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If PvP Was Team Deathmatch...

K THEN.5162

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They already have/had this with [Courtyard ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Courtyard "Courtyard ")and [Hall of the Mists.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_the_Mists "Hall of the Mists.")


Given how one-sided [Dragonball ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball "Dragonball ") can be with a defined set of skills...just imagine one-sided how it would be with Core/HoT/PoF specs.



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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> The team that spams their area of effect skills first, wins. That's how courtyard was, a boring spam fest. RIP Courtyard never to be seen again (hopefully)


If you have been bored then someone by the law of conservation of energy would have been having FUN!!! (500-0 slaughter without sneaky thieves stealing stupid points AHH the times...)

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I feel like Deathmatches would be very very fast in this game - too fast for a regular "last man standing" type scenario. People looking to do pvp dailies or level up would abuse it, the deathmatch mode would become constipated with people who don't care for strategy and just want to smash, and pvp overall would take a fall. Courtyard was a kittenshow in my opinion


Edit: Want to point out CY style deathmatch COULD work... but any mode without rezzes won't

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I also really really really enjoyed courtyard and was disappointed with the strange switch to "hold the ball" or whatever they did to it rather than focus on the core feedback they received over the years. I think the amount of line of sight available was great, and the ability to bottleneck, but a bit more openness spread throughout the map would've helped as well.


In general though I genuinely feel deathmatch has potential, it would just need the full proper support and different rules/mechanics than its original form.

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