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ncoming balnce patch..


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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > > yes, the title is deliberately mis spelt.

> > >

> > > Two things I noticed from it:

> > >

> > > Manifest Sand Shade: The duration of sand shades in WvW and PvP has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

> > >

> > > Oh the joy, even more circles spewing garbage out.

> > >

> > > And secondly, Rangers got a nerf on long range shot of between 11-14%.

> > >

> > > Making a marginal class even more marginal, especially considering the big boost to defence Necros will be able to access.

> > >

> > > I have to wonder who makes up the balance team...

> >

> > iirc, for the shades, they will not activate from the scourge if they have active shades...meaning they have to pick a self activation (losing ranged DoT) or ranged DoT (losing self coverage). If this is what I remember, thats a bit of a nerf.

> >

> > My Ranger tho...kitten nerf :p


> The only difference for scourge will be pressing f3 before f1 in the shade bomb. F3 now grants barrier to 10 allies around you, then f1/2/4/5 deals damage to 10 targets at range. It's a straight buff to both offense and defense.


In theory yes, but in reality no. Anyone who thinks casting barrier before they charge the enemy while spamming the rest of the skills will make a difference has another thing coming. Groups will just bait the bombs as they always did and will continue to do. That change in a nutshell makes 0 difference. Nobody will notice anything.


What they will notice now however is in any situation where the scourge doesn't actually have to run in and engage will be exceptionally more devastating. Situations like quickly jumping on the ledge of the wall and shade bombing people below. Or bombing a gate with people on rams. Or even bombing chokes for that matter. People will find the scourges will be doing the same damage as they were before but hitting more people. Actually now that I think about it, it benefits any player who quickly drops shades in battle and mashes their F keys before their character even has a chance to get in pulsing AoE range of other players, which is basically every scourge player.


Ironically, players asked to have the shade coverage reduced which is exactly what Anet did. But of course because we must balance things out with give and take, the amount of targets the scourge hits has to increase with the shade itself. The end result, scourges now become far more devastating than they were before, but hey, this is exactly what players asked for. People need to think things through before calling for nerfs.


I can already see what the next balance patch will look like for shades, players hit is reduced from 10 down to 5, but now the shade skill damage is increased to compensate and likely goes on lower cool-down, causing players to get hit with shade bombs vaporize even quicker than they did before.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > > > yes, the title is deliberately mis spelt.

> > > >

> > > > Two things I noticed from it:

> > > >

> > > > Manifest Sand Shade: The duration of sand shades in WvW and PvP has been increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

> > > >

> > > > Oh the joy, even more circles spewing garbage out.

> > > >

> > > > And secondly, Rangers got a nerf on long range shot of between 11-14%.

> > > >

> > > > Making a marginal class even more marginal, especially considering the big boost to defence Necros will be able to access.

> > > >

> > > > I have to wonder who makes up the balance team...

> > >

> > > iirc, for the shades, they will not activate from the scourge if they have active shades...meaning they have to pick a self activation (losing ranged DoT) or ranged DoT (losing self coverage). If this is what I remember, thats a bit of a nerf.

> > >

> > > My Ranger tho...kitten nerf :p

> >

> > The only difference for scourge will be pressing f3 before f1 in the shade bomb. F3 now grants barrier to 10 allies around you, then f1/2/4/5 deals damage to 10 targets at range. It's a straight buff to both offense and defense.


> In theory yes, but in reality no. Anyone who thinks casting barrier before they charge the enemy while spamming the rest of the skills will make a difference has another thing coming. Groups will just bait the bombs as they always did and will continue to do. That change in a nutshell makes 0 difference. Nobody will notice anything.


> What they will notice now however is in any situation where the scourge doesn't actually have to run in and engage will be exceptionally more devastating. Situations like quickly jumping on the ledge of the wall and shade bombing people below. Or bombing a gate with people on rams. Or even bombing chokes for that matter. People will find the scourges will be doing the same damage as they were before but hitting more people. Actually now that I think about it, it benefits any player who quickly drops shades in battle and mashes their F keys before their character even has a chance to get in pulsing AoE range of other players, which is basically every scourge player.


> Ironically, players asked to have the shade coverage reduced which is exactly what Anet did. But of course because we must balance things out with give and take, the amount of targets the scourge hits has to increase with the shade itself. The end result, scourges now become far more devastating than they were before, but hey, this is exactly what players asked for. People need to think things through before calling for nerfs.


> I can already see what the next balance patch will look like for shades, players hit is reduced from 10 down to 5, but now the shade skill damage is increased to compensate and likely goes on lower cool-down, causing players to get hit with shade bombs vaporize even quicker than they did before.


going from 5 to 10 targets at range is not reducing shade coverage champ, it's a 200% increase. The exact opposite of what players asked for. Players wanted reduced offensive shade coverage, the best way to accomplish that is to change sand savant so that it causes manifest sand shade to heal or grant barrier instead of dealing damage. No more 10 target damage. In their attempt to 'fix' the problem, the balance team is making it significantly worse- that's why people are upset. It shows how disconnected they are from their own game mechanics.


In theory and reality every fight will be a matter of baiting shade bombs from range, whoever gets hit first loses.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> In their attempt to 'fix' the problem, the balance team is making it significantly worse- that's why people are upset. It shows how disconnected they are from their own game mechanics.

That seems to be the running theme of these patch notes though. From the initial discussion threads they seemed to be digging down alot on what people commented on. Some changes were made for the better but other things, they had seeminly already decided upon, they only seemed to feign compromise on. When the notes released they had not only dug down but also doubled down on several of them to cause several more instances of what you describe.


The addition of the barrier-killing traits for Warriors for example can be extremely volatile, causing massive balance issues for specs that have had minor barriers tacked on, which they in some cases can't even opt out of, (Scrappers, Weavers etc.) that will now face consistant big damage bonuses against them.


The allround nerfs to cleansing in a situation that has not necessarily demonstrated a weakness in conditions with multiple condi-bombing builds already existing (including two of my favourite builds in PoF with healing-burn hybrid Engineers and Guardians). Those are not weak builds as is, even as hybrids. Conditions also makes for a poor balance base relative power since it has continously suffered from both larger scaling issues and class-balance issues where access to cleanses across different classes is still to this day massively imbalanced. I know several pretty savvy people in the game that are expecting conditions to become ridiculously powerful and are already gearing up for it. Not to mention, conditions being prevalent is rather boring because you can end up in plenty of situations where you know that you have no fighting chance and it's just a matter of time. I say that as someone who do enjoy playing conditions from time to time.


The game needed sustain and movement to go up, not for ridiculous power burst to be replaced with ridiculous condition pressure that will also further mire gameplay in control-conditions :s .

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