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Why is there no Mount Select License for the original mount skins?


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That was their first try at selling mounts. We have mount select licenses because people asked for it after the first mount batch was released. ANet said they wouldn't change how the original mount skins are sold because some people already started working towards getting them all, and gambling to have one they like. Not to mention that because this license has twice as many skins as others licenses, selling individual skins for 1200 gems would be less profitable: This price was calculated as a way to skip the RNG of 1/15, it wouldn't have the same value if it allowed to skip the RNG of 1/30. (I don't know if I'm clear on that last part, I'm not native english speaker sorry).

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I'd love a mount select license - there's only one skin I really want, the Highlands Harrier griffon. But...ArenaNet has already said that they won't do it, and have given valid reasons, such as what @"ROMANG.1903" stated). So I'll live with it. In the future, I'll probably save up to buy a few licenses at a time, as I like a majority of the skins. I just wish it wasn't *quite* so expensive...

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