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Initial Thoughts on the story

White Kitsunee.4620

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If we are to believe Bangar's speech, his intention is to subdue Jormag and use them as a weapon in his campaign for Charr ascendancy. Braham's bow is how he intends to subdue Jormag meaning the bow can threaten the life of Jormag, making the bow a doomsday weapon. That isn't bad writing it just makes certain demands. Without staging a difficult heist where Bangar must take a well protected bow, we are left with the Commander, Dragon's Watch and every other Tyrian who doesn't want the world destroyed playing idiot ball. The challenge is how to suddenly treat Braham's bow as it should be without giving away the reveal that Bangar wants it, under a strict word count budget.


Jormag could very well be influencing Bangar, playing on his desire to see Charr ascend to dominance and his confidence in himself and the Charr. He may realize the danger of killing an Elder Dragon but Jormag is whispering that he will instead easily subdue them. Jormag may also be offering Bangar an alliance in return for the bow. Imo, the destruction of the bow is the goal because it is a danger to Jormag.


I hope Bangar doesn't become a version of Balthazar, willing to destroy Tyria if they can't get their way. There are many directions to take him besides that one.

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I liked the little detail about Snarl and Galina from the personal story. When working on the "An Eye for Detail" achievement in the Ash Legion camp, Marjory replied after you found a quaggan plushie, "For one of the cubs at the fahrar. Blood mother, Ash father. Someone wants his little one to know he hasn't forgotten them..."


That to me sounds like a Snarl Backdraft type of thing to do.

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> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> I hope Bangar doesn't become a version of Balthazar, willing to destroy Tyria if they can't get their way. There are many directions to take him besides that one.


Bangar might think this is his plan, but it seems clear that it's actually Jormag's. The fact that the weather is preventing us from following him means the dragon or one of its champions or followers wants Bangar to come, and for the Commander not to follow. Whether he's being magically influenced, or just manipulated the normal way, is not clear. I think the Icebrood artifact was a good find that suggests the former.


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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Psientist.6437" said:

> > I hope Bangar doesn't become a version of Balthazar, willing to destroy Tyria if they can't get their way. There are many directions to take him besides that one.


> Bangar might think this is his plan, but it seems clear that it's actually Jormag's. The fact that the weather is preventing us from following him means the dragon or one of its champions or followers wants Bangar to come, and for the Commander not to follow. Whether he's being magically influenced, or just manipulated the normal way, is not clear. I think the Icebrood artifact was a good find that suggests the former.



I agree that it looks like Jormag is influencing Bangar, just not sure how that has anything to do with the comment you are responding to. In the comment I am expressing a hope that Bangar doesn't become a one dimensional, irrational villain. I suppose the studio could use Jormag's influence to turn him into one though.

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I think the story is very interesting, leaving the door open for any continuation. From the story, I understood that:


1. Malice Swordshadow, the Ash Legion imperator supports the treaty with the humans and apparently will work against any action to cancel it. It seems that Malice is not interested by the Khan-Ur position (not being interested or knowing that she has not enough power and influence to do this). She will be a neutral player in the Khan-Ur problem (if the Emperor position will be considered).


2. Smodur the Unflinching, the Iron Legion leader is a good diplomat. He supported from the very beginning the treaty with the humans, acknowledging the Elder Dragons as a greater danger. He has greater goals, having an eye on the Khan-Ur position. He seems to have the potential to unite the charr.


3. Bangar Ruinbringer, the head of the Blood Legion. The story presented him very well. Old, old fashioned, unable to openly accept the peace with the humans. Without a true danger to face, the Blood Legion under **his** command will have no goal. His problem is that he understand this. He knows that as long he will be the leader the Blood Legion cannot change/adapt to the new times. A ready for war Blood Legion in a peace time can make them share the fate of the Flame Legion (hated by all, battling with everyone). He is ready to die to save his Legion (the scene when he fights Rytlock, accepting the dead is relevant). He knows that he must die in order to let the Blood Legion to transform. But he wants a dead according to his image - a fighter, warrior. Dying in battle (either in a succession duel, **or in a campaign against an Elder Dragon**). By gathering the separatist he made a true master move. Instead of unleashing them against the other legions or against the humans, he will lead them to dead - in a fight against Jormag (something Braham considered to be " suicidal"). He knows that killing another ED will end the World, so, the bow he stole from Braham is only for show, for the followers, because he has no intention to kill Jormag.


4. The Flame Legion has not an imperator yet. It started to admit the mistakes from the past and as much as I saw they are more interested to regain the thrust of the other legions than anything else. A possible interference in the internal affairs of the other legions is very improbable.


In conclusion: We will pursue Bangar in the next episode(s). He will be always a step forward. He will battle Jormag (or his army) and he will die fighting as a Blood Legion member. Taking with him the Renegades too.


I hope the ANet story team will leave the Commander-Jormag confrontation for the next LS.

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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> The quality of this patch is hitting the roof, IMO they've outdone themselves in terms of the story telling in the game.

> This has easily been the most immersive and fun open world story missions that have been made in recent memory, however.


> I know you need bad guys for us to fight in MMOs, It's important. But please

> https://puu.sh/EilHC/66317958c2.jpg

> Blood is such an easy target that it seems like a boring direction to go in. I Trust the dev team to write something interesting, so I don't think its the direction they're going in, but I thought it needed to be said: Blood is too easy, come up with something better.


> Edit: Thought I should go over in more details some of the stuff I liked so much.

> 1.This felt like a much more honest way to redeem Braham. Braham have a phobia of spiders felt super forced, but this feels really really natural for him.

> 2.Aurene's appearance is quite possible perfect

> 3.The outdoor story content was really well paced, It felt like it progressed so naturally despite the fact that I made a bunch of detours to explore.

> 4.The map is super fun. I always thought that people who said, "Mobs with big aggro range hurts the feeling of exploration." Were kinda dumb. Honestly though there being almost no mobs makes exploring super fun.

> 5. Metal Legion turned out like 3 times better then I expected.

> 6. Multiple dialogue choices, and Race specific Dialogue, THANK YOU!!!!


> Overall fantastic work IMO


My thought after running an Asura, Sylvari, Norn, and a Charr character through this new episode was VERY disappointing. There was almost NO difference between these characters in this Racial SPECIFIC homeland. Even my Charr character was treated as "Commander" with VERY minimal recognition of heritage. Even Khan-Urs Gauntlet felt VERY "vanilla". A jumping puzzle that "should" have been designed for Charr (and thus with a different difficulty for other races), was very generic in it's approach. Most of the previous episodes have been "universal" between the 5 races----------but THIS is a foray into the history and character of a SINGLE race, yet NOTHING in this prologue came remotely close to what "I" think should be. Agreed, the various races in GW2 are VERY homogenous-----there is little actual differentiation in armor, weapons, or tactics (think on the ludicrosity of an Asura wielding a Greatsword that's both bigger and heavier than him/her)!! This new "season" has the promise of presenting a race, with all of it's promises. strengths, weaknesses and fears------------AND offering the players an in-depth look at the Charr.

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> @"undouble.1472" said:

> My thought after running an Asura, Sylvari, Norn, and a Charr character through this new episode was VERY disappointing. There was almost NO difference between these characters in this Racial SPECIFIC homeland. Even my Charr character was treated as "Commander" with VERY minimal recognition of heritage. Even Khan-Urs Gauntlet felt VERY "vanilla". A jumping puzzle that "should" have been designed for Charr (and thus with a different difficulty for other races), was very generic in it's approach. Most of the previous episodes have been "universal" between the 5 races----------but THIS is a foray into the history and character of a SINGLE race, yet NOTHING in this prologue came remotely close to what "I" think should be. Agreed, the various races in GW2 are VERY homogenous-----there is little actual differentiation in armor, weapons, or tactics (think on the ludicrosity of an Asura wielding a Greatsword that's both bigger and heavier than him/her)!! This new "season" has the promise of presenting a race, with all of it's promises. strengths, weaknesses and fears------------AND offering the players an in-depth look at the Charr.


Charr get quite a few dialogue changes. Blood Charr getting even more. The Charr's personal imperator treats them as a member of the legion, and charr Commanders are _constantly_ told "you're one of us, but you've been gone so long people don't see you as one of us".


Jumping puzzles can't really be catered for multiple races, except maybe so tiny that camera clashes for asura intended JPs... I mean, movement is universal across races. Your wants of separation are truly out there if you're wanting a handful of platforms to feel different for different races that run at the same speed, jump at the same height, and leaps the same distance.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> I think Bangar will wake Jormag up. This may be the work of one of the champions however. We saw in GW1 that Drakkar corrupted Svanir, even though both Drakkar and Jormag were asleep.


Actually, that's kind of one thing I was thinking about today -- whether we might see more corrupted Norn like Svanir, where their transformations go crazed and turn them into something like icebrood werecreatures. If they really, really lose control of their transformations and start manifesting multiple spirits at once, you could get into some really horrible monstrosities.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:


> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > And Blood Keep? Well one thing to consider is that just until recently, Kralkatorrik's former napping spot was probably filled with brand-storm and branded, causing trouble all the way to the keep walls if we consider the brand stompers as an indication. It could be that it feels more like an outpost because blood was more involved in constant warfare then construction.


> Wouldn't that be a reason to relocate capital rather than keep it underdeveloped?

> I mean, Iron Legion was at war with humans and ghosts and they still menaged to build an impressive capital city.


Late to the party, but it's probably worth observing that these sites were designed to be legion headquarters, not cities. The Black Citadel developed in that direction, because that's how Iron rolls, with its leanings towards industry and newfangled concepts like diplomacy... but it makes sense that the other three would clearly be more fortress than settlement.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Blood Keep was said, in Guild Chat 91, to have been built as a gateway into the Shiverpeaks. I don't think it's meant to be the Blood capital or headquarters, just a major fortress that guards the northern Shiverpeaks pass.


The imperator has an office there, though, just like Black Citadel.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Blood Keep was said, in Guild Chat 91, to have been built as a gateway into the Shiverpeaks. I don't think it's meant to be the Blood capital or headquarters, just a major fortress that guards the northern Shiverpeaks pass.


> The imperator has an office there, though, just like Black Citadel.

Bangar doesn't seem like the type of Imperator to stay away from the battlefield.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> Just because Bangar has one office there doesn't mean he doesn't have another office somewhere else. Especially mobile leaders usually have more than one office.


Likewise, it could literally be the commanding Charr's office, but when Bangar visits, it becomes his.


Like the whole "Well, yes the chair is the Captains, but because the admiral is in charge right now, he's sitting in the chair."

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