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What would be Your Cost to Leave GW2

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My cost to leave Gw2 would be nothing at all. I've had my account 6 years, spent many hours but sadly its come to the stage whereby my desire to log in is getting less and less. I was always one of the most optimistic players and totally loved Gw2 when I started, but having watched very closely at all developments over 2018 & 2019 I'm very disappointed, as per many players, at the direction the game is going in.


I don't play MMO's for "the storyline" or "saga": That really doesn't interest me. I enjoy MMO's for Competitive and Collaborative gameplay with other players. If I was interested in storyline's I would just play off-line games. I fully understand all MMO's need a storyline, but from what I see Anet are prioritising that over anything else, and that I find very disappointing. The focus is clearly on Gem store additions, skins, skins and more skins, story-line additions, living world re-branded to "saga" and sadly very little else from what I have seen.


In my humble opinion, Anet's fundamental problem ( btw I've seen 100's of guild friends quit over the last 2 years because of this specific problem) = There is no focus from Anet on the more challenging and competitive areas of gameplay (WvW, PvP, Raids, High-tier fractals/CM's), which for many are "End-game" modes as are the only things left they have left appealing to do. For many, the mundanity of PvE in Open World (Events, Map completion, Metas, blah blah blah) has just lost any meaning or appeal for long-standing players that have "Been there done that" and "just totally bored to insanity to do even one more Casino, TD, AB Meta at the 0.00001% chance of dropping an infusion".


The sad thing is Gw2 has so much more potential to improve (after reading forum every day for like the last 2 years, the amount of excellent suggestions and ideas from players is inspiring: What is NOT inspiring is the fact this has largely fallen on deaf-ears and has not been listened to). I am 100% certain that 10,000's of players that have long quit for the reasons I have said would come flocking back if Anet invested time in (WvW, PvP, High-End Fractals, Raids, Re-working Dungeons with harder content /better rewards etc. in terms of i) game design & development , ii) implementation of new maps iii), new objectives or strategies, iv) literally anything from the staleness that these game modes have become.


I play MMO's for the Community & Competitive gameplay aspect and am a big fan of "team-play", but sadly at end-game it is clear that Anet are not prioritising the Challenging End-game modes. The latest addition: Icebrood Saga as much as yes I found it graphically very pleasant, with a few nice events like the Metal Concert, in a nutshell its just simply more "story-telling" and " a ton of achievement grind" map for those AP farmers that have nothing left to do other than farm achievement points. Strike Missions are disappointing. After I did map completion on 3 different characters, grinded out some AP, events, did strike missions a few times, did JP, like many players after just one week I was utterly bored of it, and have never returned once since patch, and just went back to usual WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals.


I'll start to play very more casually over the forthcoming months but will most likely quit on midnight 15th April 2020.


Why? One reason:


Cyberpunk 2077 : Initial release date: 16th April 2020.



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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> What I've already spent on the game? A lot. Divided by how many hours I've played? Cents on the dollar. Multiplied by the relationships I've made? Priceless. (Incidentally, those will follow me even after Guild Wars 2.)


> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > If we don't get an expansion or at least elite specs every 1 or 2 Living World Seasons, the game is going to get old.


> I never understood why people consider expansions different from Living World seasons. So far, the only thing expansions have added that Living World hasn't is elite specializations.


Universal game changing Masteries. A region of maps releasing at once. Collections that span all those maps. A full story arc that can be played in full at your own pace. Better production quality in general.


Its very significant and different than how a Living World season plays out. I enjoy LW very much. But that pace will wear people out.

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I don’t know tbh. GW2 was hyped so well, and the way they did a lot of things didn’t live up. I know a lot of that team are gone now, but it took a lot of years for the game to get to the point it’s at and there’s still a ton of improvements and additions needed. I’m not sure I can go along for the ride again. Might stick in GW2 until a legitimately awesome replacement comes along and is well established, which could be 10 years from now for all we know.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> I never understood why people consider expansions different from Living World seasons. So far, the only thing expansions have added that Living World hasn't is elite specializations.


This is why I quit the game. We were asking for expansions for 3 years because living story wasn't cutting it. Then we finally got our first expansion which turned out to be.. bundled living story with a price tag and some new features. Then somehow they managed to make it even worse with PoF.


In my head Living Story was (still is) casual open world filler content to bridge the gap between expansions. And expansions should've added a bunch of instanced repeatable content like dungeons, fractals, and raids while also expanding on the rest of the game (guild missions? hello?). Like in every single other MMO on the market.. but we got none of that.

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TE, I don't quite understand what you mean with "cost". Is it hesitation to leave behind what you gathered on your game account? As long as you enjoy playing, this is your precious wealth. But as soon as you don't enjoy the game any more, it becomes meaningless. I left the game more than a year ago after I realized I only logged in to do some meaningless repetitive daily tasks and reorder my inventory. I left behind quite a wealth with many top achievements, legendary weapons and a huge sum of gold. As long as I played, this was precious. But now it's meaningless. I left a pile of nothing.

There was no cost at all. I simply didn't login any more. Being alienated bye the course the game went (more shop, more grind, more unplayable content such as raids or cm) helped tremendously. Instead, I gained freedom to do something new.


The only thing that would have kept me playing was my long-time guild friends, but since we found other games to still play together (most notably D&D tabletop games), this also didn't made me stay.


It's interesting to see that my GW1 accounts still mean more to me than my GW2 account. The GW2 account is littered with stuff, meaningless in its vastness. The GW1 accounts have items that have a meaning and a use. Every single item. I even found me returning to GW1 occasionally and enjoy doing some random mission, dungeon or vanquish more than similar encounters in GW2.

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