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Golden Talon Longbow - Amazing Skin!


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I want the Eagle Talon Bow skin... 31 keys and no skin. I know what i got myself into before I start but this notion of Black Lion Chest exclusive skin is horrible. I hate gambling! I don't mind Anet makes some bucks from me but this is literately giving me no other option of getting it except go and gamble again.


I wish they could just make the skin sell able for golds so the guys, who do not want it, can sell. The market will sort its price out!

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I got it from the golden key in the final supply drop. Would rather have gotten the mount, heh. It is a lovely skin but over and over I find myself gravitating to weapons that look like they'd actually function and this is a tremendously unwieldy bow that I can't really see any of my archers using long term. I keep collecting ooooh-shiny! skins and then ditching most of them for slim elegant ones.

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