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Let’s talk about strikeforces

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So for one I think instanced group content like this related to and connected to the lore and world is excellent for the game. I know a lot of people miss dungeons, they had a certain charm that fractals didn’t really provide, opting for a more arcadey feel.


Here’s my proposal, and it’s something I really believe would be a good decision for the game:


First just rework strike forces into new dungeons per release that people can group for. Make them tied to the zone and lore themed. Make them challenging. They can be a gateway to fractals in effect and maybe have small chances to drop AR infusions throughout to guide people into fractals more.


Okay so for raids. How to get people into raids. I propose a scaling 5 man instance which essentially teaches you very very clearly the mechanics. Don’t have any rewards whatsoever. Each raid wing and encounter should get a tutorial. Make it so that the player is able to enter alone and do sufficient damage to progress, whilst still being properly tasked to master the mechanics and fully understand them.


I know this would be a big undertaking to retroactively add tutorial instances to the raids and make them extremely accessible but I think allowing people to get comfortable alone and on their terms and time, to get a first hand feel of what to expect, so they have time to read what to do.


Since the devs want to make who they’re providing for in terms of raids a larger audience, I think this would really open up raiding to much more of the playerbase.

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I am somewhat in agreement to your idea

I really believe that there needs to be a tutorial or some better way for first timers to learn raids outside of finding raid training guilds/groups

I recently started raiding and some bosses I have had trouble learning and really took atleast a good 90min to 2hr to finally fully understand the mechanics

If the devs can help ease the learning curve a bit it would really be awesome

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> We need to wait and see how it evolves moving forward. This one is supposed to be extremely basic and easy, then it will get more difficult as more phases are added or whatever they're going to do



There’s still those people who are just reluctant to get into grouped content in the first place.

Somewhere they can choose to be alone and learn at their own pace can potentially get those players feel more confident and try grouped content.


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