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EU Ranked PvP on Core Mantra Mesmer!


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Hey so this thread is going to be continually updated every week if/when I have time to que on Saturdays/early Sundays. I tanked my rating to plat 1 (1500 + 600 decay) to show that this build works at a variety of skill ranges and will be climbing to the top 30 over the next few weeks if my schedule allows.


Here are the 10 games I've played yesterday. This is raw footage with my mic on so you guys can hear what I'm thinking about as the matches progress. No editing. Wins _and_ losses. Solo que only. The video quality will increase in a few hours/days once youtube finishes processing everything. I also show the scoreboard, my rating, and game history every match.


This is the [build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAEx/lJwuYTMKGKOKLdnTA-zZILkMThejgoLAbHA) I use. I just started playing mantras for the first time a few weeks ago so I'm still relatively new to the playstyle. Also, I'm normally on NA so I'm playing on 6 times my normal ping.




##### Session One - 10 Games (7-3 record)







- [Game 1](

) - audio is a little scuffed here, I lower the game volume going forward

- [Game 2](


- [Game 3](


- [Game 4](


- [Game 5](


- [Game 6](


- [Game 7](


- [Game 8](

) - games 8, 9, and 10 were off-peak. I was getting very low-rated players in my matches so I won't que during these times to improve the match quality.

- [Game 9](


- [Game 10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-LfxZIxRQE)





##### Session Two - 21 Games (11-10 record)






- [Game 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xMR_6YfIyE) L

- [Game 12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t6y_YNLvqI) L

- [Game 13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1grweC7BLc4) L

- [Game 14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ULIaYbCuCs) W

- [Game 15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pn3H7PELv4) L

- [Game 16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q9NcjDiERU) W | Games 11-16 are scuffed off-hour ques. I was playing at like 3 am EST cause I was feeling generous and wanted to donate 55 rating ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ 4 games were unwinnable. Teams were perma dead and I couldn't get any value even though I was killing/downing a lot of people.

- [Game 17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mduPUpmjkg) W

- [Game 18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4NFDjt-ins&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=8) W

- [Game 19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHNZu4xPL0E&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=9) L

- [Game 20](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKbDoRSHmRo&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=10) W

- [Game 21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV4jg6TM1fI&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=11) W

- [Game 22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJQPPckodt4&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=12) W

- [Game 23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F6aYTHpPEc&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=13) W | vs. Flandre Sinid Duo. The only two deaths I had were bad 1v1 matchups against Flandre.

- [First death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F6aYTHpPEc&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=13), I tried to Diversion Flandre to prevent the stealth from Swoop into SSF2 the instant GS4 block ended but it didn't connect, then I cancelled Mirror right before the PBS hit, then my blink bugged out, then my stealth revealed me somehow, then I was in the air and the ping prevented me from using Blurred Frenzy the instant I hit the ground to avoid the Swoop. I could've maybe dazed Flandre with Power Lock if I avoided the Swoop but all of the mishaps resulted in me being unable to get any value out of any of my defensive abilities.

- [second death](https://youtu.be/2F6aYTHpPEc?t=257) I tried to Diversion his heal but it was just out of range (even though I was very close to him), the ping prevented me from Power Locking the maul, then my Blink didn't teleport me the first time I tried to cast it, and the second time I pressed the button to get behind LoS, it shot me into the wall.

- [Game 24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1Guhf0orf8&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=14) L

- [Game 25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HKRkT9OfqE&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=15) L

- [Game 26](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-3KRFhTNZ8&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=16) W

- [Game 27](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbgIxJ7pdQU&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=17) L

- [Game 28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMzY5JgX_DU&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=18) W

- [Game 29](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85QxftJGosc&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=19) W

- [Game 30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwsvcsOFpwA&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=20) L | Not just in this game but you can see the ping issue several times in these matches. You can clearly see me getting hit mid-dodge during moments like [this](https://youtu.be/ZwsvcsOFpwA?t=590) or [this](https://youtu.be/ZwsvcsOFpwA?t=321). I also could've blinked away.

- [Game 31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olz3YX8dQ0k&list=PLHQyW5_DzmPA8TFrEE6SZpLQkWFfI9AOl&index=21) L





##### Session Three - 16 Games (9-7 record)






- [Game 32](https://youtu.be/YEHFROOi27Y) W | 9-4 |

- [Game 33](https://youtu.be/VMBSCYas5U4) W | 13-4 |

- [Game 34](https://youtu.be/4OfAGZBPzmw) L | 8-3 | Team is horrible, perma dead

- [Game 35](https://youtu.be/z_o42t6Of14) L | Team is horrible, perma dead

- [Game 36](https://youtu.be/kOxqrYW7AyY) W | 15-3 |

- [Game 37](https://youtu.be/xnxhVlbk_q0) L | 5-1 | Team is horrible, the holo overheated every single time he went into Photon Forge

- [Game 38](https://youtu.be/MJzARglR4Qo) W | 8-4 |

- [Game 39](https://youtu.be/r-MpkoRfonk) W | 12-1 |

- [Game 40](https://youtu.be/x1-TwbC5pFk) W | 11-1

- [Game 41](https://youtu.be/DAFv1WFlRCs) L | 13-2 | Team Throws

- [Game 42](https://youtu.be/CodmGY8apPM) L | 15-2 | Team Throws

- [Game 43](https://youtu.be/1I1oJJPwVQc) W | 10-0 |

- [Game 44](https://youtu.be/9jZi4yZ2hys) W | 12-1 |

- [Game 45](https://youtu.be/4Ln7g9btZEQ) W | 14-2 | Highest Rating Today - 1595

- [Game 46](https://youtu.be/uAgC-T6XRVA) L | 1-4 | Two Teammates AFK

- [Game 47](https://youtu.be/M4jQk6YHylI) L | 15-1 | Team Throws





##### Session Four - 6 Games (5-1 Record)






- [Game 48](https://imgur.com/4cKvS9F) W | 14-1 | Sorry I forgot to click 'Record' D:

- [Game 49](https://youtu.be/xm8JrzuaESk) W | 12-4 |

- [Game 50](https://youtu.be/LFJ4OE-FjQE) W | 10-0 |

- [Game 51](https://youtu.be/qDtQdhS8Ba8) W | 8-1 |

- [Game 52](https://youtu.be/DZLQtum_N_4) L | 6-5 | Team Fed The Whole Game

- [Game 53](https://youtu.be/l8yNlnBzbEQ) W | 12-1 | I accidentally said G52 instead of G53 | Highest Rating Today - 1621





##### Sessions Five, Six, and Seven - 15 Games (9-6 Record) in 720p HD!






- [Game 54](https://youtu.be/BAncdxWxYpc) W | 20-0 | 3 Rating (lol)



- [Game 55](https://youtu.be/6vlWRZTdhOw) L |

- [Game 56](https://youtu.be/z0dSQ3I5mdk) W | 15-1 |

- [Game 57](https://youtu.be/u8hYp4bLqaM) L | 8-4 | Tramadex on my team

- [Game 58](https://youtu.be/30pPoUEDniE) W | 14-3 |

- [Game 59](https://youtu.be/m2DpFhYYbqU) L |

- [Game 60](https://youtu.be/-V7UewdL8GE) L | 6-4 |

- [Game 61](https://youtu.be/bBaGWseopEI) W | 14-3 |

- [Game 62](https://youtu.be/HbB-z6TjZrc) W | 13-2 |

- [Game 63](https://youtu.be/cletmCsuHLM) L | My teammates are perma dead. I'm pretty tilted at this point lol

- [Game 64](https://youtu.be/qNPnJYMek8A) W | 12-2 |



- [Game 65](https://youtu.be/GxRhpu_KNsw) L | This match was 4v5. We had a DC at the start so I just sat in base. Don't watch this one, nothing happened. ^^

- [Game 66](https://youtu.be/a9wIbuZyVDE) W | 13-1 |

- [Game 67](https://youtu.be/4uhzVCPW5e0) W | 16-1 |

- [Game 68](https://youtu.be/B6jBuHxV6rE) W | 11-2 | Highest Rating Today - 1662 | Rank 80




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As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realistic.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.




Okay see this is what I mean by poking and prodding. Don't look at the prior win ratio. I was not attempting to climb on EU prior to making these mantra videos.


I tanked my rating to 1500 and I'll be climbing up to top 30 (again!) so you guys can see how it works against a variety of skill ranges.


LOL why the hell would I do that?? "Yeah if you really want to prove Sic Em ranger is a problem just don't use Wilderness Survival." What type of logic is that?


For the record, Mur plays the Mirage variant on NA in the top 10.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime.

I agree.


> And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

Nope, he should play with whatever build he wants. Just vacuuming stuff isn't good, they all work together.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime.

> I agree


> > And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> Nope, he should play with whatever build he wants. Just vacuuming stuff isn't good, they all work together.


Seriously, disregard the win ratio I had leading up to the mantra mesmer games. It is completely irrelevant in this discussion. The majority of my games on the EU account are on meme thief builds I'm mess around with for fun.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline and without Massinv. Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.


what the hell? might as well tell him to take blink off. we know that its a combo of mantras and survival traits/ skills, but this is about what mantras can do with those survival choices. not taking them only proves that they're necessary for any mes or core mes build to survive. would you rather they nerf mes survival?


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Seriously, disregard the win ratio I had leading up to the mantra mesmer games. It is completely irrelevant in this discussion. The majority of my games on the EU account are on meme thief builds I'm mess around with for fun.


No I meant I'll just wait and see you become top blabla.


Also about walking and sword autoing, I'm still not convinced. In game 2, killing FB with autos was a good idea. However, I don't think that mirage would/should die if s/he wasn't kind of bad.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > Seriously, disregard the win ratio I had leading up to the mantra mesmer games. It is completely irrelevant in this discussion. The majority of my games on the EU account are on meme thief builds I'm mess around with for fun.


> No I meant I'll just wait and see you become top blabla.


> Also about walking and sword autoing, I'm still not convinced. In game 2, killing FB with autos was a good idea. However, I don't think that mirage would/should die if s/he wasn't kind of bad.


Okay thank you for clarifying.


You will see me fighting better opponents as I climb.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline and without Massinv. Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.


> what the hell? might as well tell him to take blink off. we know that its a combo of mantras and survival traits/ skills, but this is about what mantras can do with those survival choices. not taking them only proves that they're necessary for any mes or core mes build to survive. would you rather they nerf mes survival?



No it is about complaining about the right things, he could play oneshot Core PU Mesmer without Mantras (at least without Mantra of Distraction) and it would still be an issue because Chaosline PU is the issue. And ofc Mantra of Pain in its current state. The issue is that a build with a defensive traitline still has oneshot dmg by having high disengage mobility from superspeed and good passive boon sustain vs power dmg aside from stealth uptime for days for attacks completely out of nowhere. None of these problems are rly related to Mantras (except for Mantra of Pain but that only secondary not even in the first place).


That is also the reason why i don't say take blink of, blink is not the issue here in any point of view. A troch stealth in 1200 range +blink inc is totally predictable and this oneshot try can be countered very easy.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.


Imagine caring about someone's rank after the PvP's hay days.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.


By that logic, all builds are just noob killers and we should never nerf anything since pretty much any skilled player on any build can kill poor players and the more skilled you are as a player, the more you can disengage from nearly anything and avoid dying by both through experienced understanding of their skills and how to disengage using terrain as long as you leave early enough outside of Guardian and Scourge at this point. Seriously, this is the dumbest argument.


Instant cast, animation free, no aim required free damage is philosophically and fundamentally unhealthy in a competitive game mode.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline and without Massinv. Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> >

> > what the hell? might as well tell him to take blink off. we know that its a combo of mantras and survival traits/ skills, but this is about what mantras can do with those survival choices. not taking them only proves that they're necessary for any mes or core mes build to survive. would you rather they nerf mes survival?

> >


> No it is about complaining about the right things, he could play oneshot Core PU Mesmer without Mantras (at least without Mantra of Distraction) and it would still be an issue because Chaosline PU is the issue. And ofc Mantra of Pain in its current state. The issue is that a build with a defensive traitline still has oneshot dmg by having high disengage mobility from superspeed and good passive boon sustain vs power dmg aside from stealth uptime for days for attacks completely out of nowhere. None of these problems are rly related to Mantras (except for Mantra of Pain but that only secondary not even in the first place).


> That is also the reason why i don't say take blink of, blink is not the issue here in any point of view. A troch stealth in 1200 range +blink inc is totally predictable and this oneshot try can be countered very easy.


You can close the same distance with Mirage blinks, jaunts, and sword ambush in the 3s of stealth that you can with walking during the 9s mass invis stealth. It really makes no difference except that Mirage is actually faster at rotating around the map and has more cc. I'm only playing the core build because it's considered the weakest variation of mantra mes (prior to Chrono getting nerfed at least).

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline and without Massinv. Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> > >

> > > what the hell? might as well tell him to take blink off. we know that its a combo of mantras and survival traits/ skills, but this is about what mantras can do with those survival choices. not taking them only proves that they're necessary for any mes or core mes build to survive. would you rather they nerf mes survival?

> > >

> >

> > No it is about complaining about the right things, he could play oneshot Core PU Mesmer without Mantras (at least without Mantra of Distraction) and it would still be an issue because Chaosline PU is the issue. And ofc Mantra of Pain in its current state. The issue is that a build with a defensive traitline still has oneshot dmg by having high disengage mobility from superspeed and good passive boon sustain vs power dmg aside from stealth uptime for days for attacks completely out of nowhere. None of these problems are rly related to Mantras (except for Mantra of Pain but that only secondary not even in the first place).

> >

> > That is also the reason why i don't say take blink of, blink is not the issue here in any point of view. A troch stealth in 1200 range +blink inc is totally predictable and this oneshot try can be countered very easy.


> You can close the same distance with Mirage blinks, jaunts, and sword ambush in the 3s of stealth that you can with walking during the 9s mass invis stealth. It really makes no difference except that Mirage is actually faster at rotating around the map and has more cc. I'm only playing the core build because it's considered the weakest variation of mantra mes (prior to Chrono getting nerfed at least).


No with only troch stealth on Mirage even with all the cds used you will never come completely out of no where. You cannot stack stealth out of ear shot and visible range with only Torch. I never got oneshotted from a Powermirage with double Mantra in my life when not being brain-afk what was just my fault then. But Chaosline PU Core? Yes i can have problems with that for previously named reasons.


> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.


> By that logic, all builds are just noob killers and we should never nerf anything since pretty much any skilled player on any build can kill poor players and the more skilled you are as a player, the more you can disengage from nearly anything and avoid dying by both through experienced understanding of their skills and how to disengage using terrain as long as you leave early enough outside of Guardian and Scourge at this point. Seriously, this is the dumbest argument.


> Instant cast, animation free, no aim required free damage is philosophically and fundamentally unhealthy in a competitive game mode.


No Mesmer is known as being insane confusing for new and bad player, the mechanic is not as intuitive as for example Warrior or Guard. Mesmer is a class that needs more skill to play against or at least more knowledge to play against. Illusions are confusing for new ppI. During the confusion effect from clones decrease very hard the moment ppl know how to spot the real player. I mean that is rly common we don't need to argue about that. There is clearly a difference for new/bad player to react to a Mesmer (even with a skillful Mesmer build) than to other classes. That is why showing footage vs decent ppl is even more important to prove anything on Mesmer than on other classes (it is important in general to show footage vs decent player to prove something about buildperformance, sure but for Mesmer even more).

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline and without Massinv. Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> > > >

> > > > what the hell? might as well tell him to take blink off. we know that its a combo of mantras and survival traits/ skills, but this is about what mantras can do with those survival choices. not taking them only proves that they're necessary for any mes or core mes build to survive. would you rather they nerf mes survival?

> > > >

> > >

> > > No it is about complaining about the right things, he could play oneshot Core PU Mesmer without Mantras (at least without Mantra of Distraction) and it would still be an issue because Chaosline PU is the issue. And ofc Mantra of Pain in its current state. The issue is that a build with a defensive traitline still has oneshot dmg by having high disengage mobility from superspeed and good passive boon sustain vs power dmg aside from stealth uptime for days for attacks completely out of nowhere. None of these problems are rly related to Mantras (except for Mantra of Pain but that only secondary not even in the first place).

> > >

> > > That is also the reason why i don't say take blink of, blink is not the issue here in any point of view. A troch stealth in 1200 range +blink inc is totally predictable and this oneshot try can be countered very easy.

> >

> > You can close the same distance with Mirage blinks, jaunts, and sword ambush in the 3s of stealth that you can with walking during the 9s mass invis stealth. It really makes no difference except that Mirage is actually faster at rotating around the map and has more cc. I'm only playing the core build because it's considered the weakest variation of mantra mes (prior to Chrono getting nerfed at least).


> 1. No with only troch stealth on Mirage even with all the cds used you will never come completely out of no where. You cannot stack stealth out of ear shot and visible range with only Torch.


> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> >

> > By that logic, all builds are just noob killers and we should never nerf anything since pretty much any skilled player on any build can kill poor players and the more skilled you are as a player, the more you can disengage from nearly anything and avoid dying by both through experienced understanding of their skills and how to disengage using terrain as long as you leave early enough outside of Guardian and Scourge at this point. Seriously, this is the dumbest argument.

> >

> > Instant cast, animation free, no aim required free damage is philosophically and fundamentally unhealthy in a competitive game mode.


> 2. No Mesmer is known as being insane confusing for new and bad player, the mechanic is not as intuitive as for example Warrior or Guard. Mesmer is a class that needs more skill to play against or at least more knowledge to play against. Illusions are confusion for new ppI. During the confusion effect from clone decrease very hard the moment ppl know how to spot the real player. I mean that is rly common we don't need to argue about that. There is clearly a difference for new/bad player to react to a Mesmer (even with a skillful Mesmer build) than to other classes. That is why showing footage vs decent ppl is even more important to prove anything on Mesmer than on other classes (it is important in general to show footage vs decent player to prove soemthign abotu buildperformance, sure but for Mesmer even more).


1. You can travel the same distance in stealth with the Mirage variant as you can with Mass Invis.

2. Okay but how does that apply to me? lol... at plat 1 and up everyone should be above average. I started the videos at plat 1 to show the climb up and how the build can perform at a variety of skill ranges. Watch 1v1 tournaments with mantra mesmers in the finals. You'll see the mantra builds 1v1 against other top duelists.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > > And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline and without Massinv. Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> > > > >

> > > > > what the hell? might as well tell him to take blink off. we know that its a combo of mantras and survival traits/ skills, but this is about what mantras can do with those survival choices. not taking them only proves that they're necessary for any mes or core mes build to survive. would you rather they nerf mes survival?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > No it is about complaining about the right things, he could play oneshot Core PU Mesmer without Mantras (at least without Mantra of Distraction) and it would still be an issue because Chaosline PU is the issue. And ofc Mantra of Pain in its current state. The issue is that a build with a defensive traitline still has oneshot dmg by having high disengage mobility from superspeed and good passive boon sustain vs power dmg aside from stealth uptime for days for attacks completely out of nowhere. None of these problems are rly related to Mantras (except for Mantra of Pain but that only secondary not even in the first place).

> > > >

> > > > That is also the reason why i don't say take blink of, blink is not the issue here in any point of view. A troch stealth in 1200 range +blink inc is totally predictable and this oneshot try can be countered very easy.

> > >

> > > You can close the same distance with Mirage blinks, jaunts, and sword ambush in the 3s of stealth that you can with walking during the 9s mass invis stealth. It really makes no difference except that Mirage is actually faster at rotating around the map and has more cc. I'm only playing the core build because it's considered the weakest variation of mantra mes (prior to Chrono getting nerfed at least).

> >

> > 1. No with only troch stealth on Mirage even with all the cds used you will never come completely out of no where. You cannot stack stealth out of ear shot and visible range with only Torch.

> >

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.

> > >

> > > By that logic, all builds are just noob killers and we should never nerf anything since pretty much any skilled player on any build can kill poor players and the more skilled you are as a player, the more you can disengage from nearly anything and avoid dying by both through experienced understanding of their skills and how to disengage using terrain as long as you leave early enough outside of Guardian and Scourge at this point. Seriously, this is the dumbest argument.

> > >

> > > Instant cast, animation free, no aim required free damage is philosophically and fundamentally unhealthy in a competitive game mode.

> >

> > 2. No Mesmer is known as being insane confusing for new and bad player, the mechanic is not as intuitive as for example Warrior or Guard. Mesmer is a class that needs more skill to play against or at least more knowledge to play against. Illusions are confusion for new ppI. During the confusion effect from clone decrease very hard the moment ppl know how to spot the real player. I mean that is rly common we don't need to argue about that. There is clearly a difference for new/bad player to react to a Mesmer (even with a skillful Mesmer build) than to other classes. That is why showing footage vs decent ppl is even more important to prove anything on Mesmer than on other classes (it is important in general to show footage vs decent player to prove soemthign abotu buildperformance, sure but for Mesmer even more).


> 1. You can travel the same distance in stealth with the Mirage variant as you can with Mass Invis.

> 2. Okay but how does that apply to me? lol... at plat 1 and up everyone should be above average. I started the videos at plat 1 to show the climb up and how the build can perform at a variety of skill ranges. Watch 1v1 tournaments with mantra mesmers in the finals. You'll see the mantra builds 1v1 against other top duelists.

1. as said... check edit

2. Plat1 is super low, since when that is above average ( i mean it might be average now from what is left in the game but it clearly is not and never was decent skill lvl)? Even 10 seasons ago when we had more good players left this was pretty low rating and kind of low skill lvl. It is not even Top 250 in the end, a title every noob can get these days. I mean i could start to analyze your games step by step again and show you how bad the ppl are you are facing most of the time. Like in the first game you clearly Mass Invis your team at matchstart right in their visible and hearing distance and still they just continue walking and waiting for the oneshot. Will never happen to me that a Mesmer will oneshot me there not even the Chaosline PU Mesmer.


> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > As said, we already know that oneshot Mesmer is a good noobkiller, we don't need another low Platinum prove. 1500 is very low, your winration is kinda bad and that with you being carried by Chaosline. Just start showing games when you reach Platinum 3 in EU in peaktime. And if you rly wanna prove Mantras as the problem play without Chaosline (and maybe even without Massinv). Just few tips to make your goal to prove anything a bit more realisic.



> For the record, Mur plays the Mirage variant on NA in the top 10.


And as already mentioned i always was surprised in NA streams how even high rated ppl in NA and the NA Top player get hit by most obvious bursts.

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Thanks to do the effort of doing vids.

But what I see is that we said since this thread start :

* Gold plebs get owned. (Like 70% of the guys who don't react after a 1 sec f3 stun.)

* Once opponents isn't full zerk gear, you don't one shot them.

* One shot is far to be 100% reliable (even by taking your ping.).

* Normal DPS out of burst only with GS is meh considering your gear.

* It's fun to see how sword 3 is unreliable (clone killed or bugs.).

* There is literraly nobody focusing you. They let you freecasting all the way, you can be a FA ele it will do exactly the same. In the first 7 vids, there is only a gard and a DH who seems aware of you ...

* A load of condi on you = dead.



Want to see the next session where you start be on plat2. Because you are facing things like "double signet mirages" for the moment.


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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> Thanks to do the effort of doing vids.

> But what I see is that we said since this thread start :

> * Gold plebs get owned. (Like 70% of the guys who don't react after a 1 sec f3 stun.)

> * Once opponents isn't full zerk gear, you don't one shot them.

> * One shot is far to be 100% reliable (even by taking your ping.).

> * Normal DPS out of burst only with GS is meh considering your gear.

> * It's fun to see how sword 3 is unreliable (clone killed or bugs.).

> * There is literraly nobody focusing you. They let you freecasting all the way, you can be a FA ele it will do exactly the same. In the first 7 vids, there is only a gard and a DH who seems aware of you ...

> * A load of condi on you = dead.



> Want to see the next session where you start be on plat2. Because you are facing things like "double signet mirages" for the moment.



You'll see me fight better opponents as I climb. I actually have a game vs Naru and Helio duo on their mains. Close match. We lost cause of 2 small mistakes and my S3 port bugging out which gave them a free 50 point bell on Capricorn.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> @"bravan.3876"


> Did you not read what I said? I tanked my rating on purpose with meme thief builds in order to start the climb from P1.


> This whole thread is going to be updated to show how this build works at a VARIETY OF SKILL RANGES.


And i said, you don't need to start from Plat 1, with current matchmaking and population you even face silver/ low gold ppl in Plat1 games so pls... Start showing games when you finally reached Plat 3 and show matches you get matched versus for EU known decent ppl in opponent team in peakhour. You will not prove anything when i can show you why ppl are just bad and that is the only reason they die to you and why you would never oneshot me or any decent player near my lvl with your build in any shown situation and when i just can dismantle your matches with step by step analysis. We both can save a lot of time and effort if you start in Plat 3 and even there you can have onesided matches with pretty low ppl in the other team or your team. That is why i said a high ranking doesn't even prove much about a build but at least more than low rated Plat1/2 gameplay.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > (...) I tanked my rating to plat 1 (1500 + 600 decay) to show that this build works at a variety of skill ranges (...)


> Decay doesn't affect matchmaking.


Would be shocking if he didn't know that tbh... but would fit to the bronze propaganda lvl of most (not all) of his claims



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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > (...) I tanked my rating to plat 1 (1500 + 600 decay) to show that this build works at a variety of skill ranges (...)


> Decay doesn't affect matchmaking.


> Other than that, appreciate the effort and am curious on the outcome.


Yeah I know that. Matchmaking was using my actual rating.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> I dont know if this was meant to prove how terrible core mantra mes is, all i see is you downstate at least 6 times vs a non thief/rev comp lol


I was still getting 10+ kills every game, won 1v1s, 1vXs, didn't die more than 3 times iirc, etc. etc. I might go down occasionally but I don't really think I lost any straight fights unless I had no cooldowns left coming away from/with multiple people on me.

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