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Welcome to PvP Discord [Repost]


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Hey all New PvP Players, Veterans, Casuals, PvP Content Creators and Pro's,

The last days I dedicated my time to a new project I wanted to push forward for a long time. As you can see in the title, it's called "Welcome to PvP".

In addition to that I created a Discord Server that has several things featured for you to advance in PvP.

We have PvP guides, Twitch & Youtube content, class discussion channels, a Players finding Players category and experienced PvP players that are able to answer class-related questions anytime. The primary thought behind this Discord is that players don't need to search long for answers, it's all one click away, compact & ready to go.

Feel free to invite anyone and don't hesitate to join, you can only gain from it!


The Discord: https://discord.gg/yt5GpeV.


If you are a PvP content creator, DM me on Discord to get featured!


We also started a community guild for future ingame events like tournament or inhouses! Whisper me or use the channel in the Discord for an invite!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump for end of S18!


While sPvP scene in NA is pretty alive game, thanks to the help of this discord I at least earned a title beneath the alts of the 50 people still playing.


The system of coaches ~~and memes, lots of memes~~ and discussion work, is what I’m trying to say.


I’ve learned a lot from the experienced players there, mostly general awareness, some tips and tricks with classes, and matchup knowledge. I do less of the blatantly 30 IQ stuff now and people don’t flame me after the match.


To my joy, the discord advice has increase my skill by a small amount, and meme appreciation ability by a large margin. I can’t live without spamming meme stickers to my soon-to-be-not-friends now. This is most likely a good thing; ~~I’m going afk on these losers in my queue, they don’t deserve me~~.

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Free give away at "a thousand" yet you read the posts and its from the same 4 people. The same boring memes and cringe internet meme culture. EU centric meme circle that rarely produces anything constructive. "Looking for a team? Take a meme." Perfectly encapsulates the state of the community: its a joke :) Keep on dashing https://i.imgur.com/fkOS4dp.jpg


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Since you don't mention who is supposedly was forced to leave the discord due to attempted bullying I can't really be sure, but if it is the person who I have in mind: That guy has a very long history of wintrading, stealing gold from accounts he got shared, catfishing, insulting, randomly asking girls for nudes, and a lot of other inappropriate behaviour. So if he got a reception like you describe, there are a lot of reasons for it.


Oh and thanks for the corrections, as you might have noticed, or maybe haven't, I am not a native speaker of English, so equating language proficiency with intelligence is, as you might put it, "literally a fallacy lmao".


I will now leave you to your intellectual brilliance and immaculate argumentation, so you can continue to derail this thread without me, since I have more important things to do.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Since you don't mention who is supposedly was forced to leave the discord due to attempted bullying I can't really be sure, but if it is the person who I have in mind: That guy has a very long history of wintrading, stealing gold from accounts he got shared, catfishing, insulting, randomly asking girls for nudes, and a lot of other inappropriate behaviour. So if he got a reception like you describe, there are a lot of reasons for it.


> Oh and thanks for the corrections, as you might have noticed, or maybe haven't, I am not a native speaker of English, so equating language proficiency with intelligence is, as you might put it, "literally a fallacy lmao".




It's not intelligent to attack my intelligence in a language you aren't proficient in. It's not my fault nor my problem that you lack proficiency in english. Nothing has changed at all in what I said to you. Its by your own choice that you are not fully proficient and also by your own choice to attempt to insult my intellect. So that isn't at all a fallacy as its pretty soundly based: I didn't attack your person with insults, I carefully picked apart your attempt at an argument to backup what I already stated.


See if I responded as you did, it would be something like "Hahah now you're mad!" which is a fallacy. You didn't feel the need to actually respond to the assertions until it was clear that your attempt to get under my skin for brownie points was little more than a waste of time. Now these might be big words to you, but they are just words to me. It's how I speak. If that bothers you, then perhaps it's your own intelligence that lies in question. :)


> I will now leave you to your intellectual brilliance and immaculate argumentation, so you can continue to derail this thread without me, since I have more important things to do.


Again it isn't really an argument as you've failed to provide a rebuttal to even serve as a counter argument. If anything I've simply spoken a truth, proven by your own vernacular as well. And you are responding to that truth. An argument implies opposition. Your replies do not constitute as such. And you claim I'm derailing the thread but I'm providing an **accurate and unbiased** perspective on your discord community: it regularly trolls serious inquiries, its polluted with memes and you all choose to bully people outside of your circle as shown in the most recent NA mAT, where someone was forced to quit after making it to finals. You guys then insulted them further after they started their stream up a few days after. I don't see anyone calling that behavior out. I don't see any attempt to diminish the pollution. And more importantly, I don't see you at all in the past month of posts making any sort of constructive addition against the prior mentioned.

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And we both know by "better things to do" you mean taking the argument to discord where I can't call out your fallacies. And you only show that you're incapable of participating in a debate about the toxicity of that discord community without running to them for help. Keep on dashing :)

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Well, this is unfortunate to hear that you think like this about the discord. In the end I didn't expected it to be like it is right now, but it's doing the job it was created for. So there is something I disagree with you. There are a lot of people that get adequate feedbacks to the questions they have, it has connected players in the end and every new player has the opportunity to find a platform with this discord to get information in all different ways possible. I'm not almighty and I can't moderate everything and there are definetly parts I can't control or moderate, because everyone has the chance to vocal his opinion about things. Also everyone has and had always the chance to criticize things they disliked to me and you did not, which is also extremly unfortunate. So if you like you can do it here or in pm's.

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> @"Tyga.7056" said:

> Well, this is unfortunate to hear that you think like this about the discord. In the end I didn't expected it to be like it is right now, but it's doing the job it was created for. So there is something I disagree with you. There are a lot of people that get adequate feedbacks to the questions they have, it has connected players in the end and every new player has the opportunity to find a platform with this discord to get information in all different ways possible. I'm not almighty and I can't moderate everything and there are definetly parts I can't control or moderate, because everyone has the chance to vocal his opinion about things.


I've already provided you with concise feedback pertaining to the root of the issue: the circle of members that have the most influence are neither constructive nor supportive of newcomers. I myself have witnessed new players and people with questions get troll answers or just an entirely dismissive response to their issue. Although in my case well deserved, there are members that have either quit or still currently have to deal with an incredible amount of targeted insulting from your regulars. Drama is often encouraged by the Discord owner, who has at times participated in it himself. There is a disparity between the reality and what is being portrayed on this thread. If it was such a welcoming place then why was an mAT finalist forced into quitting it due to the vitriol they received from your members?


> Also everyone has and had always the chance to criticize things they disliked to me and you did not, which is also extremly unfortunate. So if you like you can do it here or in pm's.


No I cannot say I was ever offered any chance at anything in that discord. And in my case I'll never argue that insults are undeserved, but the second my name is brought up regardless of my intentions, it never ends well with your members. In fact, I was most recently banned for insulting someone, yet this was a reply to their insult. And it goes on the exemplify the circle of influence: if you are not inside of that friend group, the rules apply to you. But you do not hold your most active members accountable in any capacity for the toxicity that they participate in. There are plenty of people that share my experience yet unlike me, they don't deserve that treatment.


Why are you inviting new comers to a discord that is incapable of moderation? At least attach that description to your original post instead of making it seem like I am derailing the conversation. An unmoderated and polluted discord is not welcoming at all to a new comer. And that is in your own words: unmoderated and polluted with trolls.

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@"Tyga.7056" And before you try to say that I am a troll, I came with a serious inquiry for the community. I also came with a build guide for ranger detailing infinite evasion. I was then insulted by all of your community despite offering one of the most constructive posts possible. [i detailed a problem with a group of hackers](

"I detailed a problem with a group of hackers") and provided a build of deal with it. I was treated like a troll yet [Arena Net themselves confirmed](
"Arena Net themselves confirmed") that the ban wave was for a cheater, not arc dps. And this was almost 4 days after I released my research on the subject. The information I detailed, which is clearly an alarming issue, was not taken seriously by anyone in your discord yet you speak as if that entire community is "welcoming" and cares about GW2. Why then do they all refer to it as a dead game?
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Well, thats the first time I hear stuff like this, but thank you. It's actually surprising me honestly, because I rarely encounter and never got feedback on stuff like this. It's also often a subjective thing. I'm pretty sure I don't oversee things like this, it might take some time, but I often have a look in all channels, so on the "monthly mat finalist" I would like you to send me a message who was involved in this and where it took place.

I also never statet that this discord is unmoderated and polluted, that's simply wrong. I wanted to say that I'm not 24/7 there to moderate stuff.

There was always the opportunity to address stuff to me, you simply click on my name and criticize or report things to me. I'm sorry that I won't be inviting every single member individually to give me a whisper, but it will definetly be on my list now.

I also wish you could give me some names of the plenty people that also think like you and left and I officially say it here: if some of those people are listening, that I gladly would like to hear some voices on this, so I can improve the discord, that everyone feels comfortable in it.

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Tyga, there has never been constructive feedback on that discord. In fact, even though I'm banned I can bet 1 million USD that after getting embarrassed and out smarted here, Falan takes the insults to discord where she knows I won't be able to reply. I dare you to prove me wrong. Everything I do even if it is for the benefit of the community, will always be insulted in your discord. And unlike me, there are many people who haven't even slightly earned that treatment. What do you say to them other than "I'll do better." Lol whether you like it or not, you harbor a circle of toxic children incapable of even a mildly intellectual debate. I mean seriously @"Falan.1839" even called my vernacular half intelligent despite the fact that 5th graders are capable of this level of discourse.


I honestly wonder what life would be like if I had to run to an emotional support group after attempting to prove that someone wasn't intelligent; only to prove myself to be even less intelligent. :) easy

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Embarassend and outsmarted, that's a good one. You threw around insults (which have since been deleted from this thread) and then wanted to make it appear as if you had made a valid criticism, that's all. And that's also all I said before with the half-intelligent part. Anyway, I'm out again. And no, not to our discord.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Embarassend and outsmarted, that's a good one. You threw around insults (which have since been deleted from this thread) and then wanted to make it appear as if you had made a valid criticism, that's all. And that's also all I said before with the half-intelligent part. Anyway, I'm out again. And no, not to our discord.


Not to discord this time but stop pretending as if you didnt go there afterwards, emotional support was needed. You still manage to make spelling mistakes, which clearly goes beyond lack of proficieny in the language. Too easy

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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> @"guest.9472" you weren't taken serious on the discord bc you are well known for either beeing a troll or beeing delusional af :)


Another person who cannot type telling me that Im the troll. Everyone whos came to look at your discord says the same thing. It isnt at all serious in there. **Trolling is what your entire group of friends do in there**. Please look up the word hypocrisy. Too easy

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@"guest.9472" This was a post about a fun and helpful discord for our PvP community which is constantly suffering. People like you are what's wrong with this community; constant aggression and inability to cool off and have a good time together runs rampant. I believe you stated in another post that you've been banned from the game, so good riddance. We don't need anyone that's only here to make others' lives worse.

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