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High latency recently

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last few days I have massive lag spikes appearing by random. Everything literally stops and then "catch up" as ping return to normal, making game unplayable. It starts mostly when more players are around, such as bounties in POF maps. These lags does not concerns only me, but other players complaining about them too. But spikes occurs sometimes even when im just roaming around or attacking a mob.

Nothing wrong on my side, so it is probably a tracing/packet loss problem.

I have never had any lags in GW2, latency was virtually nonexistent.

Other online games runs normally, so problem occurs only in GW.

I hope you will resolve this issue soon, I would like to play this gut game again :)


Best Regards


*ps: I also noticed that textures loads more slowly after login or teleport to another location on map. It lasts around 1-2 seconds until everything loads properly. Idk if these 2 problems has any coherence, but seems to me that both appeared at the same time. Something has certainly changed in game in the last +-3 days that started these lags.

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so, looks like this problem befalls only POF maps. In core tyria or HOT maps i had perfect latency without any spikes. Completed entire Dragon stand meta without a hitch (maybe just a coincidence, will test again tomorrow).

Then ported to Domain of Vabbi and lagged again. Moreover, there was not any players around so it just seems to be random.

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> @"slycere.1296" said:

> Bump. It's everywhere in the game. Ping swings wildly from an acceptable 150 to more than 1k. The game is unplayable for me at this rate.

This clownfiesta with the ping lasts for like nearly a month, unplayble and just given up, problems arrive on their serves judging by the trace, they tell me to run the game at windowed mode....lol

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i have that too since more than over 1week now (eu). its in all gamemodes but wvw and pve (im mostly at pof maps atm) are the worst. skill delay or not activating skills, animations from targets and positions are wrong/delayed and even freezes over more than1-3 secs with ping spikes over 2k. its unplayable and super unfun when you even die to npcs in wvw sometimes when lag hits you unlucky in a bad moment or when you try to do a legendary bounty and are dead after few seconds complete freeze out. never have a dc, but it is more or less permanetly laggy from little skill delays to several secs freeze every few secs :(

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Happening in Gendarran Fields also.... The HERO points don't activate, and quest characters do not do what they are supposed to do when you interact with them (sparring for example). I logged of in Gendarran Fields, and when I log back on it puts me in Lion's Arch. Tried it a few times, same thing, from GF to LA.

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I thought at first it was my video drivers due to a coincidental update. But it's not. GW2 is sending my CPU off scale. I am getting single digit FPS in Lion's Arch and much higher ping than usual. This started like two or three days ago. Nothing else is affected; it's something with GW2.

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After 2 weeks problem still persists. Today lagspikes even in LS4 maps, which was fine before.

Game is near unplayable on certain maps. On Vanilla maps, problem appears only in mass group events, such as Tequatl. These events was also lag-free in the past, its only issue was crappy FPS. Now it is crappy FPS + lagfiesta... great =)


PS: nothing is more fun than find oneself downed (or even dead) after 3 second lag-freeze

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The worst it's ever been for me, was standing on the seething pillar in draconis Mons looking at COM tag and Boss icon swirling around me on the map, while my toon is the only object on screen. All day skill lag, watching all the buttons flash like it's a 3 way in stonemist castle, while a single pocket raptor eats me at it's leisure.


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I've been having this issue for over a month as well, and I'm at the end of my wits. I don't know what's to blame and it's making me all the more frustrated. My internet seems to be fine outside of GW2 - I don't experience any problems with watching videos, downloading files, etc., but for quite some time now my ping has been spiking at complete random in to the thousands.


I've heard others experiencing the same, as has been confirmed here and when I made my own thread about the issue a while back, so I assume it's on GW2's end. But because I'm not 100% certain, I'm trying with every fiber of my being to contain my rage. I'm so far beyond the limit of my patience with this I nearly spin kicked my computer not 10 minutes ago.


I'll give some clarification as to what my issue is despite having already said so several thousand times in the past since this whole ordeal began:


* Doesn't matter where I am. PvE, PvP, WvW, home instance. It happens anywhere.

* Skill usage, movement, environment, etc. are not the cause, I'm certain of that.

* My CPU has enough space to be operating comfortably so it's not my computer reaching it's memory limit.

* I've cleared my cache, uninstalled and reinstalled, done data rebuilding, file renaming, every trick I can think of. Still having this problem.

* No problems with any other program outside of GW2. All websites, games, etc. work fine.

* I've been told it may be packet loss but I've no clue how to resolve that issue if that's the case.


If this is seriously on ANet's end and not mine, and I find out... I shit you not they will be getting the angry message of their life time. I've been putting up with this for way too long, asking various people and trying so many different things trying to figure this out with NO HELP from ANet.

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Currently--well according to 4-5 people who confirmed with me--there are seriously latency issues with OCE, namely on the TPG network. Last 3-4 hours it's just been unplayable. Fine for a bit, spike to 1.8k, hover @ 600ms etc. I was trying to do some HPs with people from OCE and they were all too saying how bad it was.


At one point I was lagging so bad I was still on a stiff mount while dismounted. It just froze the animation. I am not sure if it's on the ISP end or something else. Restarted my modem, did ping tests on multiple other games and it was fine so it's definitely something amiss between that OCE area and AANET atm.


Just tried to do pinata event then. It was so laggy I couldn't even tag it. 3k MS, pinata died on my screen about 40 seconds after it actually died on the server. So unplayable.

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