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How to destroy shade?


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Love it haha!


I tried my scourge last night in WvW it felt like a whole new profession. It really changed the way I played and I didn't really enjoy the unforeseen consequences. Its no mystery I was in a Zerg and when two or three servers meet up it is very hard to keep track of where you placed your last Sand Shade after you have evaded a few times. There is so much on screen clutter it gets lost in the mess.


Lets face it its rare when you have all your Shades ready to be placed. For me I'm always down to my last one. Not to mention now we are locked into 15 seconds in one spot that no one will be standing in. Without having a way to remove the shade it basically makes our F-Skills temporarily useless until the shade either goes away or we get charge to drop another.


So if this is the way its going to be one of three things need to occur. A way to remove the shade, greatly decrease the cool down timer on manifest sand shade, or decrease the duration for WvW & PvP of a shade to 5 seconds.


But if someone could help me keep the enemies in my shades for all 15 seconds I could also go for that lol... Currently people scatter like rats when they see one dropped. Sure glad we are locked into that spot for so long!

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I am missing this kind of button as well. If I place a shade, which is a rare occasion nowadays since I am defenseless then, and I move, I need to keep track where all of my shades are. Which is very hard since there is no little spot on the mini-map (are minions showed via spots? never played any build with minions before so idk) and the shades are not noticeable at all due to all the clutter going on. I missed this kind of a button several times while trying out builds.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Its no mystery I was in a Zerg and when two or three servers meet up it is very hard to keep track of where you placed your last Sand Shade after you have evaded a few times. There is so much on screen clutter it gets lost in the mess.


> Not to mention now we are locked into 15 seconds in one spot that no one will be standing in.


And yet it’s still so easy for the enemy to see the defcon-level-10 solid-red circle on the ground. This really needs to revert to the previous animation now. The enemy shouldn’t have such a braindead way of spotting shades when they telegraph that the scourge is now defenseless or trapped.


> Without having a way to remove the shade it basically makes our F-Skills temporarily useless until the shade either goes away or we get charge to drop another.


> So if this is the way its going to be one of three things need to occur. A way to remove the shade, greatly decrease the cool down timer on manifest sand shade, or decrease the duration for WvW & PvP of a shade to 5 seconds.


I’m experimenting with never casting shades again (sigh), basically a melee style of play, in order to maintain self-defense. Unfortunately, this basically nullifies all traits dependent on casting manifest and shroud skill 1.


Which suggests a fourth solution — remove ground-targeted placeable shades. Let the necro always be the shade, and F1 triggers it’s same effects with charges. So scourges lose range, but maintain self-defence, and can still cast F1 (at close range) to keep all the shroud-skill-1 traits relevant.


It’s sad when a class-defining ability has a harsh built-in disincentive to actually use it. Imagine, rangers lose half of their remaining health while their pet attacks! Imagine, thieves lose initiative for every second in stealth!


(P.S. — I actually prefer a way remove shades, just thinking through options.)

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> @"Bellefon.1259" said:

> I’m experimenting with never casting shades again (sigh), basically a melee style of play, in order to maintain self-defense. Unfortunately, this basically nullifies all traits dependent on casting manifest and shroud skill 1.

I actually started contemplating that myself. Or moving it to an off key that I can use when need be.

> (P.S. — I actually prefer a way remove shades, just thinking through options.)

I guess it all depends on how it could be fixed. On one hand you would be able to remove the shade and enable to use your character. But on the other hand you would have the long cool down for the next charge.


I propose if you cancel a shade that the time left on the shade goes towards its cool down. So you set a shade and let it sit for 10 seconds and then cancel it you would get a cool down reduction of the percentage left. In this case 33% cool down reduction. That way you could get another shade out more promptly.


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"Bellefon.1259" said:

> > I’m experimenting with never casting shades again (sigh), basically a melee style of play, in order to maintain self-defense. Unfortunately, this basically nullifies all traits dependent on casting manifest and shroud skill 1.

> I actually started contemplating that myself. Or moving it to an off key that I can use when need be.


Hadn't thought of that -- good idea, cause I keep accidentally casting shades.


> > (P.S. — I actually prefer a way remove shades, just thinking through options.)

> I guess it all depends on how it could be fixed. On one hand you would be able to remove the shade and enable to use your character. But on the other hand you would have the long cool down for the next charge.


> I propose if you cancel a shade that the time left on the shade goes towards its cool down. So you set a shade and let it sit for 10 seconds and then cancel it you would get a cool down reduction of the percentage left. In this case 33% cool down reduction. That way you could get another shade out more promptly.


I think the ammo charge system already accounts for that by wrapping a CD (count recharge) around a CD (skill use). As long as all 3 manifest shade charges haven't been used up, a shade is always ready to be cast. If a scourge casts only one, but then removes it, they've lost the advantage of coverage (which is the problem Anet claims to want to solve?), but can cast a new shade quickly. If all three were cast, removal (of all shades) doesn't need to affect the count recharge -- the scourge has to wait for recharge to cast shades again, using the same system.


So it's a tactical choice about where the dmg/support/defense happens, not about being stuck in range vs. melee mode for 15s.


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