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Severe packet loss - need help


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I don't know for certain if what I'm experiencing is packet loss, but from what I've heard described of it, I think it may be the issue.


Every so often, usually every few minutes or so, my ping will briefly spike to 2 - 3 thousand for a few seconds. In WvW, this issue worsens when large scale fights are taking place, but this has always been a problem. It wasn't until recently that it became a different problem in which my ping spiking will become more frequent in large scale fights and behaves differently than "normal WvW lag."


If necessary, I can record my ping to share. I don't know how to describe the problem beyond my ping randomly spiking seemingly unprovoked in to the thousands and on a pretty regular basis. It's getting to the point it's feeling unplayable because in WvW I'm getting killed quite often because of it and I can't tolerate it anymore.


If anyone knows how to fix this, I'm desperately seeking a solution.

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How long has this been happening? My internet in general has been running slower than usual since I got a blue screen of death the other day. But I updated a few drivers, installed and then uninstalled some antivirus software that seemed to be slowing it down even more.


But for the past two or three days I've been getting average 1k but 2k-3k ping spikes as well. It's basically been unplayable and I'm not really sure what to do.


I attributed it to the crash, but it's hard finding why my computer got the blue screen. I've disabled windows defender because it looked like it was using a lot of memory but it was never an issue before.


With the game running, even during the last strike mission my cpu averages 50%, gpu 25%, and ram 50%. Which doesn't seem that high to a non-IT saavy person like me.


I'm not sure what could be causing this all of a sudden and it seems odd it happened after that blue screen, (that happened while I was playing guild wars 2), but I can't think of how it could be related if my cpu/gpu/ram all seem to be functioning reasonably.


Does that mean it's a network/internet issue?

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> First step is try and isolate if there indeed packet loss and where it is . PINGplotter works great here. You load it up and then use the ANET server as your destination. It will detail each hop enroute .


> It very easy to use and they used to have a free version for home users.


I've installed PingPlotter. How do I use the ANet server as a destination? What do I enter in the area where it says "New Trace"?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can find the IP address of your game map by posting /IP in-game (in the chat window).


I'll try that next. After reading your comment I went browsing through the options and reading things in PingPlotter. Then on a hunch I went to my account here on the website and found a set of numbers that I pasted in to the New Trace. I opened GW2 and have been playing for a while with PingPlotter active in the background. I believe the numbers I entered were correct since my Ping spikes in game seem to coincide with the spikes on PingPlotter.


Anyway, here's a set of pictures to show some of the more "active" areas. Again, I don't know a whole lot about how this stuff works, if you need more information let me know and I'll see what I can find.


![](https://i.imgur.com/OubBgyl.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/pL3Jrsf.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/K8Oclkp.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/By62De2.jpg "")


Most of the spikes occur during fights with 10> players present. Occasionally it will spike when I'm basically alone as well, but the spikes are a lot more significant in groups. WvW has always been pretty laggy in large scale fights so this isn't new. But the _way_ the lag is happening, if that makes sense, is definitely new. It's very sudden and intense - I'm unable to do anything for a few seconds. Where as the "old" way WvW lagged, I could still mash skills and get delayed responses.

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Looks like that's the address for a Canadian ISP - Kingston. Is that your ISP?

If you got that address from 'My Account', it's the address your account is using to connect to ArenaNet.


To trace hops to the game servers, you need to go in-game and find the IP address of the map you are currently on (by typing /IP in chat) or using the Command Line Argument, -maploadinfo.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Looks like that's the address for a Canadian ISP - Kingston. Is that your ISP?

> If you got that address from 'My Account', it's the address your account is using to connect to ArenaNet.


> To trace hops to the game servers, you need to go in-game and find the IP address of the map you are currently on (by typing /IP in chat) or using the Command Line Argument, -maploadinfo.


Gotcha, thank you. Will check that out next time I'm on.


And no, I'm not in Kingston. It's about an hour drive from where I live. Maybe that's the closest destination it can use?

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Looks like that's the address for a Canadian ISP - Kingston. Is that your ISP?

> > If you got that address from 'My Account', it's the address your account is using to connect to ArenaNet.

> >

> > To trace hops to the game servers, you need to go in-game and find the IP address of the map you are currently on (by typing /IP in chat) or using the Command Line Argument, -maploadinfo.


> Gotcha, thank you. Will check that out next time I'm on.


> And no, I'm not in Kingston. It's about an hour drive from where I live. Maybe that's the closest destination it can use?


This is an interesting post, I live about an hour from Kingston and have been experiencing a similar issue lately. Your connection, like mine, hops to Kingston on it's way to the destination server. I am interested in seeing your trace to the in-game IPs. Are you Cogeco or Bell?

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Looks like that's the address for a Canadian ISP - Kingston. Is that your ISP?

> > > If you got that address from 'My Account', it's the address your account is using to connect to ArenaNet.

> > >

> > > To trace hops to the game servers, you need to go in-game and find the IP address of the map you are currently on (by typing /IP in chat) or using the Command Line Argument, -maploadinfo.

> >

> > Gotcha, thank you. Will check that out next time I'm on.

> >

> > And no, I'm not in Kingston. It's about an hour drive from where I live. Maybe that's the closest destination it can use?


> This is an interesting post, I live about an hour from Kingston and have been experiencing a similar issue lately. Your connection, like mine, hops to Kingston on it's way to the destination server. I am interested in seeing your trace to the in-game IPs. Are you Cogeco or Bell?


Cogeco. And I live in Belleville.


How would I find the trace? I apologize if I ask some stupid questions but much of what I'm doing is guess work, lol. I just want to figure out why my Ping is going bananas lately because it is severely impacting my gameplay. Even if I can't resolve it, at least knowing whether it's my end or ANet's would be nice. Because right now I don't know what's to blame.

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