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Why MMO Fail?


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> @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.


> It's just like any others products/services out there. When they dont serve the consumer's demand, people are not satisfied and express or spread the words of hatred. In terms of MMO, people dont only spend their money on it but also spend their life, passion, and dedication. That's why people are so mad and angry when the devs didnt provide the right content that they want.


> The toxic behavior is bad, i agreed. But I also think that the devs should have revealed or talked abit more about the future plan to give sincerity and hope to the community. The reason they were mad (including me) is that they felt like being abandoned (also their beloved game mode such as raid/pvp/wvw) because All Anet was talking about is Living World and Story.


> Everyone just wants their game mode to be a part of the future.

> Not only open-world pve players.


Being dissatisfied does not equal to being mad, angry, and definitely do not grant the right 'to express or spread the words of hatred'. It is fine and understandable that not everyone is happy with a game and developers approaches to its development. However, a good community reacts to this with constructive feedback and a positive attitude. Toxic communities feel entitled to their rage, hatred, poor choice of words, and general lack of civility.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > > MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.

> >

> > It's just like any others products/services out there. When they dont serve the consumer's demand, people are not satisfied and express or spread the words of hatred. In terms of MMO, people dont only spend their money on it but also spend their life, passion, and dedication. That's why people are so mad and angry when the devs didnt provide the right content that they want.

> >

> > The toxic behavior is bad, i agreed. But I also think that the devs should have revealed or talked abit more about the future plan to give sincerity and hope to the community. The reason they were mad (including me) is that they felt like being abandoned (also their beloved game mode such as raid/pvp/wvw) because All Anet was talking about is Living World and Story.

> >

> > Everyone just wants their game mode to be a part of the future.

> > Not only open-world pve players.


> Being dissatisfied does not equal to being mad, angry, and definitely do not grant the right 'to express or spread the words of hatred'. It is fine and understandable that not everyone is happy with a game and developers approaches to its development. However, a good community reacts to this with constructive feedback and a positive attitude. Toxic communities feel entitled to their rage, hatred, poor choice of words, and general lack of civility.



What do you mean Toxic community ? Every community has both good and toxic players inside. you can not teach or force them to express or feel good anyway. It depends on which side that you wanna look and call it as the community.


But the point is at the current state of the game. Anet isnt doing well for the overall aspect of the game. That's why i posted this vids so that maybe Anet can think about something they overlooked or missed to make the game better.

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> @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > > > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > > > MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.

> > >

> > > It's just like any others products/services out there. When they dont serve the consumer's demand, people are not satisfied and express or spread the words of hatred. In terms of MMO, people dont only spend their money on it but also spend their life, passion, and dedication. That's why people are so mad and angry when the devs didnt provide the right content that they want.

> > >

> > > The toxic behavior is bad, i agreed. But I also think that the devs should have revealed or talked abit more about the future plan to give sincerity and hope to the community. The reason they were mad (including me) is that they felt like being abandoned (also their beloved game mode such as raid/pvp/wvw) because All Anet was talking about is Living World and Story.

> > >

> > > Everyone just wants their game mode to be a part of the future.

> > > Not only open-world pve players.

> >

> > Being dissatisfied does not equal to being mad, angry, and definitely do not grant the right 'to express or spread the words of hatred'. It is fine and understandable that not everyone is happy with a game and developers approaches to its development. However, a good community reacts to this with constructive feedback and a positive attitude. Toxic communities feel entitled to their rage, hatred, poor choice of words, and general lack of civility.



> What do you mean Toxic community ? Every community has both good and toxic players inside. you can not teach or force them to express or feel good anyway. It depends on which side that you wanna look and call it as the community.


> But the point is at the current state of the game. Anet isnt doing well for the overall aspect of the game. That's why i posted this vids so that maybe Anet can think about something they overlooked or missed to make the game better.


I think that a community becomes toxic when toxic attitudes start to dominate discussions (outrage, hatred, name-calling, ridicule, discouragement of developers and new players, threats, and so on). GW2 Reddit community is a bit more toxic than official forums, from my point of view.


I agree that it is not possible to force people to feel good. However, it is possible to teach them good manners and ways to provide constructive feedback. Please note that negative feedback also can (and should) be constructive. It is much more productive for everyone if people take time and elaborate on reasons for their dissatisfaction or provide suggestions.


I would also like to point out that I was responding to knomslayer.9457's comment.


As for the current state of the game, I do not think that it is not doing well. Members of the GW2 community who expressed their outrage in most vocal terms are not representative of the entire community. I also believe that many of them set their expectations way too high.

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> As for the current state of the game, I do not think that it is not doing well. Members of the GW2 community who expressed their outrage in most vocal terms are not representative of the entire community. I also believe that many of them set their expectations way too high.


As I have been playing for 4 years straight, there were around 30-40 ppl in the guilds that i know and saw them logged in everyday. Now I am almost the only one who's still active. Around 10-13 of them just logged in on Saturday for guild raid in WvW. My guild is still chilling in Discord. They play some other games including Dota and FPS game but dont bother logging in to GW2. They said they have nothing to do in the game. <<< This is my aspect of what i said "It's not doing well"


It is not like people actually quit the game. They are just waiting for Anet to add some good things to the game so that we can play gw2 together again.



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My thoughts on the matter of mmorpg

I believe mmorpg is almost like fashion.

It was something developing from the 90s to really hitting it off in the 00s and early 10s. It was a sensation, almost like fashion kids of those times were all into it.

Now days the new generation dont seem to be too interested in rpg games (sure there may be a few)

The kids of those times when rpg dominated game market, are all grown ups now tending to real life matters and issues.


The structure of rpg games require a lot of hours from a person and I think this formula is the reason why it is starting to fail. Not many can dish out a bunch of hours on games now (atleast for me) but I would have loved to stay back and play games all day


Its 2019 now and times have changed. Most kids are out there playing fortnight/Apex/league etc

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"SLOTH.5231" said:

> > They fired everyone so there isn’t anyone left to do anything to the game outside of living world episodes.


> I don't understand where this misinformation comes from and unfortunately I've read posts similar to this one a lot since the lay offs. That it gets thumbs up is another reason to worry. The game started with at most 200 employees back in 2012, went up to 220 (developers only) in 2016, reached 436 total in early 2019. 143 were laid off in March 2019 so 293 left working at Arenanet after that. They are at 296 now.


> You can see that between release and Path of Fire the company doubled in size. Did we get content to justify double workforce? No.

Yes. They flat out told us at some point that originally they weren't capable of doing LS and working on an expac at the same time (thus the delays in the last episodes of LS2, and a content drought between the end of the second season and HoT launch. Thus, also, the content drought between HoT launch and start of the LS3). What that increased workforce gave us was PoF without any severe content droughts after LS3 start. And no 9 month delay between PoF and LS4.


> That's because more than likely those extra people were working on the cancelled projects and not Guild Wars 2.

We do know that a number of them at least were working on GW2 at some point, and only later they were moved off it to other projects. There were also leaks, long before layoffs, that they managed to man those other projects not only by hiring additional devs, but primarily by moving people out of expac team. And that it was the primary reason why expac 3 got delayed initially.


> Even after the lay offs and the cancellation of their other projects, Arenanet still has more employees working now, than they had on release day and during Heart of Thorns.

Yes. And that number is still likely not enough for them to keep up doing both LS and expac at the same time. And it's likely the main reason for the move towards expacless release mode now.


> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> Designing online games as single player games is a shortcut for failure, and a very short one at that.

GW1 would disagree. It was very succesful up until the point devs announced they are cutting further development of it.





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MMOs don't all "fail". MMOs just have the problem that they can never be as good as an offline computer RPG, like "Dragon Age: Origins" for instance, because they lack the option of choice within the story that makes for high replayability (and tons of excitement, deep immersion, etc). It could be done to some extent, as GW2 proved at the beginning with the personal story, but most companies refuse to invest money into the resources required to make it happen (which is why GW2 dropped the option early on, too, sadly).

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"SLOTH.5231" said:

> > > > > > > > > They fired everyone so there isn’t anyone left to do anything to the game outside of living world episodes.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > This feels like a lot of misinformation to me. For example we swiss tournaments were announced for PvP, so there is obviously someone working on them. And while the Warclaw wasn't well received by a lot of WvWers, someone must have worked on it. In addition to that, most of the people fired weren't even working on Guild Wars 2 in the first place In addition to that, there's a new type of ten man content coming. Not sure why people say stuff like this that's demonstrably untrue.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Did you check how long ago Swiss was announced?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Have you checked how long ago Alliances were announced?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Warclaw is a mount..., pretty much like all the others. It’s WvW specific? How about the modifications for that Warclaw?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So.. while I agree there are people working on things, to be told ‘soon’ for over 19 months.... it’s kinda hard to swallow is all.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Do you know how much time the alliance would take with having to essentially delete the servers? This is a core thing that has to be handled very carefully, particularly because they need to make other changes which have nothing to do with it, to set up other future goals. You might think it's just alliances, but we know both front and back end stuff had to be done. It's not like flicking a switch. It's a major change to the format. Sorry if you think it's taking to long, but stuff like this often takes longer than expected. I think the tournament bugs might have set back Swiss tournaments, but I have no idea how involved any of that is. But for WvW, it's a basic rewrite of the whole system. I knew it would take a lot of time. Time for players and time for programmers are very different things.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don’t doubt it takes time.

> > > > >

> > > > > So let’s assume they were working on it before the announcement..

> > > > >

> > > > > The matchmaking is intact.

> > > > >

> > > > > Linking is in place to ‘join’ players to servers.

> > > > >

> > > > > **Workload wise?** There have been a full LS episode that has come and gone to include multiple maps, legendaries, quests, etc. leading us to LS5. And let’s not pretend that they don’t have the bulk of 5 done.

> > > > >

> > > > > So... a matchmaking system.... which megaservers has been in place for... how long again? Oh yeah... 2014.

> > > > >

> > > > > Say what you like... but the **only** reason why alliances isn’t out is a concerted effort towards producing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > It isn’t a priority. Just own that. Those of us that enjoy WvW have. It’s the part that has led many to take an extended break.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > One of the devs in my guild way back told me a story about Arah. When this game launched, the Arah story mode mission wasn't actually complete, because the moving platform tech that the airships moved on wasn't in the game yet. They had to wait for that to complete the instance. In the mean time players were already pouring into the game and they had to race to get it done before the first players reached Orr, which happened much faster than they expected it to.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > So.. that change probably needed to be completed within 2 weeks to allow for the first ones to Orr to have the ability to play that right?

> > >

> > > How is this example applicable to what I am speaking about above?

> > >

> > > On one hand: with enough resources, the problem was addressed within two weeks. If you are telling me those are different scenarios to the ‘back end’ stuff, then why bring it up?

> > >

> > > On the second hand: it’s an example of things being able to be completed with resource allocation.

> > >

> > > Which brings me to the inherent problem I have with alliances being dragged out: the resources do not appear to be allocated. It’s been almost 20 months since the ‘coming change’ was first announced which means it had been worked on some before.

> > >

> > > And there is has been no actual update of ‘progress’ for almost 1.5 years. (‘Update #2’ was effectively “We still have it as a priority” and “We are still working on it”)

> > >

> > > Look, I don’t doubt it is a large undertaking. But to see things effectively stagnate? I don’t buy it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > How can you possibly know if they're stagnating. You only know it's not done. The point was the people who designed the tech to move the platforms were different than the people who were working on the dungeon. The group that makes the tools and the tech is different than the designers. That's how it applies to what you're saying.

> >

> > Change the back end of anything in any program, particularly a 7 year old program is something you have to do REALLY REALLY carefully. Taking a long time to do something is not necessarily stagnating. For all you know they've made changes already on the test server and those changes aren't doing what they want them to do, so they're tweaking. The point is, you have no idea of it's stagnating or not. You're making the assumption that kind of major change doesn't take 2 years. You simply don't know. I don't know either. The difference between us is I'm not the one claiming it's stagnating.


> Let’s assume for a minute that the ‘Back-End’ part of your post is accurrate.


> Let’s drift back to the mount: still not ‘fixed’ as in the changes that @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" noted we’re ‘in the works’. That’s been 6 months now. And the last update, 2.5 months ago was that the skill is finished but needed tweaks.


> Maps: WvW has gotten two major maps/map changes in the last 7 years. DBL, and the addition / rework of the ruins. In 7 years. Oh wait, quaggan lake... so three.


> Exploitable paths into keeps and towers: three have been known about since year two with threads and questions about them. Several more have been in place since the introduction of DBL with it being widely known and reported. Invisible walls would likely help in most of these situations. Yet, when flying mounts get added, invisible walls start popping up everywhere within weeks after it’s shown, and still no change in WvW.


> You talk back end. I say resources. So while we can make the assumption that the back end is tenuous, it’s not arguable that resource wise, WvW has been left out.


This is known as a strawman argument. I never said WvW wasn't in need of more frequent updates. I never said it gets enough updates. I never said everything was fine and dandy with WvW. None of these things was said by me ever. If you go back through every post I've ever made, you'll never see me say any of those things.


But I will speak out when someone says no progress is being made when they can't possibly know that. That's an unsupportable statement. People have every right to complain if they feel their particular part of the game isn't getting enough love, or bug fixes, or fast enough updates. But...people don't really have the right to state things as fact that are either demonstrably untrue, or simply unprovable at all.


Anyone can say anything. We have no idea if progress is being made on that one thing or not. After all, it's going to come into the game as one single entity. It's not like they can give us half of it now.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> MMO fail because of toxic community. Just like the announcement 30th. People complain and harassing the devs because they dont get what they want when the content that they want (they know themselves) wasnt even going to be part of the announcement. People need to stop harassing the devs thats why mmos are dying just like the World Of Warcraft right now. World Of Warcraft commnunity is toxic they hate their current expansion, they harass the devs that the devs are being forced to make a new version of the old game. lol. Hope that doesnt happen to Gw2.


mmo fails because there’s certain people want to get other people to waste money, but in the end they resist the temptation and no funds, weee


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> MMOs don't all "fail". MMOs just have the problem that they can never be as good as an offline computer RPG, like "Dragon Age: Origins" for instance, because they lack the option of choice within the story that makes for high replayability (and tons of excitement, deep immersion, etc). It could be done to some extent, as GW2 proved at the beginning with the personal story, but most companies refuse to invest money into the resources required to make it happen (which is why GW2 dropped the option early on, too, sadly).


We'll its more that they trade a part of these choices for a more living community

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An MMO will fail if it can't give quality content at a decent enough pace. Also if they decide to go too far with their cash shop.


These games are usually only kept going by whales who manage to keep the game on life support.


Lastly if the competition is doing better people will just get tired of the MMO they are on frequently missing the mark to go to an MMO with better prospects/support.

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> @"fewfield.7802" said:


Retail WoW has heavily invested in a community experience called raiding and it's failing miserably. Guild wars 2 community isn't as tight knit as Wow's pockets of community, but overall feels like it has a community, and is easy to get back into. Guild wars 2 fits my tastes better, but I feel like raiding has felt far less accessible. I could hop into lfg tool raid groups (not lfr, raids appropriate to my ilvl) easily in WoW and succeed if I know what i'm doing, but groups in GW2 feel more elitist as far as building pugs go (and available groups in lfg tool are sparse), also i find the amount of preparation needed to jump into GW2 raids pretty restrictive. The community expects ascended gear and/or gear with pretty obscure stats to fill certain roles. The strangest part about this is that really all you need is like 1 good dps, a tank and all the right boons/healing overall group dps is supposed to be 40k, i hear that a good dps can push 25k+ on their own. Like you just need 4 good people and you should be good filling with another 6.


All in all, community isn't everything and i like gw2 better, just wish i could do certain content easier.

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> @"knite.1542" said:

> > @"blade eyes.2034" said:

> > community, guilds in gw2 are dead, guild mission has been the same since 2013. I don't care about world bosses with zerg of strangers that I don't know, who mindlessly farm for more gold.


> Eh, communities aren't really dead. I think it just seems that way to a lot of people because of significant portion of the community interactions don't really happen in game. A lot of it is on discord, for example. Some on reddit, some on the forums, ect. **You just gotta find it.**


The bold part is the worst.

It's not the new player who should look for social interactions in an MMO, the game should throw those interactions towards the player imho.

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> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > @"blade eyes.2034" said:

> > > community, guilds in gw2 are dead, guild mission has been the same since 2013. I don't care about world bosses with zerg of strangers that I don't know, who mindlessly farm for more gold.

> >

> > Eh, communities aren't really dead. I think it just seems that way to a lot of people because of significant portion of the community interactions don't really happen in game. A lot of it is on discord, for example. Some on reddit, some on the forums, ect. **You just gotta find it.**




"A lot of it is on discord, for example. Some on reddit, some on the forums, ect" <<< i know a lot of them who always comment on reddit and discord but dont play the game anymore. Is this considered as a community interaction?


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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"knite.1542" said:

> > > @"blade eyes.2034" said:

> > > community, guilds in gw2 are dead, guild mission has been the same since 2013. I don't care about world bosses with zerg of strangers that I don't know, who mindlessly farm for more gold.

> >

> > Eh, communities aren't really dead. I think it just seems that way to a lot of people because of significant portion of the community interactions don't really happen in game. A lot of it is on discord, for example. Some on reddit, some on the forums, ect. **You just gotta find it.**


> The bold part is the worst.

> It's not the new player who should look for social interactions in an MMO, the game should throw those interactions towards the player imho.


I think discord is actually killing mmos by moving the interactions away from the game itself.

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Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.


They’ve actually made it less important by reducing the relative effectiveness of combos from multiple players, along with allowing more and more content to be solo’able.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.


> They’ve actually made it less important by reducing the relative effectiveness of combos from multiple players, along with allowing more and more content to be solo’able.


If there's one change that I'd like to see it would be *more* reasons to do content together, not alone. That change you mentioned is a huge reason for why I feel this way. Not only that, the Guild system as a whole simply doesn't feel as fleshed out or integral to the GUILD Wars experience, and that's an absolute shame.

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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.

> >

> > They’ve actually made it less important by reducing the relative effectiveness of combos from multiple players, along with allowing more and more content to be solo’able.


> If there's one change that I'd like to see it would be *more* reasons to do content together, not alone. That change you mentioned is a huge reason for why I feel this way. Not only that, the Guild system as a whole simply doesn't feel as fleshed out or integral to the GUILD Wars experience, and that's an absolute shame.


It seems that many people bring their own combo options. Almost as if they know no one else will do it.. Weaver Sword is almost designed to function that way.


I feel it heavily in WvW.


The Metas that require some level of coordination are the ones most likely to fail. Everything else is a damage sponge... and even the ones that require a modicum of coordination aren’t about combos really.

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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.

> >

> > They’ve actually made it less important by reducing the relative effectiveness of combos from multiple players, along with allowing more and more content to be solo’able.


> If there's one change that I'd like to see it would be *more* reasons to do content together, not alone. That change you mentioned is a huge reason for why I feel this way. Not only that, the Guild system as a whole simply doesn't feel as fleshed out or integral to the GUILD Wars experience, and that's an absolute shame.


In the past, you will see tons of people arguing how "Guild" Wars is a lore. Lol. Try really hard to distract the real subject at hand. Well, they got what they want, silent majority mass quitting with new options being available.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.


> They’ve actually made it less important by reducing the relative effectiveness of combos from multiple players, along with allowing more and more content to be solo’able.

I think megaserver change was way more impactful. Up until that point, i could recognize a lot of players i was doing events with, and some of them recognized me. The same with guilds - inter-guild recognition was better, and not only at the level of the biggest guilds out there. But then all servers got merged, and it all disappeared almost overnight.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > Personally, I never thought gw2 community is awesome. Not because it has some toxic individuals, every game has those. It is just simple lack the feeling of a community. There is no real reason to interact with people much. You can get a lot of things done without needs to interact. A guild which supposedly be the center of a community building is just a useless LFG like existence here in gw2. Gw2 take all kinds of politics out of the game because they want a "friendly" community but you end up with a superficial community. The gw2 community boost about how social the game is but all that social lack sense of closeness. The community go hype about how amazing the subset of gw2 is (like wvw or raid) but forget that great majority are not. The kind of game design attract and encourage the same kind of people that make up the community. All the nostalgic feelings I had in other mmorpgs, not one or two mmorpgs but a couple, can't be found in this game at all now. The current Gw2 is not a game made to support community but rather people that come and go. Which now I see the real model of the game design. Anet want people to buy gw2 and then leave after you done so they do not have to continue maintain costly infrastructures to support large amount of players.

> >

> > They’ve actually made it less important by reducing the relative effectiveness of combos from multiple players, along with allowing more and more content to be solo’able.

> I think megaserver change was way more impactful. Up until that point, i could recognize a lot of players i was doing events with, and some of them recognized me. The same with guilds - inter-guild recognition was better, and not only at the level of the biggest guilds out there. But then all servers got merged, and it all disappeared almost overnight.



The greatest impact to guild is multi-chat. It basically take away the importance of guild completely and transform guild into an LFG existence. At first I was hopeful they would do something to empower the guild even after the multi-chat dropped because of the guild dev team but boom, they drop the guild dev team too. Since then, Gw2 is already walking towards the path of doom. Anet already abandoned gw2 and put it on maintenance mode, a routine development cycle and not innovating the game anymore.


Well, 9 days more to go to the new game.

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In Guild Wars i was doing The Fissure of Woe, Gate of Anguish and The Underworld in my Alliance or Guild, when we were not in any Dungeon. But in Guild Wars 2 most Player in my Guild do not even play together anymore, because there is no new Guild Content for us...


Arena Net´s Roadmap for this Game is way to slow for Guild, Group and Singleplayer Content!


P.s.: GW2 Storyline is bad…, like boring…, or lame!

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