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[Suggestion] Karka Egg Clutch as AFK joke item

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I'm not normally into joke items but I thought of this a couple of days ago when I was rezzing an AFK player and thought it would be amusing.


A Karka Egg Clutch that is dropped at places where people AFK a lot. If someone goes idle for more than a couple of minutes the eggs hatch and karka cling to the AFK player(s) covering them completely in karka hatchlings. Make it persistent like guild banners but block it's use in cities and lounges. On the non-joke side make it so that when players are covered in karka they can't be attacked and killed so others won't have to keep rezzing them. While it could be a consumable item it might be worth making it a gem store item and give it an hour cool down between uses to avoid spamming.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Would work even better if a group of people ran around with the head crab face mask


> I've been brushing and brushing but I still can't get the taste of karka proboscis out of my mouth.


Taste issues is the least of the concerns...

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I am powerfully against items in the world that can only be used to troll players. This, however, only punishes players who stand around doing nothing, and only stops them from being in combat, which they're theoretically avoiding anyway. It should be harmless, but reeks of "vigilante justice". Great caution must be taken.


I propose a small change: the player and their pets can neither deal nor receive damage, instead of simply becoming "invisible" to mobs. Otherwise, this will empower AFK farming, rather than discouraging it.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> I am powerfully against items in the world that can only be used to troll players. This, however, only punishes players who stand around doing nothing, and only stops them from being in combat, which they're theoretically avoiding anyway. It should be harmless, but reeks of "vigilante justice". Great caution must be taken.


> I propose a small change: the player and their pets can neither deal nor receive damage, instead of simply becoming "invisible" to mobs. Otherwise, this will empower AFK farming, rather than discouraging it.


That's the original intent. They can't get reward, farm, targeted or killed. They are just covered in karka hatchlings until they move and roll a couple of times to shake them off. While it's a joke; it also protects them from being killed, preventing the need for a rez or WP jump.

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As someone who cares for an older parent, I'd like to kindly remind folks that not everyone goes AFK to farm. I usually know in advance enough to get to safety in the vicinity of the content I intend to participate in (the roof of the asura lab near Teq, for example). I'd like nothing better than to sit and play, but real life comes first.


While not as entertaining as a karka egg clutch, Anet might consider simply adding an [AFK] tag to players who have been idle for a given amount of time...LOTRO had this, and it would also alert others that there's no need to rez that unfortunate soul with the completely broken armor.




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> @"Tanith.5264" said:

> As someone who cares for an older parent, I'd like to kindly remind folks that not everyone goes AFK to farm. I usually know in advance enough to get to safety in the vicinity of the content I intend to participate in (the roof of the asura lab near Teq, for example). I'd like nothing better than to sit and play, but real life comes first.


> While not as entertaining as a karka egg clutch, Anet might consider simply adding an [AFK] tag to players who have been idle for a given amount of time...LOTRO had this, and it would also alert others that there's no need to rez that unfortunate soul with the completely broken armor.


> :)



Then you have nothing to worry about.

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