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Still no mention of zojja?


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> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > This is what happens when you can't attract your voice actors back.


> Felcia day actually has stated she would love to come back and do Zojja but has not been asked.


Regardless, even if she could come back but not get a matching schedule, we're at a point we can get a new voice actor and it wouldn't be a problem. She's been comatose for a while.


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> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > This is what happens when you can't attract your voice actors back.


> Felcia day actually has stated she would love to come back and do Zojja but has not been asked.


She also, in a recent interview with Brian Foster, said that she's fine with walking away from previous stuff. She's had a child, she wants to spend time with that child, she doesn't want to repeat old tasks or feel locked in, and she'd rather be her own boss. Not a word was said about her work with ArenaNet (I'm not sure there was even anything said about her voice acting in general), but the picture I got from that interview was that while at one point she diplomatically said she'd enjoy doing more Zojia, she's more into helming her own projects now and not terribly interested in voice work for others.


For those interested in the interview, google for Between The Sheets Felicia Day. It should be on YouTube, it's definitely on VoD on Critical Role Twitch if you are subbed there.

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> Not sure I will ever get over the fact that Zojja didn’t get to help take down Kralkatorrik.


> They even brought Eir and *Snaff* back from the void, and *they* for some reason weren’t important enough to be included in the final battle against Kralk.


> That was their moment for a satisfying reunion and redemptive moment. Even if Zojja showed up hooked up to a breathalyzer to watch the kitten get blown up, I would’ve been happy. Give her a chance to see her mentor.


> But no. We’ll never get that resolution. And if she shows up again someday, which I doubt at this point, it won’t be quite the same.


Oh yes Snaff, i've forgotten about him and i think that is what Anet wanted, i also think they wanted to give the "meeting Snaff" moment to Taimi over an Asura WHO WAS HIS APPRENTICE AND HATED HER FRIEND WHEN HE DIED!!

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The absence of Zojja when we were meeting both Snaff and Eir, and then finishing off Kralkatorrik is disgraceful. She was denied all the closure for her character arc which started in the books about Destiny's Edge, even before GW2 itself launched. I really want to see her back. I don't care about voice acting, I don't care we ignored her for so long already. Just drop the in-game mail from whoever telling us to come by because "Zojja finally woken up from her coma" or whatever... I would even take a confirmation of her death or reassurance that she is still in total coma. Just give us SOMETHING.

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