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Best duo class for thief as of this meta?


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> @"dawn.8406" said:

> i find it easier to duo with people and i usually win when my friend goes SPB or FB, what do you guys think? and what is the "ultimate" duo, if you are not thief?



Sometimes it depends.

You either need someone/something capable of side-noding, be it a Duelist that can win 1v1s but not 1v2s or be it side-noder that can hold 1v2s but likely not terminate 1v1 as reliably as Duelist, both scenarios allowing you to +1 either your Duo or the rest of the Team depending which of the two versions you choose.

Then there is another option and that is a good Teamfighter, because sometimes _(if not often)_ what you need to do to win is baby-sit your team and make sure they win teamfights, which will allow you to decap and possibly +1 too.


If I were you I would go the Duelist/Side-noder way, because the best Teamfighter professions at the moment are too reliant on other professions in the comp. Meaning your Duo-partner will best carry teamfights as a FB or as a Scourge, but FB without a Scourge is only half as useful, and if the partner went Scourge then he/she will be a free candy without an FB to any semi-decent team.


Even despite all those options I mentioned it is still important to take in to account what kind of Thief builds are you playing? Power S/D? Condi S/D? Power D/P? DE?

Know that the most optimal way to win would be if you both went Elixir Holo and just rekt everything and everywhere, but if you do that you'll have to deal with your own conscience.


Mostly, unless in a presence of completely and utterly OP builds in the meta that can do it all themselves, there won't be a simple _"This with this is best"_ you can of course find the most optimal combination that could be considered the best one such as FB + Scourge used to be _(and to some extend they still are pretty good duo)_, but to do that you will have to provide every information some of which can only be seen before the match starts, for example: _What professions is your Duo capable of playing? What builds of those professions? What is your and your Duos skill level? What build are you running on Thief? Are you willing to swap? If so what skill level are you on with other professions beside Thief? What is the enemy team-comp? What comp is the rest of your team?_


So to make the post even more damn complex and confusing, if winning is what you aim for _(and don't wanna go the double Holo way)_ then both you and your Friend need to be **each of you** formidable at **at least** two professions of wastly different roles, while one of those professions can compliment one of the Duo partners profession. Then swap around.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > listen to Sindrener.

> > >

> > > holo...ez

> >

> > Did I just spend 5 mins composing a confusing lenghty post about Duos just to be undone by _"holo ez" kind of post_?


> you just got sandwiched by holos post


I just got wha... enough forums for today.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"dawn.8406" said:

> > i find it easier to duo with people and i usually win when my friend goes SPB or FB, what do you guys think? and what is the "ultimate" duo, if you are not thief?

> >


> Sometimes it depends.

> You either need someone/something capable of side-noding, be it a Duelist that can win 1v1s but not 1v2s or be it side-noder that can hold 1v2s but likely not terminate 1v1 as reliably as Duelist, both scenarios allowing you to +1 either your Duo or the rest of the Team depending which of the two versions you choose.

> Then there is another option and that is a good Teamfighter, because sometimes _(if not often)_ what you need to do to win is baby-sit your team and make sure they win teamfights, which will allow you to decap and possibly +1 too.


> If I were you I would go the Duelist/Side-noder way, because the best Teamfighter professions at the moment are too reliant on other professions in the comp. Meaning your Duo-partner will best carry teamfights as a FB or as a Scourge, but FB without a Scourge is only half as useful, and if the partner went Scourge then he/she will be a free candy without an FB to any semi-decent team.


> Even despite all those options I mentioned it is still important to take in to account what kind of Thief builds are you playing? Power S/D? Condi S/D? Power D/P? DE?

> Know that the most optimal way to win would be if you both went Elixir Holo and just rekt everything and everywhere, but if you do that you'll have to deal with your own conscience.


> Mostly, unless in a presence of completely and utterly OP builds in the meta that can do it all themselves, there won't be a simple _"This with this is best"_ you can of course find the most optimal combination that could be considered the best one such as FB + Scourge used to be _(and to some extend they still are pretty good duo)_, but to do that you will have to provide every information some of which can only be seen before the match starts, for example: _What professions is your Duo capable of playing? What builds of those professions? What is your and your Duos skill level? What build are you running on Thief? Are you willing to swap? If so what skill level are you on with other professions beside Thief? What is the enemy team-comp? What comp is the rest of your team?_


> So to make the post even more kitten complex and confusing, if winning is what you aim for _(and don't wanna go the double Holo way)_ then both you and your Friend need to be **each of you** formidable at **at least** two professions of wastly different roles, while one of those professions can compliment one of the Duo partners profession. Then swap around.


thanks for taking your time to compose this post lol, it was a long reading.

anyway, i always play SD power cause i feel like condi sd is really boring and also unskillful.

and i think i'm gonna try sidenoding while my friend goes fb, cause i do know holo "decently" enough to win a 1v2 vs bad players

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I know some might think I’m crazy but my friend plays a core guard build that can even beat symbol brand 1v1. Basically i play condi thief while he pushes far all game and the result we’ve been doing this for 2 days and it seems we might end up finishing legend or close from plat2. It’s seems to work very well. Basic recommendation is duoing with a good 1v1er but another good option is getting another roamer but with a bigger kit than thief such as holosmith rev or idk a Dps firebrand/core guard.

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