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Should arena net start working on a Cantha Expansion for GW2?

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Honestly, I think at this point—after the recent story—that the next expansion should have to do with the Mists and its restoration, possibly working with Aurene and the rest of the Human Gods, since Kralkatorrik basically ate a fairly large chunk of it. Throwing in whatever sinister developments may happen because of that of course.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Hoover.6394" said:

> > I think Cantha will be great choice for expansion for sure, with poteionally new race, new profession, and very unique landscape and buildings that look different from all current maps!


> Sounds more like a new game than an expansion.


This game evolves, and dev just added new things that they said “not possible” before like mounts system, so I’m confident those thing can happening in next expansion


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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Hoover.6394" said:

> > > I think Cantha will be great choice for expansion for sure, with poteionally new race, new profession, and very unique landscape and buildings that look different from all current maps!

> >

> > Sounds more like a new game than an expansion.


> This game evolves, and dev just added new things that they said “not possible” before like mounts system, so I’m confident those thing can happening in next expansion



When ever did the devs say that mounts were not possible? I keep hearing this but my recollection was that mounts were not considered when the game was launched. I don't remember them saying that mounts were not possible.

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I just read the GW2 Wiki about Cantha. And if it is true that the effect of the Jade Wind has been reversed because of Shiros second death than forget it. Dont bring me there. Just leave it alone.

Dont get me wrong. I dont mind changes. I dont mind that nature conquered back the Echovald Forest so there are stone trees covered with Ivy, Stone deers covered in moss and stuff like that. Beautiful and still a very unique area. But dont reverse the effect of the jade wind and stone trees "wake up" and go back to be normal tree. Or the Jade of the Jade Sea is getting fluid again. That is bad. I dont mind changes to the Jade Sea. Jade is a resource which is available in big quantities. I would love to see that the resource has been used in 250 years... a City made of Jade. An Asian Jade Venice would be awesome. Jade canals.... Jade Walls... with A Jade Harbor and all that stuff. Whatever it is just dont reverse the effect of the Jade Wind and suddenly Jade Sea is turning back to water. If it "turns" back to water than because the Jade construction has reduced the resource and water has filled the empty spots.


Dont ruin what has been established. Use what has been presented in the past. Build on it. Advance it. In such a case I am all in and take me to Cantha.

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They should just put their time and effort into whatever is going to help the game overall from an enjoyment and business perspective. Sure I'd really another expansion too, but if it's just going to be a half baked one and other areas of the game would suffer because of the dev time, then I don't think it would really turn out all that well.

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I started playing around when Factions had come out and we had Nightfall not too far from release. I loved Factions then and I still do, but I don't know if I agree with this idea that the setting alone is what makes that part of the game for me and I believe that this applies for Guild Wars 2 as well.


Let's say they make an expansion set in Cantha. Great. Why is that great though? Think about what I just said.


An _expansion_ set in Cantha. Well why do we need an expansion? Perhaps players feel that while the Ice-Brood Saga is fun and interesting, it is not on the level of being an expansion. So what is it missing? Elite Specializations would be nice, but what else is are we missing? More armor sets? New collections? Weapons? Rewards in general? More compelling masteries? Perhaps a new mechanic to really sell the expansion as we had with gliding in HoT and mounts in PoF.


What else, _"set in Cantha"_ Well I have experienced this region of the game universe, but why do we care about going here in the first place now over 250 years later? The story and the conflict with the dragons is in Tyria.


So are we sick of cycling through dragons and slaying them one by one? Personally I would like a break from them but the development team has different plans it seems and the game has fighting dragons at the core of it. So we fight Jormag or the Deep-Sea dragon near Cantha, thus forcing the story in just such a setting. Are we in any better of a position than we were before? It's still dragons just in an East Asian setting. Is that what we want? Is that what would make the game more enjoyable?


I'm not convinced it would be better for the game simply because of the setting. So we need a story that is not so focused on dragons, but instead about fighting a xenophobic regime. Well why would the Pact and the free people of Tyria do that? Aren't we experiencing that right this second in the Ice-Brood Saga with Bangar?


So why do we need to go to Cantha? Simply because it's Chinajapankorea? No thanks.


I'd love to go back too one day, but I don't see any reason for us to do so. Not when we can accomplish the same thing using new settings and characters while getting the kind of content the game needs in other ways with different races that need more expanding.

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> As much as I’d like an expansion, I don’t think there is the player base to support it. The gam is 7 years old..


Making expansions regularly is how MMOs get players. New players _and_ returning players both.


Whether that ship has sailed already is up to some producer with access to the company's finances to calculate. Whether it would be the right direction for the game to go in (if it's still financially viable)—the answer is yes.


It's already a real shame that Anet didn't put a team on developing a new expansion right after the release of PoF, and it's going turn into a much larger shame if PoF turns out to be the last expansion.

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