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Ranger LB


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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > You are saying it like most rangers in WvW know this. 90% of the rangers I see don't do jack kitten when they can take out ac's where other classes can't.

> > Also, you call barrage cheesy as if camping AC's/siege isn't. Go out and fight. Stop complaining about things that don't need changing.


> Yes, go outside when a Zerg comes to our outnumbered map and fight them head on. Smart idea, really. 10/10 Would never have thought about that.


> Siege is how you defend against groups way larger than you that you have no chance of stopping. **This isn’t EotM.**


You are right. In EoTM the people stood in ac fire and died.


Siege is how you **delay** superior numbers. Which can still be done with the tools you have.



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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> We’re not talking about straight shots, we’re talking about barrage which doesn’t require los. It just requires being able to “see” and mark the target area for the barrage.




Arrows are fired up high into the sky and fall onto the enemy, even the animation shows that... so it makes a lot of sense that it doesn't require LoS.


Its like someone holding an umbrella in front of them to shelter them from rain falling above...


Edit: I should read more before posting.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > You are saying it like most rangers in WvW know this. 90% of the rangers I see don't do jack kitten when they can take out ac's where other classes can't.

> > Also, you call barrage cheesy as if camping AC's/siege isn't. Go out and fight. Stop complaining about things that don't need changing.


> Yes, go outside when a Zerg comes to our outnumbered map and fight them head on. Smart idea, really. 10/10 Would never have thought about that.


> Siege is how you defend against groups way larger than you that you have no chance of stopping. This isn’t a Ktrain in EotM.


Go ahead and take my words out of context. There are spots where barrage can't hit bc Barrage is still restricted by skill range. If you fail at taking that into consideration you aren't ready to defend against large group of enemy anyway. Up your siege game.

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The issue debated shouldn't be the realism aspect, rather the balance aspect -- and Rangers more than every other profession (with the exception of thief) could do with _more_ tools to aid in contributing a larger group in assaulting a sieged structure. Is being able to use longbow 5 without line of sight (effect?) to destroy siege a fair way to address that? Depends who you ask I suppose, I'm just glad its something.


~ Kovu

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> I don’t care if that’s how it’s designed, Anet can actually make badly designed things you know. It’s not about how easy it is to get out of, it’s that it’s inconsistent across similar type skills and negates the purpose of a wall entirely.


Correct! Anet does make bad design decisions and the guardian/firebrand is one of them. It perplexed me to no end how anyone at all can remotely even fathom asking for changes to any other class other than the guardian currently.


You admitted yourself, the LB isn’t a zerg weapon, nor is the ranger a Zerg class. So why on earth would you want to make their uselessness even more useless than it is currently?


Turn your attention to the guardian instead, otherwise Anet May take it to heart and focus on nerfing rangers more while the Meta remains dead stale due to the guardian being the jack and master of all trades.



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