meta or two that replayable would be nice. they did do that in dragonfall so it not like its not doable. new mastery's are the same thing we have been getting not sure if i care for those not that i hate them just meh to me. just posting my thoughts getting closer to releasing expansion type content is where i want to go

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i wish there was more interesting stories than "we have to kill dragons because they're big and evil" I want cool stories with more human villains, betrayal, politics, convulted stories, etc!

as for gameplay, I hope we get new systems, like the strikes, and keep on getting new interesting things that make even old maps interesting again.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> All ot needs to be better than s4 is to have a consistent cadence. It lessened my enjoyment of the game massively how se4 had more than half its episodes delayed.


> to be succesful and build a strong audience you need consistency and se4 was a huge let down in that regard.



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I agree that a little bit faster schedule and no delays would make the playerbase content with the coming saga.


And I also believe this is what Anet has as a plan, just because they added another team to the living world teams, they made them more flexible and free to add their own touch on the releases and they dont need to add everything on the "list" of what a LS episode have to come with.


I think because of that reason, we'll see somewhat quicker releases and less delays.

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