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Please do not use this chapter as a precedent to sell the portal after the story


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> @"Hellcop.4981" said:

> > @"Alinor.8719" said:

> > Personnaly I hate the story, so I prefer not to do it and be able to get all my 22 alts to the map when I want, all the other people here that don't agree because they do the story is ridiculous, allow other people playing the game differently that you and still enjoy the game too without doing the boring and sometime difficult story (and buggy).


> Yeah I still get disconnects at the end of story sequences for some reason. Which makes me have to repeat the entire sequence again (had to do the ice elemental part twice). I don't have this problem in open world, only see this issue in story maps and it always hits right before the episode finishes so you lose all credit for doing it.

> HOT was incredibly frustrating for this.


I assume you are not using wifi? It is notorious if you are having trouble with disconnects.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I assume you are not using wifi? It is notorious if you are having trouble with disconnects.

No wifi. Always wired connection. Only happens in Story missions. Don't have the issue in open world or other games. No idea what the problem is.

My ping sits around 100 for GW2 servers from F11 menu, WoW and other games tend to be a lot lower (70 or less). May be a routing issue with Comcast.

I've had this issue for years now. At any rate it, I enjoy new maps more than story as a result. There is a thread over in the bug area about it.

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6656/please-save-progress-inside-story-instances-in-case-of-lost-connection/p1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6656/please-save-progress-inside-story-instances-in-case-of-lost-connection/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6656/please-save-progress-inside-story-instances-in-case-of-lost-connection/p1")

Posts as old at Sept 2017 and as recent as Aug 2019.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > For one, I strongly suspect the developers intention was to incentivice you to replay the content, not to buy your way past it.

> > It seems the requirement is a single character finishing the story, I'm unsure how a single completion is an incentive to re-do the story. Once again, there was zero reason to change how this worked.

> Sorry, I thought you were talking about the "get twinks to the map" part. But regardless, it is an incentive and a reward for playing through the chapter. Just because it wasn't that way before doesn't mean they can't change things.


> Btw, do you realize that in previous episodes you could bypass the need to play story at all? Using a single teleport to friend was all that was needed to buy the portal scroll. I guess ANet has the metrics on how many people bypassed the story, and this change might be a hint of how happy they were with the situation.



"I guess ANet has the metrics on how many people bypassed the story, and this change might be a hint of how happy they were with the situation."


You might be right. I truly hope this means they will keep the story difficulty doable for the clutzes of this game so we do not have to bypass the story due to difficulty.



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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> This is still going. You have to do the story once or run the 1st part on alts which takes what 6 min per. Back when I wanted to loot AB on multiple alts I had to run them all the way thru story up to that point which took hours. There were no tp to friend let alone these bypass everything portal scrolls. I love the scrolls but stop assuming they can't add a req to purchase like Dragonfall w 10 quests or now with story because you want to do map complete 15 times day one which you still could of with a 40 min story/tp to friends/6m per character running opening ceremony. Minor inconvenience and annoying yes but they never had to add these portal scrolls in the 1st place and no one would feel entitled to them available 5 secs upon arriving to the new map.


Not sure why? Maybe you hit a bug? I never ran any of my characters, including my main, past the first few chapters of the story and was doing AB before my main was even done with VB.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> Completing the story instances is a chore. If there weren't incentives for doing so, I'd probably ignore most story instances. Requiring the story be completed before unlocking the tp scroll means completing a lot of boring content in sequence. Why was this considered a positive change?


Yeah, I am lost as to what the positives are. People who prioritize the scroll will rush through the story, get the scroll, and never come back to it again. If you want to lock something behind the story it should not be something people assume they can get as soon as possible as they will rush through the story (and be upset if something blocks them).

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > I even would take it a step further from the OP. I have zero interest in the story. And I really hated that I have to go through ~30 mins to get to the map. Now that it requires going through the whole kitten episode (or what ever the kitten Anet calls them now), it is even less of a reason to play GW2.


> It's something that takes roughly 2 hours to complete and then you can do what you want...or you can just not get the Teleport scroll and use the Way Points as they're intended to be used if you don't desire to do the story.


As far as I am aware the only way to access the map is through story. Actually, LWS3 & 4 only 2 maps were accessible without doing some story on at least one character. And this exactly what I do not want to do.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> As far as I am aware the only way to access the map is through story. Actually, LWS3 & 4 only 2 maps were accessible without doing some story on at least one character. And this exactly what I do not want to do.


I don't get why people play a heavily story-driven game and don't even care for the story.



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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > Completing the story instances is a chore. If there weren't incentives for doing so, I'd probably ignore most story instances. Requiring the story be completed before unlocking the tp scroll means completing a lot of boring content in sequence. Why was this considered a positive change?

> Yeah, I am lost as to what the positives are. People who prioritize the scroll will rush through the story, get the scroll, and never come back to it again. If you want to lock something behind the story it should not be something people assume they can get as soon as possible as they will rush through the story (and be upset if something blocks them).

There's all kinds of people. Some prefer to pick and choose what they do, while others enjoy the carrot on a stick that gives them a bit of incentive to play this content over that, and yet others simply play without caring whether something's gated by another action or not, as they'll get there eventually.


I guess juggling content so that it appeals to all kinds of players is a pretty tough job actually. There has to be enough for all kinds of players to be happy, and there will always be people complaining, because the content they want to do or the reward they want to get is implemented in a way that doesn't appeal to them. The completionist doesn't like that some of the skins they want are implemented to appeal to the player that loves to grind for rare rng rewards. The map farmer doesn't like access to said map being gated. The story fan doesn't like that a story may include mechanically complex bosses to fight. No matter what you do, there are always those that enjoy a particular thing while others hate exactly that.


Going into personal guess territory here, but looking back at all the complaints about living world in general and season 4 in particular, I suspect that ANet was not happy with the way people were rushing through to farm the latest shiny while complaining that there was nothing to do but grind (which in my opinion they brought on themselves by only focussing on the gold grind opportunities each release gave). The current release has a ton of content, but most of the content is focussed on those players looking for enjoyable activities, and less on those players focussing on gathering riches.


Gating map access for alts behind playing the story content once (or using teleport to friend, which older players or those farming black lion keys often have more than they know what to do with) does feel natural to me, but then my focus in playing this game is to spend my time doing activities I enjoy. Rewards are secondary to me. Reaching (moderate) goals is fun, and having a few light goals set by the game that are not biassed by my personal preferences but just "things to do" does enrich my play experience. And if I find something's not fun, then I leave it for another day, or for forever (looking at you, Kourna meta achievement). There's always something else for me to do that I actually do enjoy.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> I don't get why people play a heavily story-driven game and don't even care for the story.



That is me. Point me towards the critters, and lets go fight them ha ha. I could not care less about the story. No game "story" has ever held my attention. And I have been a gamer since the early 80s (well, mid 70s if Pong counts!)


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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > I don't get why people play a heavily story-driven game and don't even care for the story.

> >

> >

> That is me. Point me towards the critters, and lets go fight them ha ha. I could not care less about the story. No game "story" has ever held my attention. And I have been a gamer since the early 80s (well, mid 70s if Pong counts!)



But then, what does it matters which map you are on, if you just want kill things?

For that matter, these people could kill ghosts in Ascalon 24/365 and it wouldn't be different.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > I don't get why people play a heavily story-driven game and don't even care for the story.

> > >

> > >

> > That is me. Point me towards the critters, and lets go fight them ha ha. I could not care less about the story. No game "story" has ever held my attention. And I have been a gamer since the early 80s (well, mid 70s if Pong counts!)

> >


> But then, what does it matters which map you are on, if you just want kill things?

> For that matter, these people could kill ghosts in Ascalon 24/365 and it wouldn't be different.


This map was surprisingly good even with so little to kill. It had very fun events.

I spend most of my time wandering the open world, doing hearts. That is the most fun part of the game for me (except, of course, for the pavilion monster bash!).

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> Stop the BS please.


> I hope ANet **doesn't** change a single thing about it.

> Same with PoI being locked behind the stories - so what? Games have requirements and I hope they actually continue to reward players for doing the content ANet provides.


also the history is a bit short, i completed it in less 2 hours reading all dialogues and cinematics.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > Stop the BS please.

> >

> > I hope ANet **doesn't** change a single thing about it.

> > Same with PoI being locked behind the stories - so what? Games have requirements and I hope they actually continue to reward players for doing the content ANet provides.


> also the history is a bit short, i completed it in less 2 hours reading all dialogues and cinematics.


> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > Stop the BS please.

> >

> > I hope ANet **doesn't** change a single thing about it.

> > Same with PoI being locked behind the stories - so what? Games have requirements and I hope they actually continue to reward players for doing the content ANet provides.


> also the history is a bit short, i completed it in less 2 hours reading all dialogues and cinematics.


You did not read the request.


THIS one was short. There have been chapters much longer and ones with blocks that prevent everyone from completing them. I am asking about FURTHER chapters?


Or are people so down on anet now they just assume this chapter is the height of what we will get?

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I agree that it was very annoying to finish the story before I could get the scroll.

I don't care to leave my main character sitting on that map until I finish the story, and it would have been nice to have a convenient way to go back once I had left. Since doing the story is the main reason I even go to the LS maps, after the story is done, it feels like half the value of the portal scroll is gone. Sure, I'll probably come back to do some exploration or achievements for a little while. Can't remember the last time I bothered to go back to Bloodstone Fen or Lake Doric or Draconis Mons, etc. Haven't been to an LS4 map since i got my Skyscale, either.

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