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All Vabbians are heterosexual now?

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We were asked to stop the argument. I don't understand what wasn't clear about that.


Since it has been posted about, I would also like to point out that being gay or lesbian is as little "all about" the physical aspects of a relationship as any straight person's presence in the game, so referring to the mere presence of homosexual NPCs or couples in any game as "sexual content" is ridiculous.


Can we please all agree that we, gays, straights and everything in between, are all human beings who deserve representation in any medium, because that's just how things are in the world? It doesn't hurt anyone, it isn't "unhealthy" or otherwise harmful, it's not "over-representation" or an outrageous demand, therefore its existence in your favorite game is nothing bad nor evil nor uncalled-for. Can we move on now? Thanks.

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> @"Delta Dawn.4970" said:

> I know this is a minor detail, but recently I've been on a map completion spree and have been doing the Vabbi hearts on a bunch of characters. I remember that in the past, using the affinity analyzer at the "Be the life of the party" heart in Seborhin had an equal chance of prompting npcs to state they were looking for a same- or different-gender partner, but the last three times I've done it this month I noticed that none of the npcs asked for same-gender partners. I know it's just a silly detail in a random heart, but I was wondering what the reason for this change was - as a Gay myself it was just kinda nice to have those interactions not be heteronormative, and I'm sad to see it changed for seemingly no reason.


Sounds like a gamble, if you ask me.

Someone else might've wondered why everyone is gay over there.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Obviously the initial question was answered. The following discussion was unruly and moderated, despite attempting to try to get it back on track. We want all players to know that they can talk freely about the content of the game, even when the topic is difficult, such as gender identities and sexual orientation. That is, **as long as the discussion is respectful.** Not everyone has the same perspective and discussions are sometimes a tool to get to understand each other. It seems that participants were unable to have the conversation in ways that meet our expectations outlined previously. As a result, we have to close this thread.

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