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New to Necromancer (PvP)


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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> What would be the best build to start with in PvP (core/reaper/scourge)? And what is the most effective one at the moment, in your experience?


> How's reaper generally at the moment? I stumbled upon Hollt's video and he seems to be doing just fine with it.


Reaper is very solid atm, if you can dodge well and know how to time corrupts, CC, and damage combos it'd a good class to pick

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> all necro builds are bad except for 1 and that is being a boon corrupt bot for your team, no other build is allowed to be viable in Anets eyes, keep that in mind. so just make a boon corrupt bot while smiling and nodding, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!


Don't you get tired of saying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over? Do you have this statement ready to copy paste? Urgh.


> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> What would be the best build to start with in PvP (core/reaper/scourge)? And what is the most effective one at the moment, in your experience?

>How's reaper generally at the moment? I stumbled upon Hollt's video and he seems to be doing just fine with it.


Reaper can actually be a powerful spec in pvp if played properly. Yes you have boon corruption, but in pvp that is actually a VERY good thing: strip your enemies' boons and then go in while they're weakened. Reaper's Shroud is very damaging and one Soul Spiral can bring down an entire team. The biggest disadvantage, of course, is your lack of active defenses so you need to rely ever more on positioning. Also, as any necro, you are the first to be targeted at the start of the fight because people will know you have no life force and so your biggest offence and defense are not available to you.

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Good thing you like Deadeyes, because the reaper plays almost like one, try to stay hidden so they dont notice you and when the time comes burst them down. in all seriousness i dont know why anet think Reaper is a brawler, compare it to Holo, Weaver and Spellbreaker, those are brawlers, Reapers cant hold a candle to this guys.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > What would be the best build to start with in PvP (core/reaper/scourge)? And what is the most effective one at the moment, in your experience?

> >

> > How's reaper generally at the moment? I stumbled upon Hollt's video and he seems to be doing just fine with it.


> Reaper is very solid atm, if you can dodge well and know how to time corrupts, CC, and damage combos it'd a good class to pick


Good class to pick untill you reach plat and you are dead in every 1/2sec in battle cause people actually know how to play and are on meta builds.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Okay, I tried reaper out.


> My initial impressions were; this is like Holosmith, but a lot more high risk/reward.


I've always said reaper won't have a place in the game mode until Holo is brought down to a reasonable level. Holo is just so strong. Can do everything reaper can and more.


Core Condi Necro (see Gods Of PvP or metabattle) is pretty fun but at g3-plat range it's going to take a ton of practice and knowledge of kiting. Enemies will focus you and you will be helpless and of little use the to the team until you figure out how to kite

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"TheKid.2941" said:

> I've gone with greatsword for a long time and it's not that good. So I swap with staff and it's alot better than greatsword. You can survive more when you are backed away from the fight. Also, it's great with axe/focus. Plus reaper is a good elite spec for the necro


This is probably what I'll have to try, too.

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If you get focussed axe + staff is the worst you can pick. You are helpless at melee range when shroud is on cooldown and every decent player will use this to wreck you over and over again. Not to mention that your pressure on staff is a joke, which means a gs reaper will contribute a lot more.


Even heavy block reliant classes like guardian and revenant will easily outsustain your soul marks.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> If you get focussed axe + staff is the worst you can pick. You are helpless at melee range when shroud is on cooldown and every decent player will use this to wreck you over and over again. Not to mention that your pressure on staff is a joke, which means a gs reaper will contribute a lot more.


> Even heavy block reliant classes like guardian and revenant will easily outsustain your soul marks.



Look I get that staff has more safety in theory, but GS does a lot more damage plus in melee nothing in the necro's kit really beats Nightfall: blind + boon corruption.

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Looks like hotjoin to me.


I couldn't watch it for more than 5 minutes (too depressing - if the matchup became watchable afterwards: sorry my bad!). What I've seen there:

- At the beginning nobody was focussing you despite the fact you where in the middle of the action. Bad misplay of the opposing team. You are so squishy (easy to see later in the video) that you would have been a freekill.

- That deadeye was farming you. I would have farmed him.

- Low skill level example of the opposing team (one of many I've seen): you ran away after that dragonhunter used his F1 on you. He still did not pull you back to oneshot you.


Sorry but this is exactly what I have in mind when people tell me staff+axe is viable.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Looks like hotjoin to me.


> I couldn't watch it for more than 5 minutes (too depressing - if the matchup became watchable afterwards: sorry my bad!). What I've seen there:

> - At the beginning nobody was focussing you despite the fact you where in the middle of the action. Bad misplay of the opposing team. You are so squishy (easy to see later in the video) that you would have been a freekill.

> - That deadeye was farming you. I would have farmed him.

> - Low skill level example of the opposing team (one of many I've seen): you ran away after that dragonhunter used his F1 on you. He still did not pull you back to oneshot you.


> Sorry but this is exactly what I have in mind when people tell me staff+axe is viable.


My miss play means staff + axe is not viable ?

Yeah I make lots of mistakes and always will. Infact never seen anyone ply a perfect game. But one should never comment unless they watch full video as u never know one may of learnt from them mistakes :P


Ty for being the guy that points out the mistakes. I have more videos on a different thread please watch 5 mins of each and comment all the mistakes made as it’s really help because when rest of us watch the videos we are blind to the mistakes.

You sir are a hero the the pvp community. Oh wise one, god of pvp

Oh wait I forgot the pros montage not full videos ;)



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