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First Raiding Proffesion.


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As title says, after year, 4x 80 lvls near full masteries etc i want to start learn one spec for raiding. And before it start - I'm asking for third opinion, beacuse I can't decide by myself what spec i like most. I played all possible combinations already, at least in pvp and i love some aspect in almost all specializations. Also all specializations have plaring issue, which makes them even ground for me. So please, give me some suggestions, which spec will be suiting my needs. I really appreciate any suggestions.


Now for some details:

Main Expectations:

1. Quite straigthforward or non-existing rotation.: I'm coming mainy from wow, where pressing 7 buttons in rotation was called hard rotation. 46 button sequences seem overwhelming to me. That's why I'd prefer to start slow, so i could focus more on making boss tactics my second nature instead of following my buttons mid fight.

2. Generally accepted build: While i have one guild, i'm not sure how often I'll be raiding with them, that why i expect, that I'll be learining boss mechanics with pug training groups. Tha't why i prefer to run character, which can join these groups without question instead of off meta builds.

3. I need spec, which give me some room for mistakes.

4. I won't be playing Elementalist, Tempest or Weaver. Ever.



1. While i don't mind playing supports/tanks (in fact, I always main healers/supports in other mmo) i'd prefer to start as dps, as this role carries less responsibilities, so if i fail horribly, i won't be dragging anyone with me.

2. If possible, I'd like to start with class with multiple viable builds, so I could switch build mid raid if that's necessary instead of switching whole character. Also i think, that transition from easier to harder build while playing same character will be easier than learning new char from scratch.

3. I'd like to be able to fight at range, if boss forces group to disengage, so ranged weapon as baseline part of rotation will be nice.


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> @"Oshari.3540" said:

> 1. Quite straigthforward or non-existing rotation.:


Staff daredevil. :D (seriously, I don't think there's an easier "rotation")

Banner berk should be ok too, because you basically spam axe/axe for the dps, sometimes you might need to plan berk stance uptime if you care about optimal dps but w/e.


Also you can try to pick something here:


After clicking on the class there are multiple builds available at the almost-top part of the site. Wouldn't worry about being too "meta" when you're just starting btw.

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Staff daredevil may have a theoretically simple rotation, but you still need to get a rather good feeling for timings if you want to do proper dps. Also dodges as part of your rotation aren't everyone's favourite.


I'd recommend power DH as a rather simple and effective beginner build. The rotation revolves around a pretty simple principle (put all your burst into F1), the weapon loops aren't very complicated and they include a ranged weapon. Furthermore, guard can cover power (DH), condi (FB) and support (QB/HB) aspects with the various available builds, so it comes very close to the OP's preferences.

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> @"Oshari.3540" said:

> As title says, after year, 4x 80 lvls near full masteries etc i want to start learn one spec for raiding. And before it start - I'm asking for third opinion, beacuse I can't decide by myself what spec i like most. I played all possible combinations already, at least in pvp and i love some aspect in almost all specializations. Also all specializations have plaring issue, which makes them even ground for me. So please, give me some suggestions, which spec will be suiting my needs. I really appreciate any suggestions.


> Now for some details:

> Main Expectations:

> 1. Quite straigthforward or non-existing rotation.: I'm coming mainy from wow, where pressing 7 buttons in rotation was called hard rotation. 46 button sequences seem overwhelming to me. That's why I'd prefer to start slow, so i could focus more on making boss tactics my second nature instead of following my buttons mid fight.

> 2. Generally accepted build: While i have one guild, i'm not sure how often I'll be raiding with them, that why i expect, that I'll be learining boss mechanics with pug training groups. Tha't why i prefer to run character, which can join these groups without question instead of off meta builds.

> 3. I need spec, which give me some room for mistakes.

> 4. I won't be playing Elementalist, Tempest or Weaver. Ever.


> Preferences:

> 1. While i don't mind playing supports/tanks (in fact, I always main healers/supports in other mmo) i'd prefer to start as dps, as this role carries less responsibilities, so if i fail horribly, i won't be dragging anyone with me.

> 2. If possible, I'd like to start with class with multiple viable builds, so I could switch build mid raid if that's necessary instead of switching whole character. Also i think, that transition from easier to harder build while playing same character will be easier than learning new char from scratch.

> 3. I'd like to be able to fight at range, if boss forces group to disengage, so ranged weapon as baseline part of rotation will be nice.



Gear dragonhunter for your Power dps and mirages for your condition dps. Those two are the most meta dps classes, have pretty simple rotation, good survivability and they offer alot of utility for your squad.

Later you your guardian can be quickbrand and ur mesmer can be chronomancer If you are into support roles.

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Thanks for replies. Currently i settled for Mirage and Daredevil, mostly because i have then already leveled, and with Daredevil geared with ascended gear already. Maybe half is Marauder, but it still allows me to make 28k dps, which seems, to be 80% of benchmark shown at Snow Crows site. But i see, what do you mean @"CptAurellian.9537" with proper timings, that's why i'm going to get my Warrior or Guardian running asap.

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