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15 FPS with good computer

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A few weeks ago I was able to play Guildwars 2 on high graphic settings with 30 FPS. Now after reinstalling Windows 10 etc. the game is unplayable with 15 FPS or lower.


My specs are:

Intel Core i7-5820K @ 6000 Extreme

16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-2666 Ram



Do you have any idea what could be the cause for this change of FPS?


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I'm having the same problem unfortunately. Ever since the last Windows 10 update I get 20-25 FPS in most areas (used to be 45-60).

Drivers are up to date, repaired the client, tried compatibility modes and lowering the graphic settings. Nothing helped.

Framerate in all my other games is unchanged.


I'm currently hoping the next W10 update will fix things.

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Gw2 is CPU intensive not GPU so if any hardware is responsible for performance bottlenecks it's the CPU.

I'm not sure how the game works exactly but i'm pretty sure I read somewhere in the past that the speed of the CPU for Gw2 is more important than the amount of cores.

Ergo a 4GHZ quad core will handle the game better than a 3GHZ 6-8 core can.

I could be wrong though, my memory isn't the best i'm afraid.


I have been hearing rumors though that this FPS problem could be linked to a recent Windows 10 update which would honestly not surprise me.

Every!.. single!.. problem!! i've had with my current PC since I bought it 2 years ago has happened after a Windows 10 update.

I'm not joking, literally every!.. single!.. problem!..

I've come to utterly resent windows 10 as an OS because of it and I honestly can't wait for the day a proper high quality gaming OS comes along and I can finally rid my PC of that windows trash.

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> @"Elthrandil.7268" said:

> Intel Core i7-5820K @ 6000 Extreme



Does this meant that you run your 3,3GHz Core i7-5820K at 6000 MHz? (6 GHZ)

If so, this is your problem. This is an insane overclock which will probably cause your processor to be throttling down immediately to prevent it from burning down.


Do not overclock if you experience problems. Just run everything at standard speeds and see if things improve. If this solves the performance issues, you can carefully overclock a bit in small steps while carefully monitoring the results.


Also, do you have 15 FPS in most locations or only in heave loaded instances like a world boss fight or a massive battle in WvW?


You will also have to tune your GW2 graphics settings a bit:

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> @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> Try forcing your gpu into high performance mode


Didn't work either unfortunately.


> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Gw2 is CPU intensive not GPU so if any hardware is responsible for performance bottlenecks it's the CPU.

> I'm not sure how the game works exactly but i'm pretty sure I read somewhere in the past that the speed of the CPU for Gw2 is more important than the amount of cores.

> Ergo a 4GHZ quad core will handle the game better than a 3GHZ 6-8 core can.

> I could be wrong though, my memory isn't the best i'm afraid.


> I have been hearing rumors though that this FPS problem could be linked to a recent Windows 10 update which would honestly not surprise me.

> Every!.. single!.. problem!! i've had with my current PC since I bought it 2 years ago has happened after a Windows 10 update.

> I'm not joking, literally every!.. single!.. problem!..

> I've come to utterly resent windows 10 as an OS because of it and I honestly can't wait for the day a proper high quality gaming OS comes along and I can finally rid my PC of that windows trash.


This is correct, the weak link for my PC has always been my CPU. I have an AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz, my graphics card is an RX480.

While this CPU isn't exactly optimal for GW2, as long as I turned off shadows and reflections my FPS was always between 45-60, depending on where I was and how many people were on my screen. The only place where my FPS dropped a lot was in major cities when there were lots of people there and even then it was like 30-35 fps, not 20.


Going from 45-60 to 20-25 fps is a huge performance hit. And frankly, I really can't play the game at a framerate like that, it's like watching pictures.


And considering it happened immediately after a large Windows 10 update, that must be the cause. My guess is this update is causing problems for GW2 but only with very specific hardware setups. That would explain why not many people seem to be having the same problem, because if only the update caused it, everyone would be having the problem.


I've had these problems with Windows 10 updates before with other games and I was never able to fix them. Eventually, several W10 updates later, the problems just vanished on their own.

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> @"Daroon.1736" said:

> This is nothing to do with Windows 10 or any driver updates - I'm playing (or at least attempted to and gave up) on Windows 7. It's just the new map.


I'm getting terrible FPS in most areas now, not just the new map, areas where I had 60 fps before I now have 20 fps. This problem occured right after the latest windows update. It absolutely has something to do with Windows 10.


It's just not solely the W10 update, but probably a combination between W10's current version and specific hardware setups, which would explain why not everyone has the problem.

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You could try adjusting security settings to allow for older applications code practices. Open security and updates >app and Browser control>exploit protection settings>program settings >+ add a program(gw2) and turn everything off. GW2 was made before windows 10 was released so it just seems to run better. You can also disable focus assist it has had issues for GW2 in the past as well.

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One more thing I came across that may or may not affect this was the windows defender sample submission, it is possible that your system is sending the GW2 application files to the cloud for "AV scanning" basically it copies the files to Microsoft servers before opening them, this can really slow down any applications and if for whatever reason it is sending those files maybe that is why you are seeing such a drop in performance

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Thanks for the many answers!

With the last suggestion I know get up to 30 FPS, but it is still quite laggy, especially in Lion's Arch. I still wonder why the game's performance changed so much in 3 weeks of not playing the game.


> @"ST Babaganosh.3745" said:

> One more thing I came across that may or may not affect this was the windows defender sample submission, it is possible that your system is sending the GW2 application files to the cloud for "AV scanning" basically it copies the files to Microsoft servers before opening them, this can really slow down any applications and if for whatever reason it is sending those files maybe that is why you are seeing such a drop in performance


Do you maybe have a fix for this problem? :D

I am desperately trying all of you suggestions!

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maybe your C drive is getting close to full and you might have been relaying heavily on Page files ? It shouldn't with 16 GB of RAM but again seen the OS do some strange things. If so just turn of the page file press windows key plus run enter sysdm.cpl >advanced tab> performance settings>advanced> change.

To test this open up GW2 and then check the task manager and see how much memory is being paged on the memory tab. Ideally if you would want 0 and let the RAM do its job. But this all depends on what else is running in the background. Right now my desktop has 16GB and is still paging 1 GB


One more thing Does your MOBO also have a onboard graphics card? if so you might be seeing the issue where based on power settings it is using that GPU and now actually the good one. That can be fixed by >> setting the classic app rule and locking gw2.exe to the external GPU if you cant see how to do it let me know and I will post instructions.


One more thing ! Power settings as odd as it sounds make sure your power settings are set to high performance and double check that the CPU is not limited to X% under advanced settings


One more thing! Check your disk performance while using gw2 and not something could be reading/writing taking away from your performance

One more thing! Set your AV windows defender or other not to scan the GW2 install folder.


One more thing! You could also try process lasso found here https://bitsum.com/ it will give you good insight into what is using your CPU if it is not GW and it will also allow to set the priority of GW so get more performance out it> i used it on my old systems to give them that little extra push usually 10-15 FPS extra

One more thing!

I hope one of these gets you back to where you were :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in to say that a recent W10 update fixed it again for me.


> @"ST Babaganosh.3745" said:

> You could try adjusting security settings to allow for older applications code practices. Open security and updates >app and Browser control>exploit protection settings>program settings >+ add a program(gw2) and turn everything off. GW2 was made before windows 10 was released so it just seems to run better.


I tried this about a week ago and it did work, but considering Exploit protection is quite important I turned it back on almost immediately. I'm not willing to compromise my security just to play GW2.

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