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PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

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LFG (casual) option with a que system for all PVE content. Raids, Dungeons, and Fractals. Buff that scales with all non-party members qued through the system to equal the playing field. Maybe 5% (damage, defense and healing received).


Huge buff to Dungeon Content to make it worth doing again. That way it is competitive. I feel like I joined too late and it is like pulling teeth to get dungeon interest currently.

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-Reduce Cheese, better balance

-Swiss tournament

-New pvp gamemodes

-Better matchmaking

-Split team Q and Solo Q

-Go against cheaters, wintrade...



-Reduce Cheese, better balance

-Alliance for the people Who Think that will make a diffrence

-better reward

-delete mounts, or give me my stupid dismount Button

-revert all the stupid anti stealth (anti teef) mechanics, most lazy approach ever ...

-reward small scale and roaming instead focus pve zerk play...



-Make legendary Gen 2, all leg stuff buyable or and make it possible to get them buy playing my Favorite gammode instead wasting my time in pve.

-idc, ...



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Alliances . . .


Skyscale rift cheeves . . .


Dismount skill . . .


Pretty much in that order . . .


But really I'm pretty much as happy as can be expected without those things. It's still a pretty great game. The one thing that I would love for them to be able to fix is the way they handled the sigil of nullification collection, and that opportunity is long past . . .

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ANet: More communication and details, why is this game breaking to spell out what they see as a "Saga" over a living world season, why does it matter to players, an ongoing what's in the works minus dates updates over time, what should we be excited for?

All Modes: New elite specs, rework of minor traits to be selectable options like majors but in more limited fashion, addressing less used abilities and bringing them on par with more popular abilities, racial abilities and having value in having race for a build, new races

WvW: new maps, more events, seasons, better reward system, downstate changes, tying EoTM into regular WvW scoring & rewards

sPvP: More game type diversity that are both ranked and unranked, more maps

Fractals: More fractals potentially focusing on past game events, example: Marionette fractal. There is a lot of story telling or even just further in depth details that could come from fractals

PvE: new dungeons and better dungeons mechanics for new maps that would have their own seasons weapons/armor/items to work towards and lore, more silverwaste/dragonstand style meta build up events that are map wide, monster play options to allow players to help keep PvE events fresh/challenging

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PvE: New Maps which have a progression. Best maps were Straits of Devastation and HoT maps(also traveling and exploringwise, though with mounts it probably won't be possible again), though the eventchains should be more split up/not that straightforward(thinking of an event-net which is linked to many different outcomes depening on your performance/state of other events/... So f.e. loosing an event shouln't cancel the events but open another path). I also really liked the way they released Drytop(split up map).


Dungeons: Yes please, preferably the way they originally promoted them pre-release.


Fractals: Yes, but shorter and more relaxing than the ones they released recently(f.e. Sirene is doable but stressful). Make the stressful ones CM but the normal daily T4 should stay relaxed.


PvP: Don't care


Raids: Don't care


WvW: Alliance system, fixing bugs, getting rid of lag and less lootbased gameplay(less PiPs and Wxp- focused).

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For me... PVE... it has to do with rewards. The best way I can explain it is by example. A few years back, we had the Caledbolg reborn thing. The process took me to various parts of the world to do different things. I knew at the end of the process I would have an ascended weapon of my choice... and the ability to get skins for the others. I like things like this... where the rewards seem consistent with the effort. Granted, this is highly subjective, because different people like different things. What I do not particularly enjoy is getting a bag full of assorted greens, blues, and yellows that I can salvage and sell on the TP so that I can buy some other mats to craft something I might want. There is nothing at all exciting to me about getting a bunch of useless gear that I need to salvage.


So, short answer—I'd like fun, challenging activities with rewards that mean something in and of themselves.

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Any sort of mildly challenging content that is repeatable and has decent rewards. I would hope for some procedurally generated elements too to spice it up every now and then a little


Bonus points for adding various levels of difficulties and for adding solo/hotjoin/premade + PvP mode to it

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Casual but long-term GW player here (GW2 since beta, GW at release). I want a new expansion with huge maps that have tons to explore and experience. No new currencies, and consolidate the existing currencies because I think there are too many different ones. Higher-quality loot drops, sick of trash and unidentified gear that ends up as trash too. Thanks for asking.

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As I just wrote in another thread, my personal wish would be for certain game modes stop being developed, so that the others can receive more much needed attention with more resources dedicated to them. They dumped Dungeons a long time ago (which was a shame at the time), now it's time to dump Fractals and Raids, IMO. Let those people work on PvE/story, WvW and QoL updates instead. That way we will get more frequent updates in those departments.


And let's be honest: some great story ideas that were used for raid instances could have been better implemented elsewhere, because that game mode's focus is on challenging fights - story is wasted there. And we already have tons of fractals, no? I would have loved to learn about Saul D'Alessio's fate in PvE story mode instead of raids, or enter the realm of the djinn to explore and quest, and what not.

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Bloody kitten loots

I like every aspect of the game minus loots

Rewards/loots from events, meta, etc are pretty damn useless. Not once have I ever been excited from loot drops in this game.

Yes horizontal progression does not allow much room for a range of loot but honestly maybe even having exotics drop a bit more would spice things up cos at the moment the loots are absolute s###

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For PvE I'm going to make a less popular suggestion. Less new maps. I don't think this game has the player population to continue making new maps that can be filled by players. Instead players just gravitate to the maps and meta events that offer the most rewards per time played after the novelty of the new map has worn off. That's why the Silverwastes RIBA is still so popular and a lot of other LS maps are almost ghost towns at times. I don't think the game has enough players to support frequently making more maps that can be expected to have a high population of players over a long amount of time. Many will be popular for a short period of time then ghost towns until Anet adds something later like the Skycale collections to "force" players back to them, then after time back to being a ghost town. I'm not sure how Anet can fix that.


Second and probably an extremely very unpopular opinion, throttle the influx of gold players earn. It's too easy to earn the coin players need for gear or other things. This of course will be very unpopular for people that trade gold for gems. However, it doesn't feel rewarding to me when gold is so trivialized. There is nothing exciting for me about getting a drop in PvE worth something anymore aside from G1 precursors and insanely rare drops like Chak Egg Sac. "I got an exotic drop worth 15 gold on the TP. Yawn I can make that in an hour." Instead it seems rewards are often just salvaging and selling mats for the most part. It's probably too late to make something like a L80 exotic sword drop exciting again. But I would like there to be something more exciting about playing the game aside from do event, open bags, sell anything worth more than 20 silver and salvage and sell the rest. I guess what I'm trying to say is there is nothing exciting about receiving loot these days because it is so easy to make gold for the the things characters need. The players that would be punished by changing the mass amount of easy to earn gold at this point would be new players and I don't think that is something Anet is aiming for. Again I don't know how to fix that at this point.

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