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CI is not a problem, condi is


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There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.


It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).


But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.


Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.


In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.


If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.


TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

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every pof spec is either cancer or boring and stale, yet they are far easier to play for a new player. Less mechanics and combos, with same or even better results.

Also anet destroyed every hot build that was widely used.


* dragon hunter - heavily nerfed / fb - best support in game, no combos, just spells with tons of heals or boons.


* berserker - reworked into a one trick pony that everyone runs from, pretty useless / sb - one of the best tanks in game, tons of sustain and passive boons and also no more chasing just standing there timing the f1 to give back any hit you take.


* revenant - nerfed almost as soon as it got released, never touched again, good in teamfights bad for everything else / renegade - the old trusty afk build, just spam your skills and stand on the back watching.


* druid - nerf after nerf it became irrelevant used to be one of the best duelers or healers in game / soulbeast - every time they "balance" this some new broken build (either too much damge or sustain) comes out, also boonbeast can tank a warrior just standing there pressing a few buttons (stances and auto attacks)


* daredevil - like rev, they always start strong and then get ruined over time / DE - the most stupid idea devs had ever (besides maybe warclaw) i mean other thieves have to combo smoke fileds and blasts or leaps, now it's so dumb they just need to dodge like wtf, also way back once as a thief you were revealed it was game over, or you had to start running, now they even gave a stealth skill that removes revealed effect . Anet wtf!!! Also giving a burst class like thief a rifle was so stupid.


* scrapper - until last rework it was completely irrelevant, now is a stealth bot / holo - holo is in god mode since release, no nerfs to insane sustain, aoe cc and damage bursts.


* reaper - this one is barely ok, underpowered mostly but good enough / scourge - the second biggest mistake class wise, solo they suck but with a fb they become the biggest monster, guardians and necros own the current meta, and it's the most boring meta ever. No combos just fields and fields and more aoe, feels like a wow magic class.


* ele - the forgotten son, even the new spec works really bad, either full sustain with no damage or one shot that is so slow it wont work unless you are fighting someone afk.


* chrono - ripped and useless now / mirage - the condi monster, i remember my first feel trying this spec, as an ex chrono main, the first thing i thought is "damn this is so easy and braindead" just spamming condi combos, disappearing, detargeting, entering stealth, evading for years, then the chrono nerfs started so i felt forced to play power mirage (i really hate condi builds, and condi damage in this game) , the ninja feel was fun for a while but it gets boring really fast, as core mesmer one shot builds.


If you ask me i belive, devs that developed core classes and hot specs, are no longer working for this company, the new devs and balance team don't understand how to manage core classes properly, and have an even more casual view of the competitive side of the game, also they tried to make easy classes to bring new players, forgetting that experienced players also would start using this busted builds, and would destroy every other competition. And instead of balancing every spec to the same level, in order to push pof sales and make some money they made pof builds way stronger, and lost control of it until the power creep and meta mentality ruined the fun aspects of the game. Now every "competitive" player is running some busted build that is either boring to play as, or against just to win and feel like a good player, matchups resolve more around builds and setups than skills and timing. And most players that felt in love with one spec from older expansions just play as they can, taking every loss, or leave the game. As i did.


See you in cyrodiil suckers. xD



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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.


> It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).


> But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.


> Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.


> In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.


> If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.


> TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.


condi has to be overloaded becouse shit like firebrand exist.

cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it fucking sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> >

> > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> >

> > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> >

> > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> >

> > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> >

> > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> >

> > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.


> condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.


Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> > >

> > > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> > >

> > > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> > >

> > > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> > >

> > > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> > >

> > > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> > >

> > > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

> >

> > condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> > cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.


> Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?


I play them both, and it is so fucking sad that mentally challenged firebrand can turn you useless in teamfights when you play condi, cleanse for days, heals, reflect, projectile blocks, BIG aoe PULSING resistance, disgusting. Meanwhile on power good timed burst can knock someone out, even tho power has its own problems in grouped fights.

there is a reason people use Illusion of Life while playing condi, only way to be usefull while fighting overloaded firebrand/scourge spam

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> @"Arekai.5698" said:

> Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....



> Please buff it.


Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.


So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> > > >

> > > > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> > > >

> > > > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> > > >

> > > > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> > > >

> > > > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> > > >

> > > > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> > > >

> > > > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

> > >

> > > condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> > > cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.

> >

> > Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?


> I play them both, and it is so kitten sad that mentally challenged firebrand can turn you useless in teamfights when you play condi, cleanse for days, heals, reflect, projectile blocks, BIG aoe PULSING resistance, disgusting. Meanwhile on power good timed burst can knock someone out, even tho power has its own problems in grouped fights.

> there is a reason people use Illusion of Life while playing condi, only way to be usefull while fighting overloaded firebrand/scourge spam


Are you talking about wvw or pvp? Because if your talking pvp that's plain wrong.

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> > > > >

> > > > > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> > > > >

> > > > > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> > > > >

> > > > > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> > > > >

> > > > > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> > > > >

> > > > > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

> > > >

> > > > condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> > > > cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.

> > >

> > > Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?

> >

> > I play them both, and it is so kitten sad that mentally challenged firebrand can turn you useless in teamfights when you play condi, cleanse for days, heals, reflect, projectile blocks, BIG aoe PULSING resistance, disgusting. Meanwhile on power good timed burst can knock someone out, even tho power has its own problems in grouped fights.

> > there is a reason people use Illusion of Life while playing condi, only way to be usefull while fighting overloaded firebrand/scourge spam


> Are you talking about wvw or pvp? Because if your talking pvp that's plain wrong.


I talk about pvp, and if firebrand is mid you might as well just not go there becouse you are not going to do anything ( unless you mean hitting autos for 200 is productive while taking more dmg from retaliation )

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > > > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

> > > > >

> > > > > condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> > > > > cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.

> > > >

> > > > Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?

> > >

> > > I play them both, and it is so kitten sad that mentally challenged firebrand can turn you useless in teamfights when you play condi, cleanse for days, heals, reflect, projectile blocks, BIG aoe PULSING resistance, disgusting. Meanwhile on power good timed burst can knock someone out, even tho power has its own problems in grouped fights.

> > > there is a reason people use Illusion of Life while playing condi, only way to be usefull while fighting overloaded firebrand/scourge spam

> >

> > Are you talking about wvw or pvp? Because if your talking pvp that's plain wrong.


> I talk about pvp, and if firebrand is mid you might as well just not go there becouse you are not going to do anything ( unless you mean hitting autos for 200 is productive while taking more dmg from retaliation )


Just dont target the FB...


Also not overly game even has one. I've played tons of mesmer and have never had this as a major problem.


You also seem to be over estimating how much resistance a fb has. It's not a huge deal imo.

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> > @"Arekai.5698" said:

> > Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....

> > NOT

> >

> > Please buff it.


> Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.


> So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?


NA pvp is trash, zeromis could play only with focus offhand and nothing else and would probably still win.


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > @"Arekai.5698" said:

> > > Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....

> > > NOT

> > >

> > > Please buff it.

> >

> > Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.

> >

> > So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?


> NA pvp is trash, zeromis could play only with focus offhand and nothing else and would probably still win.



I have an EU alt and eu players are just as trash. Team USA is just the only real team left, so they dominate the NA scene.

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > @"Arekai.5698" said:

> > > > Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....

> > > > NOT

> > > >

> > > > Please buff it.

> > >

> > > Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.

> > >

> > > So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?

> >

> > NA pvp is trash, zeromis could play only with focus offhand and nothing else and would probably still win.

> >


> I have an EU alt and eu players are just as trash. Team USA is just the only real team left, so they dominate the NA scene.


Which is generally why any conclusion based on what Zeromis does or does not do, really isn't saying much.


On topic: People who hate condi generally ignore the fact that cleanse is equally power-crept. They just want to eliminate an entire half of the game's damage system so they can focus on the one they prefer. If condi was so great, there would be more than just 2 or 3 good condi specs in sPvP. People may find those specs annoying, but there are power specs that are just as obnoxious, if not outright broken (* cough * Holo * cough *).


The changes @"praqtos.9035" suggests [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85255/yet-another-mirage-thread "here") would effectively make c-mirage play more actively and less passively and spammy, and are probably some of the most feasible, and therefore realistic. Let's face it, Anet is not going to redesign Mesmer from scratch, not at this point. We should aim for impactful but realistic changes.

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> every pof spec is either cancer or boring and stale, yet they are far easier to play for a new player. Less mechanics and combos, with same or even better results.

> Also anet destroyed every hot build that was widely used.


> * dragon hunter - heavily nerfed / fb - best support in game, no combos, just spells with tons of heals or boons.


> * berserker - reworked into a one trick pony that everyone runs from, pretty useless / sb - one of the best tanks in game, tons of sustain and passive boons and also no more chasing just standing there timing the f1 to give back any hit you take.


> * revenant - nerfed almost as soon as it got released, never touched again, good in teamfights bad for everything else / renegade - the old trusty afk build, just spam your skills and stand on the back watching.


> * druid - nerf after nerf it became irrelevant used to be one of the best duelers or healers in game / soulbeast - every time they "balance" this some new broken build (either too much damge or sustain) comes out, also boonbeast can tank a warrior just standing there pressing a few buttons (stances and auto attacks)


> * daredevil - like rev, they always start strong and then get ruined over time / DE - the most stupid idea devs had ever (besides maybe warclaw) i mean other thieves have to combo smoke fileds and blasts or leaps, now it's so dumb they just need to dodge like kitten, also way back once as a thief you were revealed it was game over, or you had to start running, now they even gave a stealth skill that removes revealed effect . Anet kitten!!! Also giving a burst class like thief a rifle was so stupid.


> * scrapper - until last rework it was completely irrelevant, now is a stealth bot / holo - holo is in god mode since release, no nerfs to insane sustain, aoe cc and damage bursts.


> * reaper - this one is barely ok, underpowered mostly but good enough / scourge - the second biggest mistake class wise, solo they suck but with a fb they become the biggest monster, guardians and necros own the current meta, and it's the most boring meta ever. No combos just fields and fields and more aoe, feels like a wow magic class.


> * ele - the forgotten son, even the new spec works really bad, either full sustain with no damage or one shot that is so slow it wont work unless you are fighting someone afk.


> * chrono - ripped and useless now / mirage - the condi monster, i remember my first feel trying this spec, as an ex chrono main, the first thing i thought is "kitten this is so easy and braindead" just spamming condi combos, disappearing, detargeting, entering stealth, evading for years, then the chrono nerfs started so i felt forced to play power mirage (i really hate condi builds, and condi damage in this game) , the ninja feel was fun for a while but it gets boring really fast, as core mesmer one shot builds.


> If you ask me i belive, devs that developed core classes and hot specs, are no longer working for this company, the new devs and balance team don't understand how to manage core classes properly, and have an even more casual view of the competitive side of the game, also they tried to make easy classes to bring new players, forgetting that experienced players also would start using this busted builds, and would destroy every other competition. And instead of balancing every spec to the same level, in order to push pof sales and make some money they made pof builds way stronger, and lost control of it until the power creep and meta mentality ruined the fun aspects of the game. Now every "competitive" player is running some busted build that is either boring to play as, or against just to win and feel like a good player, matchups resolve more around builds and setups than skills and timing. And most players that felt in love with one spec from older expansions just play as they can, taking every loss, or leave the game. As i did.


> See you in cyrodiil suckers. xD




not everything's true, druid is still stronger then soulbeast. druid may do no damage but it can stale 1v2 on far point, i've seen druid soloq to plat 2, i've never seen a soulbeast soloq to plat 2

also burning weaver is the best tank, not spellbreaker, and does a tons of burning damage. weaver is currently on bar with rev+holo, may even be higher and compete with poison thief and mirage.

fresh air weaver is soloq noob destroyer when enemy doesnt have thief/mes/rev. spellbreaker can be easily shut down by having another guy entering the fight, not weaver. weaver beats spellbreaker, poison thief beats spellbreaker, mirage beats spellbreaker, rev beats spellbreaker.

rev is pretty strong as well, not to mention daredevil poison thief.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > > @"Arekai.5698" said:

> > > > > Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....

> > > > > NOT

> > > > >

> > > > > Please buff it.

> > > >

> > > > Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.

> > > >

> > > > So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?

> > >

> > > NA pvp is trash, zeromis could play only with focus offhand and nothing else and would probably still win.

> > >

> >

> > I have an EU alt and eu players are just as trash. Team USA is just the only real team left, so they dominate the NA scene.


> Which is generally why any conclusion based on what Zeromis does or does not do, really isn't saying much.


> On topic: People who hate condi generally ignore the fact that cleanse is equally power-crept. They just want to eliminate an entire half of the game's damage system so they can focus on the one they prefer. If condi was so great, there would be more than just 2 or 3 good condi specs in sPvP. People may find those specs annoying, but there are power specs that are just as obnoxious, if not outright broken (* cough * Holo * cough *).


> The changes @"praqtos.9035" suggests [here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85255/yet-another-mirage-thread "here") would effectively make c-mirage play more actively and less passively and spammy, and are probably some of the most feasible, and therefore realistic. Let's face it, Anet is not going to redesign Mesmer from scratch, not at this point. We should aim for impactful but realistic changes.


I suspect most of condi complainers are warriors that just want to spam ignore pain and literarly ignore all damage 100% of the time while killing everyone with no counterplay, lol.

there is a reason why there is so little condi builds out there, it needs to be EXTREAMLY overloaded to have any chance.

only builds that i see is cmirage ( actually easy to farm them for the most part ) + scourge ( super broken every game ) + thief ( overloaded poison ) legit nothing else.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > every pof spec is either cancer or boring and stale, yet they are far easier to play for a new player. Less mechanics and combos, with same or even better results.

> > Also anet destroyed every hot build that was widely used.

> >

> > * dragon hunter - heavily nerfed / fb - best support in game, no combos, just spells with tons of heals or boons.

> >

> > * berserker - reworked into a one trick pony that everyone runs from, pretty useless / sb - one of the best tanks in game, tons of sustain and passive boons and also no more chasing just standing there timing the f1 to give back any hit you take.

> >

> > * revenant - nerfed almost as soon as it got released, never touched again, good in teamfights bad for everything else / renegade - the old trusty afk build, just spam your skills and stand on the back watching.

> >

> > * druid - nerf after nerf it became irrelevant used to be one of the best duelers or healers in game / soulbeast - every time they "balance" this some new broken build (either too much damge or sustain) comes out, also boonbeast can tank a warrior just standing there pressing a few buttons (stances and auto attacks)

> >

> > * daredevil - like rev, they always start strong and then get ruined over time / DE - the most stupid idea devs had ever (besides maybe warclaw) i mean other thieves have to combo smoke fileds and blasts or leaps, now it's so dumb they just need to dodge like kitten, also way back once as a thief you were revealed it was game over, or you had to start running, now they even gave a stealth skill that removes revealed effect . Anet kitten!!! Also giving a burst class like thief a rifle was so stupid.

> >

> > * scrapper - until last rework it was completely irrelevant, now is a stealth bot / holo - holo is in god mode since release, no nerfs to insane sustain, aoe cc and damage bursts.

> >

> > * reaper - this one is barely ok, underpowered mostly but good enough / scourge - the second biggest mistake class wise, solo they suck but with a fb they become the biggest monster, guardians and necros own the current meta, and it's the most boring meta ever. No combos just fields and fields and more aoe, feels like a wow magic class.

> >

> > * ele - the forgotten son, even the new spec works really bad, either full sustain with no damage or one shot that is so slow it wont work unless you are fighting someone afk.

> >

> > * chrono - ripped and useless now / mirage - the condi monster, i remember my first feel trying this spec, as an ex chrono main, the first thing i thought is "kitten this is so easy and braindead" just spamming condi combos, disappearing, detargeting, entering stealth, evading for years, then the chrono nerfs started so i felt forced to play power mirage (i really hate condi builds, and condi damage in this game) , the ninja feel was fun for a while but it gets boring really fast, as core mesmer one shot builds.

> >

> > If you ask me i belive, devs that developed core classes and hot specs, are no longer working for this company, the new devs and balance team don't understand how to manage core classes properly, and have an even more casual view of the competitive side of the game, also they tried to make easy classes to bring new players, forgetting that experienced players also would start using this busted builds, and would destroy every other competition. And instead of balancing every spec to the same level, in order to push pof sales and make some money they made pof builds way stronger, and lost control of it until the power creep and meta mentality ruined the fun aspects of the game. Now every "competitive" player is running some busted build that is either boring to play as, or against just to win and feel like a good player, matchups resolve more around builds and setups than skills and timing. And most players that felt in love with one spec from older expansions just play as they can, taking every loss, or leave the game. As i did.

> >

> > See you in cyrodiil suckers. xD

> >

> >


> not everything's true, druid is still stronger then soulbeast. druid may do no damage but it can stale 1v2 on far point, i've seen druid soloq to plat 2, i've never seen a soulbeast soloq to plat 2

> also burning weaver is the best tank, not spellbreaker, and does a tons of burning damage. weaver is currently on bar with rev+holo, may even be higher and compete with poison thief and mirage.

> fresh air weaver is soloq noob destroyer when enemy doesnt have thief/mes/rev. spellbreaker can be easily shut down by having another guy entering the fight, not weaver. weaver beats spellbreaker, poison thief beats spellbreaker, mirage beats spellbreaker, rev beats spellbreaker.

> rev is pretty strong as well, not to mention daredevil poison thief.


im getting sick of people schooling others in the forum without even reading what they are answering.


"druid is still stronger then soulbeast. druid may do no damage but it can stale 1v2 on far point, i've seen druid soloq to plat 2, i've never seen a soulbeast soloq to plat 2"


staling a fight is not beeing strong, its beeing tanky, to be considered strong i think you should be able to kill those 2 players (like chronobunker back in hot meta), even if they have the same skill level you have.

if you never saw a sb in plat 2, then you never reached plat 2, there are tons of boonbeasts around, which can also stale fights, i even saw some 1v3 for like 3 minutes before dying. and that build can actually kill 2 players just spamming stances and autos. I've even beat druids with my boonbeast and i made that build just to see how to beat it, used it only for 3 matches and some duels with guild mates, one with a former druid main) so druid stronger than soulbeast thats a joke.


"also burning weaver is the best tank, not spellbreaker, and does a tons of burning damage. weaver is currently on bar with rev+holo, may even be higher and compete with poison thief and mirage."


dude really can you actually read before blindingly posting? i wrote "sb - one of the best tanks in game" when did i said it is actually the best as you are saying????

also, tons of burning damage? it's known by everyone that bunker weavers can't kill no one, unless they are afk.

And i actually don't understand what are you comparing them? damage? because posion thief and mirages aren't tanks, they evade and disengage to survive, thats not tanking, and now i think about it weaver also mostly revolves around dodging dmg so thats not tanking at all. sustain yeah but not tanking.


"fresh air weaver is soloq noob destroyer when enemy doesnt have thief/mes/rev. spellbreaker can be easily shut down by having another guy entering the fight, not weaver. weaver beats spellbreaker, poison thief beats spellbreaker, mirage beats spellbreaker, rev beats spellbreaker."

If weaver can be nullified by 3 different specs then that means it's in a bad spot also, beeing noobq farmer doesn't mean its a good build, you can farm noobs with every single class or spec if you know how to play. most noobs don't even dodge properly.

"spellbreaker can be easily shut down by having another guy entering the fight" same as any class right?... i mean wtf are you trying to say here. and again, dodging attacks and disengaging is not beeing strong or winnig, every class has some sort of mobility build that can do that, except maybe necro.

"rev beats spellbreaker" thats a huge lie, a good spellbreaker has every tool they need to manhandle a power rev, plus way more sustain. it's an even fight but none of those specs can beat each other flawlessly unless player's skills are on very different levels. And personally i would bet for sb every time in an even fight.

"mirage beats spellbreaker" also a lie, maybe you never fought a really good warrior, if they know what they are doing they can either destroy a condi mesmer, or run away with no effort. Power mesmers are a joke for them.


"rev is pretty strong as well, not to mention daredevil poison thief."

rev is strong in teamfights, try to go solo or decap a far node, try to duel someone skilled, and you will see, even in teamfights if opposing team decides to focus rev it's a 4v5 for the rest of the match.

I wouldn't label poison thief as strong, just pretty annoying, i play power mesmer so they can ruin my games if they focus me. but it's a meme spec, in order for them to kill you, you must chase them all around eating every dodge in the face.


Next time try to carefuly read, i don't mind debating, but when someone tags me to try to turn around everything i say it's annoying, specially if they don't even read properly or have so many untrue opinions, and weird concepts/imaginary outcomes, like revs beating spellbreakers "easily"

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i'm tired of people calling others can't read, but himself not reading at all.


since when being tanky is not being strong, not many tanky classes can stall 1vX and climb plat 2 soloq.

and i guess u never fight a good cmirage, btw u run away from cmirage, u lose the point.

also how can one of considered "one of the best" tanks when it can not compete with most top builds and there's literally like only 3 tank builds in the game.


how am i not reading when you even jumped away from fire weaver and clearly cant understand the sentence "FRESH AIR is noob destroyer WHEN ENEMY DOESNT have thief/mesmer/rev" also the point was about FIRE WEAVER which is NOT countered by rev/mesmer/thief



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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > @"Arekai.5698" said:

> > > > Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....

> > > > NOT

> > > >

> > > > Please buff it.

> > >

> > > Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.

> > >

> > > So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?

> >

> > NA pvp is trash, zeromis could play only with focus offhand and nothing else and would probably still win.

> >


> I have an EU alt and eu players are just as trash. Team USA is just the only real team left, so they dominate the NA scene.


Well, never heard about an NA mid-tier player making into legendary on EU. A mid-tier EU player making into NA legendary on the other hand...

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > > @"Arekai.5698" said:

> > > > > Ye power mirage is so viable its seen in every monthly....

> > > > > NOT

> > > > >

> > > > > Please buff it.

> > > >

> > > > Zeromis plays power and Team USA wins every NA monthly. I think they need to look at EM again, but power is fine atm.

> > > >

> > > > So it's not just seen every monthly, it wins every monthly. What about it needs buffs?

> > >

> > > NA pvp is trash, zeromis could play only with focus offhand and nothing else and would probably still win.

> > >

> >

> > I have an EU alt and eu players are just as trash. Team USA is just the only real team left, so they dominate the NA scene.


> Well, never heard about an NA mid-tier player making into legendary on EU. **EU low tier player** making into NA ~~legendary~~ top1 on the other hand...


But tbh, after playing a bit this season, its hardly about skill anymore, more like who play the most braindead builds. RNGmaking decide would you be lucky with a team or not.

About 1 region is better than another... I dont believe someone on EU can be able to occupy first top5 (not even two) spots alone but on NA its no problem... make your conclusion yourself

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> > >

> > > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> > >

> > > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> > >

> > > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> > >

> > > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> > >

> > > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> > >

> > > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

> >

> > condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> > cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.


> Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?


Power abusing halfbaked 2012 game design mechanics to overlap 8 pulses of serious damage all at once to consistently one shot people within only a fraction of a second of a tell is not what I would call healthy good game design.


Power and Condi mesmer have the exact opposite problems right now and neither are good ideal design for PvP. Power Mesmer is able to overlap far too many pulses of damage all at once very reliable with little in terms of animation or cast time to use. Mantras and Greatsword need reworks to that prevents them from being able to one shot players, while also making them a bit more flexible with better sustained pressure.


Condi overwhelms targets with tons of pulses of chip damage often coming from all directions. There's _too much_ animation all the time. It needs to have it's damage condensed more onto the mesmer with more of a focus on the mesmer's skills, shatters in particular, rather than whittling people down with clones and Infinite Horizon.


Neither are that bad right now. There's bigger fish to fry in terms of what is healthy for the PvP scene. Right now Holosmith and Condi thief are more offensive than any mesmer variant right now.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > > There is nothing fundamentally OP about Chaotic Interuption. CI mirage was just the latest in a series of cancer condi builds that have been nerfed.

> > > >

> > > > It's not the first build like it, and it won't be the last. Condi Mirage is fundamentally broken, and killing individual builds won't do anything. Need proof? First we had staff ax/torch. Then the meta was sw/p a/t hybrid. Then back to sage staff ax/torch. Then ax/pistol inspi. Then scepter/pistol CI. Now we have a new version of the same cancer (ik I missed some but w/e).

> > > >

> > > > But there were also power builds that used CI without it being cancer. I played power CI chrono last season before they killed chrono and it was fine. The trait itself isnt a problem, **the problem is the dev's inability to accept that mirage is cancer by design**.

> > > >

> > > > Look at the ambush abilities, almost all of the apply tons of condis, and IH makes it worse. Even the power ones are very spammy and braindead.

> > > >

> > > > In order to balance mirage, the devs need to rework it or kill it. Am I wrong? I would love to get some more opinions as I am biased towards power mes. Apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm on mobile.

> > > >

> > > > If this helps, I'm a pvper and occasional raider, so I dont know as much about the wvw meta.

> > > >

> > > > TL;DR: Mirage is cancer and the devs are losing balance whack a mole.

> > >

> > > condi has to be overloaded becouse kitten like firebrand exist.

> > > cmirage is not even good anymore, just annoying, not once have I fought cmirage and was powerless to do anything, you want mirage to die? awesome! what is left for us to play then? core? no it kitten sucks, chrono? dont make me laught.

> >

> > Power is fine. Try playing an actual mesmer instead of spamming condi cancer?


> Power abusing halfbaked 2012 game design mechanics to overlap 8 pulses of serious damage all at once to consistently one shot people within only a fraction of a second of a tell is not what I would call healthy good game design.


> Power and Condi mesmer have the exact opposite problems right now and neither are good ideal design for PvP. Power Mesmer is able to overlap far too many pulses of damage all at once very reliable with little in terms of animation or cast time to use. Mantras and Greatsword need reworks to that prevents them from being able to one shot players, while also making them a bit more flexible with better sustained pressure.

Your "instaoneshotting godmodesmer" turns into a fresh meat for enemy team once they know u are full oneshot and if enemy have a thief that isnt braindead, he will spawncamp you the entire game, any condi damage turns you into fleeing (especially that has weakness). Oh ye, forgot, once you oneshot someone, you are the next one who is going down ;) .

They alrdy aim to nerf mantras for some reason "wvw centric change", probably oneshotted zergs now.

I tried this build and it was real trash for me, random blocks/evades/barriers/passives and they just way more tanky than you can "oneshot", for the reasons stated above I never even touch it.

But I fully support GS rework,its just a garbage weapon (2012 hello,never buffed but nerfed xD) with the only one niche place - oneshot.

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