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Renegade pvp


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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> To be honest, he is not completely wrong(although he s far from being right). The point is that your 2 vids are completely irrelevant. I mean, the teasing (the title of the vid) and the vid itself are completely unrelated.

> Video 1 is titled: dwarf ability to tank. Yet, what I see is "rite of the great dwarf" effectively reducing 50% of the incoming damage. Because that s the **only** skill you really used. So for me, the title is a bit exaggerated. The vid also shows that the build is highly vulnerable to chain CC, sounds bad for a tanky build. I m not even mentioning the fact that your video is only 15 secs long (even if it is obvious that you died at the end). Like how can you even closely show the usefulness of a build in 15 secs (more like 10 to be fair)? This looks like you cherry-picked what you think was the best part of a 10+ min game: It s called manipulation (if it is done on purpose ofc).

> The second video is titled: If it wasn't for True Nature, this wouldn't have been possible to do as effectively. In the description of build you also say : " it's a lot easier to pull off **insane **transfers". First, there is only one (tell me what are the others, if there are) on legend swapping. Then you didn t even used that because someone cleansed those 40 stacks of burn (the scrapper I guess). And in this one too you only used one single skill: pain absorption. So your impact on the whole fight was pretty limited here. Like close to 0. Because despite you using pain absorption, which would have been a huge support for your mates, someone else (again the scrapper I think) granted resistance to the whole team. The only close to useful thing you "did" was to passively apply slow with FoN on demon stance.


> I am not saying that you re bad or that the builds you presented are. I m just saying that the videos you show here are not working as you intended they would. They don t highlight any use case of the builds because there are 1- too short and 2- you were (almost) perma stunned on those to show anything.


Shao has a stream and a YouTube channel with the additional videos that you so voraciously require. The purpose of the clips in this thread was to highlight some humorous moments he had with the builds, not to give a thorough playthrough or montage of how his builds play. If that’s what you want, maybe try the twitch with hours of uninterrupted combat.


As for rite of the great dwarf being only one button or something... like what? When you play core dwarf rite on f2 is your best cooldown against high burst windows like reaper shroud or rampage. That clip does a nice job of showing how rite mitigates burst damage.

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> To be honest, he is not completely wrong(although he s far from being right). The point is that your 2 vids are completely irrelevant. I mean, the teasing (the title of the vid) and the vid itself are completely unrelated.

> Video 1 is titled: dwarf ability to tank. Yet, what I see is "rite of the great dwarf" effectively reducing 50% of the incoming damage. Because that s the **only** skill you really used. So for me, the title is a bit exaggerated. The vid also shows that the build is highly vulnerable to chain CC, sounds bad for a tanky build. I m not even mentioning the fact that your video is only 15 secs long (even if it is obvious that you died at the end). Like how can you even closely show the usefulness of a build in 15 secs (more like 10 to be fair)? This looks like you cherry-picked what you think was the best part of a 10+ min game: It s called manipulation (if it is done on purpose ofc).

> The second video is titled: If it wasn't for True Nature, this wouldn't have been possible to do as effectively. In the description of build you also say : " it's a lot easier to pull off **insane **transfers". First, there is only one (tell me what are the others, if there are) on legend swapping. Then you didn t even used that because someone cleansed those 40 stacks of burn (the scrapper I guess). And in this one too you only used one single skill: pain absorption. So your impact on the whole fight was pretty limited here. Like close to 0. Because despite you using pain absorption, which would have been a huge support for your mates, someone else (again the scrapper I think) granted resistance to the whole team. The only close to useful thing you "did" was to passively apply slow with FoN on demon stance.


> I am not saying that you re bad or that the builds you presented are. I m just saying that the videos you show here are not working as you intended they would. They don t highlight any use case of the builds because there are 1- too short and 2- you were (almost) perma stunned on those to show anything.


Inspiring Reinforcement Weakness was also a factor added with Vengeful Hammers, I wish RotGD could mitigate that much all alone, it can't. It's in Anets design that you weakness people all the time and use damage reduction modifiers to tank so not really cheery picking there, this clip was obviously silly because I had all the chances to swap away with Shiro yet just let myself be constantly feared by well of corruption in my stability field because regardless of the outcome, they wasted all their shroud skills and some utility while I could prevent capture of the bell.


Cleansed? Did you miss the 5k then 9k burn tick that instant downed the Firebrand? There's no reason to spam Pain Absorption when you're herald, it's ineffective with the energy and leaving you vulnerable, especially on a fresh swap. What you want is to pain absorption following by the facet once it completes, giving you a lot of resistance as well as easing pressure by sharing 2 sec if resistance around teammates if there was a condi burst, the facet will be the one absorbing the damage to yourself passively then send it back when using the true nature of it or legend swap, if doing legend swap and the ICD of Demonic Defiance is over, doing Pain Absorption again in the middle then transferring via swap, you will be able to extend everyone resistance to 4 second as well as your own that will likely be 12 seconds depending how many people there is. If you do use Demon True Nature and don't want it to follow with more conditions afterwards, swapping back to the other legend will make the extra pulses by that one instead of demon.



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Send a link of your build so we can better check it all out.

* First off, please keybind your skills. I'm sure you already know this, but yeah...


I've wondered about a power renegade pvp build for a little while. It could potentially be a decent team fighter on nodes, but mainly against melee. However, Planar Protection is really good against everything but mesmers.


* I'd recommend running dwarven battle training for the increased damage and weakness application. The fact that this trait has no cooldown makes it quite powerful when you use either darkrazor's daring, temportal rift, jade winds, and staff 5. Lots of ways to apply a lot of weakness.


I'd also recommend running steadfast rejuvenation. This trait is really strong, especially when combined with life steal. You can cast impossible odds and get like 6 stacks of it and get like 8 stacks of it when you cast soulcleave's summit, plus the life steal it already provides.

You'll still be able to deal good damage, but survive much better.


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