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It won't be fixed. You really need a better graphics card and about 16gb of RAM to comfortably play on max. I upgraded my graphics card from a Zotac 600 series to a 1050 Ti a couple of years after I upgraded my processor. Went from 20fps on toaster settings to 90 on max. I just need another 8gb of ram so my computer doesn't get bogged down after a few hours but other than that its great.

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> @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> It won't be fixed. You really need a better graphics card and about 16gb of RAM to comfortably play on max. I upgraded my graphics card from a Zotac 600 series to a 1050 Ti a couple of years after I upgraded my processor. Went from 20fps on toaster settings to 90 on max. I just need another 8gb of ram so my computer doesn't get bogged down after a few hours but other than that its great.


Rofl gw2 barely uses the gpu. If anything its 90% cpu so he needs that. Regardless yes the optimization i trash

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Dual channel ram is a must for gw2. Some games do not benefit from it as much due to the engine or the way they are coded but gw2 gets a massive boost, especially in areas where there are allot of npcs. I had a single 16gb stick and recently added another 16 gb and got a fps upgrade of no less than 20 frames.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

> > It won't be fixed. You really need a better graphics card and about 16gb of RAM to comfortably play on max. I upgraded my graphics card from a Zotac 600 series to a 1050 Ti a couple of years after I upgraded my processor. Went from 20fps on toaster settings to 90 on max. I just need another 8gb of ram so my computer doesn't get bogged down after a few hours but other than that its great.


> Rofl gw2 barely uses the gpu. If anything its 90% cpu so he needs that. Regardless yes the optimization i trash


Eh, not from what I experienced. I had to upgrade my processor because my old, crappy motherboard got corrosion on it and blew after 7 years and the only ones available had newer pinsets. And even when I upgraded it, all it did was slightly increase FPS. But I still had to play on toaster settings until I upgraded my GPU.

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GW2 was designed to support a single core computer, thus even if you have 6 core CPU, it only uses one. This applies for both CPU and GPU. So regardless of how much you spend to upgrade your system or how fast your internet connection is, the game is still limited due to its flawed design.


Some newer games uses all the cores in your CPU and GPU, meaning they can process your input separately from processing spell effects, environment animations, and sound effects. GW2 waits for the spell effect to process before processing player input. This is why they suggest that you tone down your graphics for better experience. Well, playing without spell effects doesn't equate to better experience for me.


ArenaNet would be better off using their resources creating a new engine for GW3 that uses current technological advances than trying to make GW2 work. Can you imagine having one CPU core processing your Shadowstep pathing in real time? No more invalid location BS since it already establish the optimal pathing before you even use the skill. That would be some quality game play right there.

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